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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Some good, in-depth info about Raptor testing I don’t think has made the rounds here, yet: Longest test firing to date: 86 seconds.
  2. IIRC, SpaceX has really shied away from such things in the past, for exactly that reason. Speaks to the potential magnitude of the problem. Also: stuff’s on fire, yo. Er, the good kind.
  3. Some things are worth losing sleep over. ಠ_ಠ You can just sleep in class, or at work, wherever. Also, caffeine.
  4. In game, F1 takes a screenshot. You can also tweak settings to supersample them for better resolution. Imgur is a popular free image hosting site, just stay away from the comments.
  5. If they get it down that low, I'm launching my own Tesla to Mars. You know, like the vermin who keep getting into your personal stores and just generally making a mess that you can't ever seem to get rid of...
  6. See, now here's part of the problem. I never said "always." Just about everything you mentioned there didn't happen (or didn't happen yet) because its purpose was absorbed into other projects (No need for colored Dragons when you've got a Starship) or simply rendered unnecessary (composite BFR, crossfeed). This is what puts them ahead, in my book. They've gone from nothing to flight-ready prototypes in a fraction of the time it took SLS to go from existing hardware to test-ready prototype. If SLS suffers a major anomaly, it's dead (congress critters notwithstanding). SpaceX can accord to fail (best way to learn) and still forge ahead. I think we'll see a full flight-ready Starship/Superheavy stack on the pad before SLS, easily.
  7. It’s called being optimistic, yo. SpaceX has a history of actually delivering on what they promise, if not exactly when they promised. They still remain in the lead for actually launching people into space from this country again, and they’re way in the lead for the next superheavy launch vehicle, and yes, that includes SLS. And Starship rises above even that because if (and when) it works, it will be nothing short of paradigm-changing for the industry. They have the potential to leapfrog right past everyone else who are still struggling to even agree on a design for a lunar lander. Time after time, SpaceX has gone and done the very things that “they” said were impossible, and right now, today, they have flight hardware ready to test with more under construction. So, being optimistic until I see reason to be otherwise is a very rational decision for me.
  8. That’s a bit like taking a cruise ship to go stay in a yurt, tho, isn’t it? Better to just park the Starship there in orbit for a while. Actually, the entire case for the Gateway gets quivery as fresh jello as soon as Starship is operational. Why even bother when NASA could just contract to take astronauts and all their stuff directly to the surface? Extra surcharge to bring them back.
  9. Tonight's forecast: scattered tweetstorms, otherwise cloudy with a chance of Elon... Dangerously chuggy.
  10. Thats gonna be one bold livestream! I wonder if they’ll have scripted remarks specifically if things go all Kerbal. I certainly wasn’t expecting it to actually maneuver on a first real flight!
  11. I would be most interested to see anything replaced on a running rocket engine.
  12. Also, found this: https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-falcon-fairing-upgrade-foiled-by-ula/ Apparently SpaceX is possibly in the market for that larger fairing it’s always said is needed around here, but may have faced interference from ULA. I can’t help but see this backfiring for ULA, as SpaceX has already demonstrated they’re more than willing to say, “oh yeah?? Well we’ll make our own fairings, with blackjack and—“ Well, you get the idea.
  13. *squints* Man, that thing looks like a regular rat’s nest up top. Wonder how much is just test instrumentation?
  14. Secret return-to-sender launch after they came back like this...
  15. And following that... And ICON still hasn’t flown...
  16. Apparently ol’ Sparky in the trailer didn’t get the memo.
  17. Lesson learned by Boca team: don’t set crap on fire. UPDATE: not that bad, most was from that other fire... Guess we know why the original Coastal Steel went under...
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