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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. SFN saying ArabSat 6 (next Falcon Heavy launch) now delayed until April. Currently the next scheduled SpaceX launch, so that means nothing else in March at all.
  2. This thread is not dead. Just when I thought the next chapter and February were both kicking my S here comes March all, “‘ello, guv’na!” and kicks me right square inna fork. Got some bad news this weekend, the kind that necessitates sudden cross-country travel and no expense spared. Wrestling your own Krakens is easy, having to watch a loved one wrestle theirs and they can’t tag you in, that’s hard. So, no February update, obviously, and March is looking mighty shaky too. But I’ll keep plugging away where I can.
  3. You should know better than to get your power converters from Toshi station, nothing but a bunch of young hicks wasting time with their friends out there.
  4. I wasn’t even anywhere near it, I swear, I just got up for Krakenk’s sake!
  5. That’s their super high tech weightlessness detector.
  6. Not quite, they need to test the abort specifically at Max Q, as that’s the most difficult time to have an abort. If it “just happens” at another point in the flight, they don’t get that data.
  7. There’s the Dracos (tiny maneuvering RCS/maneuvering thrusters) and there’s also the SuperDraco abort engines.
  8. What the flarp, NASA/SpaceX? What’s with the horrible resolution, I went to the trouble of putting this on the big screen!
  9. Well, if they opened both hatches, you wouldn’t be able to hear anything over the sudden rushing of air as the station rapidly decompresses...
  10. It was mentioned in the conference the other day that they will bring some stuff, probably non-critical things, but no sense wasting up-mass and better stuff than ballast. Hopefully something nice and silly, too, like the original Dragon. Better still if they don't tell the ISS crew about it. Given the mannequin, I'm betting a spring-loaded facehugger in the SNACKS bin. since no one could hear them anyway...
  11. The one he obviously can’t tell you about. That’s why it’s called The Incident.
  12. It was conceived of specifically to save crews in exactly those circumstances... A self-contained capsule with its own abort system, heat shield, etc... More or less that, but in the cargo bay.
  13. Trouble there is, the shuttle cabin actually had three decks. There was an additional equipment deck I think a couple of meters deep below the mid-deck. It’s getting those middeck crew out that’s the real rub. Cleanly and properly separating the crew cabin, with its myriad of signal cables, power cables, hydraulic lines, etc, was deemed to be so difficult it simply wasn’t worth perusing. There actually was some consideration given to putting a huge Apollo-style capsule in the cargo bay, with its own escape system to blast it right through the CBDs, and here is where the crew would huddle for launch and landing. But, y’know, mass penalties and all...
  14. Ah, I see that other thread has reached maturity and once again undergone threadular mitosis.
  15. If it's any consolation, I won't even be home yet... and I'm in the same time zone. Mobile devices FTW.
  16. @tater summed it up better, but I would be very interested in seeing an Atlas strapped to a Dreamliner.
  17. Well, not today, but quite recently, we discovered that our beehive didn’t survive. Everything had been looking great until we got this extended February cold snap. There’s still snow on the ground in places, that just doesn’t happen here. When we opened the hive the other day to check it, we found a pitiful cluster of not-entirely-dead-yet cold-stupored bees on an empty frame, many of them still up to their little bee-butts in cells trying to lick the last dregs of honey from the bottom. Frustrating thing is, there was plenty of honey (and a mostly full feeder) in frames on either side, but when the cluster gets small enough and the weather cold enough, they just can’t cross between the frames.
  18. Still not survivable. The shuttle, especially in the early days, had huge “black zones,” where any kind of failure requiring an abort would be LOCV, either due to reentry stress on the orbiter or lack of thrust/control. Remember, at launch the boosters gave 90% of the stack’s thrust, until the orbiter/ET combo could accelerate itself, even “shutting off” the boosters would be LOCV. The pilot/commander on those first few flights of Columbia pretty much knew if anything went wrong while the boosters were burning they were boned. Oddly enough, that part never changed with “operational” flights.
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