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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Nope, not here. YouTube mobile app, set way down to 350p even. I, too, wondered about this. cuz it was one of few segments that didn’t bog down.
  2. Hope you brought a flame-retardant dry suit. They used to show this view all the time, it’s a shame they don’t anymore.
  3. Well... I saw about half of it. Stupid buffering stream...
  4. Was it? I thought the other screen showed it much less, descending nearly vertically.
  5. Slightly relevant: the Beresheet lunar lander, launched on an F9 with PSN-6 a couple months ago, has failed. Looks like the main engine cut out around 10km. They managed to restart it, but too late, hit the ground at 134m/s. The whole thing was very Kerbal to watch, I think we’ve all been in that position, obviously with much less on the line. Let’s hope that was a sink for any bad space karma floating around, with Falcon Heavy just a couple hours away. @Just Jim about that poop icon...
  6. Sure, that’s how it starts... and then before you know it we’ve got Kerbals streaking.
  7. Actually, I think that's the payload adapter... complete with a robot arm to actually deploy the payload...
  8. How so? If a train leaves orlando travelling If a rocket launches from Canaveral heading due east, won't it always end up with a descending node over central Africa-ish at about 23 degrees inclination?
  9. Hey SQUADdie! We need a proper poop emoji. Tho, with GTO launches isn’t it entirely regulatory? They could theoretically launch any time since the sat ends up in the same initial orbit relative to earth...
  10. This one is gonna be going incredibly fast when it comes down. Almost 1000km downrange, I’m guessing it’ll be one of the fastest entries ever. Anyone know off hand if they’ve recovered a booster even further than that?
  11. Hear, hear. I’ll refrain from the planned musical number, this one’s hitting a bit close to the guts. Kinda like this scene:
  12. ...and apparently the Starhopper has been declawed...
  13. That teeny, tiny little Curie engine tho... I wonder if that would even be enough for RCS on the other guys’ rocket...
  14. confirmed, launch slipped to Wednesday: Ninja’d 3:36PDT/6:36EDT:TooMuchMath:36UTC
  15. As long as we’re getting tautological, let’s not forget there’s a diminishing-return effect of air drag right when you’re getting most of your gravity drag, too.
  16. Because someone other than a paid factory mook might be able to fix them...
  17. Upside is, the Falcon Heavy could launch a heavier block of solid lead than any one else in the business.
  18. Thanks, @LordFerret Now it’s stuck in y’all’s heads too!
  19. Current launch day is still Tuesday, likely slip to Wednesday for weather. And apparently no fire-breathing ginormous raptor today.
  20. Texas now officially has a ginormous fire-breathing raptor chained up outside. Yeehaw.
  21. Two static fires in one day. That’s sure gotta be some kind of record for SpaceX.
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