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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Won’t be seeing any expendable Superheavies... just sayin... Last I heard F9x is down to $50M, Heavy around $150M, but no idea if that’s expendable... or how much it actually costs SpaceX to send up. But, I suppose on the other hand, they are a bit short on the all-important FH cores right now...
  2. Awwwwwwww, man. I thought for sure Heavy would put an end to that.
  3. Dedicated to @tater‘s daughter’s math teacher’s competitors. ...and you should hear about my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate...
  4. If you watch the vids closely, you can see burning stuff flying around. There’s even something that looks like a sheet of cardboard visible on the engine cam (probably not actual cardboard). With this being the first flight, and so close to the ground for so long, it likely shook loose all sorts of stuff. But like @StrandedonEarth said, prolly nothing left now. Y’know, like that first time you fire up the mower in spring and all the critters go scattering...
  5. Having a spaceport right there, even a busy one, will probably be a boon to the local environment. Just look at the thriving, developer-free wetlands around KSC. Plus, it’s a good way to get turtle youngsters interested in spaceflight from an early age.
  6. Well, Y’know, they say the same thing about bumblebees, bumblebees should not be capable of flight. Bumblebees continue to simply ignore this.
  7. Oooooooooooh... aaahhhhhhhhhh..... Ahah, now it’s obvious why they translated... if they’d gone just straight up and down, they would hit the umbilical stack.
  8. Starhopper: “peek-a-boo” By the looks of things they might wanna check for any loose balrogs, too.
  9. There was a drone up... I wonder when we’ll get official footage?
  10. Oh dang! SOMEthing just happened... happened to pull up an amateur livestream just as... well it might have...
  11. That’s actually where it’s aimed, sort of. Boostack alone would send it into the ocean, it doesn’t maneuver on-target until the landing burn actually starts, in case of an OOPS like the stuck grid fins a while back.
  12. Wow, you could really see how much the booster “glides” on its return in some of those shots.
  13. Then maybe they’ll have two rockets in the air at once!
  14. Yup, coming up in a couple hours after this, I wanna say like 5pm central? Just listen for the tweet storm.
  15. ‘Tis a silly place. Thread visited by the Lock Less Monster. ...gonna need about tree fiddy clicks...
  16. Well... that’s one way to get SLS off the pad by 2020.
  17. A bit too gradatim in the ol’ ferociter, eh?
  18. “A few?” I thought it was “any day now.” Or always the “next” one. What more could they possibly have to test at this point? If it’s “a few,” no way they fly people this year, unless they really step it up like @tater says.
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