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Posts posted by Jas0n

  1. 11 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    HI this was a known issue for all large vessels particularly ships in 1.12.and even worse in 1.13 There was no fix, aside from smaller lighter vessels. and using KJR, even then most large LBP hulls would explode or fly into orbit when approached by other vessels . The only true fix is to upgrade to beyond KSP1.13 or stop using ships sadly

    I should add that no such problems exist in 1.22 and multiple active sea going vessels can be in scene without issue.

    Ah I didn't that was an issue with large ships in general, I thought it was caused by the clipping.

  2. 50 minutes ago, James M said:

    Hello, I play on console and I am currently also having this issue. We play on 1.1 stock version. My instance has happened multiple times on the same game file (Luckily all have been just probes).

    This thread was started in 2013 for a modded PC game, whatever problems you're having on console would not have the same cause. You should start a new thread in the console support section.

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