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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Starlink. I’m betting one of the first “official” uses will be more reliable drone ship footage.
  2. The inflatable heat shield, tho? That must have taken for-ev-er.
  3. Irony of the paid employee worried about running afoul of the rules enforced by volunteers.
  4. Yo... you still out there? Still above water? Got a bunch of folks ready to turn blue here...
  5. This was last night, before the last guy leaving OCISLY tripped over the extension cord... Given the length of Electron’s window, there’s a nonzero chance they could both launch at exactly the same time.
  6. I'm sure that's discussed at length and sealed in the contract, one way or the other. In this particular case, it wasn't just the drone ship tho...
  7. Dang it... I was all excited for a moment there thinking these guys and SpaceX were launching almost within an hour of each other... Then I remembered the time zone trickery. FYI, Electron window is 0600-1000 GMT 2:00-6:00 a.m. EDT 11:00pm-3:00am PDT.
  8. NASA, for one. They’ve been mentioned as having their own research payloads aboard several flights. There are other payers, too, just as there’s a small but existing commercial sounding rocket market. It’s often enough to test a thing for just a few minutes of microgravity to verify what needs verifying, and of course a whole flarp of a lot less expensive than shooting it all the way to orbit.
  9. I pay like $100/mo for half that, less, in tested throughput. There's like 90,000 people on my entire island, and the vast majority of them are in the actual city on the northend. The only choices here are the hated Comcast or the local phone company, which is even worse despite putting on a good show. I can't even get usable cell service without an internet-based signal booster. Meanwhile, there's some 4 million-plus pockets for the telcoms to drain on the other side of the Sound, so we just get ignored. If StarLink (or One Web, or whoever comes first) is even remotely competitive to that, I'll be an early adopter.
  10. Oh, for the day I can finally tell Comcast exactly where to shove it.
  11. Be careful with these guys, some things cannot be unseen. Also, best if you don’t go quoting lyrics to anyone unless you know exactly what they mean.
  12. Do any of the moderators pets ever use the forum?
  13. Looks much less wrinkly. They must have used younger steel.
  14. Finally, some good news! Also, CRS-17 delayed til May 1.
  15. This: because... reasons... Followed promptly by this: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ka9Glv8EU02NIN4bQbAP9Z8_iox_EC4e4 Which doesn’t seem to work here.
  16. Last night (this morning?) I dreamt I got to fly on a Dragon2. The details are a little, well, sketchy, and this is either interesting or terrifying based on certain recent events... But anyways, my flight got cancelled or something so I had to take the Dragon. Which was the size of a large room with big windows and all sci-fi-ey. I remember strapping into a seat but as these things always do, the dream went off on some weird tangent before I actually got to launch. And now I’m late for wherever it was I was going in the first place.
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