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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Ok, this is weird... maybe related to @4x4cheesecake‘s post above... but I’m unable to post Kerbaloid’s post from this thread, which has a spoiler in it. Any time I try, once I hit “save” my post disappears and there’s a “this field is required” error down at the bottom. Also, can’t use smileys when I try, either. Just... nothing happens... on iOS safari if that helps.
  2. C’mon, give ‘em some credit. With the current state of things, it’s a wonder they could afford the model at all.
  3. A Treatise on Baboon Legality in the Former Ussari Union

    With the collapse of the Ussari Union, most existing restrictions regarding baboons were eventually lifted, thus, it is generally legal in the modern Ussari state to keep a baboon in one's trunk, provided said baboon is duly registered with the local Chief Law Enforcement Officer, and said keeper maintains a valid Baboon Owner's Identification Card. However, various localities may have tighter restrictions on high-powered assault baboons. It is also, technically, legal to carry a concealed baboon upon one's person, provided one also has upon one's person a valid Concealed Baboon Permit. However, to date no such permit has ever been issued, as the chief requirement is that one first demonstrate one is of sound mind and body,  and anyone seeking to carry a concealed baboon upon their person is quite obviously not the former, and would very shortly no longer be the latter, so merely applying for such a permit is ground for immediate denial. Unsurprisingly, this has not deterred certain unscrupulous individuals from attempting to unlawfully carry a concealed baboon upon their person.

    But such cases also tend to resolve themselves quickly, and... messily.

    1. JadeOfMaar


      owO Well then.......

  4. What's not correctly mounted? This is the BC vehicle...
  5. What even is this?

    1. qzgy


      A thing to post status updates.

      Or whatever you want really I guess.

    2. JadeOfMaar


      It's like the feature in other social platforms where you can announce how you're feeling or what you're doing [right now] but since a forum is not an instant messenger, everyone who's following you gets an alert to it. :)

    3. CatastrophicFailure


      Intresting... in that case...


  6. Right, but at that point they’ll have baffles, tank domes, various and sundry internal structure, and be at flight pressure.
  7. Heavy is relative. IIRC, Musk compared it to a balloon tank that doesn’t need to be pressurized to maintain integrity. They’ve got two teams competing to see “what works best,” and they’re both building vertically—that tells me that such may be in their construction plans. That steel looks thin enough that if they built horizontally, the structure might sag without a lot of internal bracing. Outfitting a crew cabin that’s going to be used vertically is probably also easier if it’s actually vertical. Not to mention the engine section, Boeing is building that vertically for SLS, too. Easier to work inside. I think what we might see, if not full StarShips, is sections built vertically like we’ve already seen and then mated horizontally, once they can support their own weight. Saves on floor space, too.
  8. They just use airbags. I mean, who wants to sit and nosh on an airbag while they’re waiting for the wrecker?
  9. Next chapter is plugging along slowly as ever, but on an unrelated note, I came across this while window shopping... Apparently, someone at Mercedes-Benz has also been reading along, and totally ripped off Dibella's kar. Cheap knock-off. It's ugly and I bet it doesn't even come with a standard Boot Baboon.™
  10. Well, retuning the second stage would be a very Elon way of sticking it to the Air Force after that nasty contract business... Vandenberg finally got to see the one-around, 1000-mile cross range flight the Space Shuttle never made.
  11. And in other celebrity news, apparently Mr. Steven has undergone some more, er, changes...
  12. [poop.png] But then there’s this: Anyone actually watching who could confirm?
  13. From this article: Also: And I could swear I read somewhere that it's specifically looking at actual scientists to do research, too. $50 mil a pop sure isn't chump change, but for a well-funded university, it's still an L of alot cheaper (and faster) than sending a guy through the whole NASA astronaut program.
  14. To give the whole thing some context, IIRC those early $20M-a-head tourists were restricted to the Russian side of the station, NASA was not happy to have them aboard but couldn’t really veto Russian tourists flying Russian hardware to the Russian part of the station. Now, as I also recall, the Russians are currently charging NASA $90M a head to fly astronauts to the station, which makes that $50M seem like a bargain, and is in line with the numbers I’ve heard thrown around for “official” Commercial Crew prices. So, you’ve got tourist-scientists flying to the station with NASA’s blessing, on NASA-approved ships, and will have full access to the NASA et al side. In that context, the numbers don’t seem out of line, especially this early in the whole thing.
  15. Well, you are basically talking a worn-in-the-tooth, questionably produced Lada vs a brand new Space Tesla...
  16. Nothing gets by these guys. Literally nothing. They don’t actually delete anything, offending posts are moved, not removed, and compiled in an archive under electronic lock and key. So, in effect the mods have their own Forbidden Library. This amuses me to no end. Whether it involves arcane chanting and rattling chains, they remain irkingly tight lipped.
  17. Quite right. @RCgothic, here's a good article. $35k (something something Pounds) is what NASA will be charging, but no word on launch costs yet. However, there is a tweet just above mentioning Bigelow has made deposits on up to 16 seats on Dragons, presumably for this very thing. IIRC they've also got deposits/interest on Starliner flights.
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