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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Today I released... ...wait for iiiiit... THE QUACKENS! (this was their first taste of "free ranging" while we set up a pen. Bad things happen when quackens go wandering about, after all... They remain unconvinced that pinecones are not food.
  2. Or Boeing astronauts, FWIW. This sucks. Maybe they got lucky and it's just a piece of ground support hardware, not the D2 itself.
  3. 1:22 Monday night/Tuesday morning. Tempting... nighttime RTLS would be pretty awesome, and that’s not too far past my bedtime, plus I’m off Wednesday now that I think of it. Hmmm... this could actually work...
  4. “Doctor, it hurts when I do this! *click*” ”Well then don’t do that. *clock*”
  5. Here’s... um... lots of clicking...
  6. What if it wasn’t a click, but a quack?
  7. You’ve not met our cats. They’re terrified of the guinea pigs and the bunny chases them all over the house.
  8. Giant stations with big lasers never come out well in the end. Just saying. someone always be blowing up giant stations with lasers, yo...
  9. You know, that guy... he makes electric razors or something...
  10. So you’re saying... this, we do not speak of? All things serve the Beam indeed.
  11. Like the other guys said. IIRC, this was mentioned way back in the early days of booster recovery, but since it hasn’t come up since then, and Falcon itself has become just a stop-gap to BFR, I’m guessing the idea was abandoned as too complicated and risky for the minor gains. After all, up until now recovery by barge had been working just fine (once they stuck the landings), and without OctaGrabber this was still an incomplete system.
  12. We got a new RoboVac cat terrorizer. The cats are not amused. The ducks are suspicious. The bunny is confused. The floor is clean. We have dubbed her, Rosie Catsbane! Oh, and the guinea pigs are convinced it's edible.
  13. So did the fact that he was basically on his deathbed and had a horrible respiratory infection.
  14. Nothing new that I’ve seen. Might not get confirmation til it shows up at port.
  15. and from low to high... I thought they welded straps over the legs? Maybe the sea and wind were just that high.
  16. Attachments for the boosters get in the way, I’d imagine. They could probably didn’t bother modding Octograbber until they actually landed a core.
  17. Next chapter continues to make slow but steady progress. At 6000 words and very much counting, it shall be an infodump of epic proportions! Almost like compressing an entire novel series into a single chapter... And possibly a discombobulated mess. In other news... the wife & I came across this... she couldn't figure out why I couldn't stop laughing... Apparently she's some sort of deity...
  18. Wait, so... you guys have your own Suicide Squad?? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Then who’s Deadpool?? wait, wrong franchise...
  19. So like... if the forum was a superhero movie, adsii1970 would be the minor villain that gets let out of supermax due to his unique skill set?
  20. Looks like they gave up on the whole net thing and just used that As Seen On TV sealant.
  21. Nope, not here. YouTube mobile app, set way down to 350p even. I, too, wondered about this. cuz it was one of few segments that didn’t bog down.
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