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Everything posted by TheGroovyMule

  1. Quick question, is there somewhere I could download the last good version for 1.1.3? I think it was 5.4.0, but when I try to download that release via GitHub, I seem to be missing the plugin file.
  2. I'm not sure if this is related to the staging issues, but it looks like it EPL currently breaks launch clamps in 1.1.3. I'm also unable to stage them This is currently with 1.1.3 with Toolbar, EPL, and ModuleManager installed.
  3. Sorry to sound like a broken record but I'm still getting an issue with getting life support parts from the Kolonization pack to change the consumption rate, as per issue #76 on the Github page. I saw a solution was proposed but I wasn't sure if it was merged at all.
  4. Oh I know, I posted an identical post over in the OPM thread . I'm just doubling my chances that anyone might know what that NFE is. For now I'm good as I started a new save and am slowly, and very carefully copying my info over. I wasn't too keen on losing the save.
  5. That's basically what I'd done at this point, it showed up with only OPM, Kopernicus and CRP installed. Upon further testing I'm thinking my save is also buggered, but seems to still be linked to those mods as it only gets the NFE en masse when they're installed.
  6. First off, thanks for all the work you do on these mods, been using OKS/MKS for ages, makes the life support game much more interesting Reason I'm posting though is I seem to be getting a conflict between OPM and the Community Resource Pack. Basically sometimes when I switch scenes, most often via Quick Loading or swapping between ships, I end up with a screen like this: And several scenes seem to have UI issues, such as the entire KSC being visible tilted on it's side outside the Space Plane Hanger. This persists across all reloads or different save games, and only a full restart will fix it. I'll post my logs at the end of this post, but the primarly NullReferenceException that pops up is And that simply repeats over and over. I've tested it pretty extensively and I can only get this error to pop up when I'm running Community Resource Pack, Kopernicus and OPM. I've confirmed it's not Kopernicus as I've tested it alone with CRP. With just those three in the GameData folder I can get it to pop up. The NFE doesn't mean much to me, hopefully it does to you, thanks! KSP Log Output Log
  7. First off thanks for this great mod! I'm particularly in love with Tekto with the cloud mod . Reason I'm posting though is I seem to be getting a conflict between OPM and the Community Resource Pack. Basically sometimes when I switch scenes, most often via Quick Loading or swapping between ships, I end up with a screen like this: And several scenes seem to have UI issues, such as the entire KSC being visible tilted on it's side outside the Space Plane Hanger. This persists across all reloads or different save games, and only a full restart will fix it. I'll post my logs at the end of this post, but the primarly NullReferenceException that pops up is And that simply repeats over and over. I've tested it pretty extensively and I can only get this error to pop up when I'm running Community Resource Pack, Kopernicus and OPM. I've confirmed it's not Kopernicus as I've tested it alone with CRP. With just those three in the GameData folder I can get it to pop up. The NFE doesn't mean much to me, hopefully it does to you, thanks! KSP Log Output Log
  8. Alright, log file is uploaded here. And my mod list is posted below Active Texture Management CollisionFX Community Tech Tree Crowd-Sourced Science Docking Port Alignment Indicator Editor Extensions Extraplanetary Launchpads Ferram Aerospace Research Final Frontier Infernal Robotics Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Attachment System Kerbal Construction Time Kerbal Engineer Redux Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KSP Interstellar Extended Outer Planets Mod Precise Node Proot’s Renaissance Pack QuickMods (Scroll, Search) RemoteTech ScanSat Ship Manifest Stock Bug Fixes Transfer Window Planner TweakScale USI Kolonization USI Life Support Vanguard Technologies WindowShine Chatterer I can't seem to avoid the error when it pops up. It mostly then shows up as UI errors when I go into another scene. Interestingly enough it seems to persist even if I try to reload the save, only restarting the game clears the issue. The one thing I did notice in my debug log is I'm getting 'KerbalAlarmClock, Active Vessel unreadable - resetting inqueue flag' followed by a NullReferenceException and just repeated over and over again.
  9. Loving the mod so far! I'm using it to do a doomsday scenario so it adds to the pressure I am running into the 'Error Loading KCT Data' issue on my end though, which from what I gathered from the thread might be caused by ScanSat? I'm not entirely certain. It seems to happen most frequently when swapping from one ship to another, though scene transitions seem to be able to do it as well. I can post up my mod list as well if that would help. I have an output log for one of the crashes, but it's a 20mb text file so I'm not sure of the best way to post it.
  10. @taniwha A quick question for you! I'm pretty new to the mod but I was wanting to modify it so I can fly and "store" parts in space for building as opposed to using generic rocket parts. I figured the best way to do this was to modify the recycle bin to recycle 1:1 for rocket parts as opposed to metal. I've been poking around in the .cfg files and I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. What would I need to modify to get this effect? Thanks!
  11. Try using the latest Dev version, seems to be fixing the issue for most.
  12. Just a random kudo's for creating this mod! This mod has become one of my must haves. The first time I used it was planning an probe's trajectory into the Jool system. This mod not only allowed me to plot that encounter while still several hundred days out, it let me plan for a gravity assist off of Laythe into Jool orbit. Suffice to say, my inner nerd was squealing with delight What I like most about the mod is it's simply a tool. It doesn't plan my nodes, it doesn't execute my burns, it just gives me the tools to plan out my trips myself. I can still screw up if I don't use it correctly, and send Jeb flying off into deep space. It doesn't correct me or try to change my plans. It's just a fantastic enhancement of a tool already in game. So, thanks again for making it, it's a great tool, hopefully will one day be stock in the game, but till then I'll be keeping it in my KSP folder.
  13. This is exactly what I've been looking for! But I'm having an issue with it. Namely that when I try to start the game with the d3d9.dll in my install folder I get a black screen, though the game is running as I hear music. Everything went in the same folder as ksp.exe, as per the instructions as well as I've turned off anti-aliasing in game. I've turned off Antistropic Filtering in my Nvidia control panel so I think it should be taking. Other than that I'm not sure what could be causing the issue, I've included a screen shot of my settings here if anyone see's anything off about them. I've also tried running in both windowed and full screen mode, any help would be appreciated!
  14. 45 years ago a very special broadcast was sent to Earth from 185 kilometres above the Moon, in which Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders took turns reading from the book of Genisis. Apollo 8 remains for me one of the most memorable of the Apollo missions, not only for the amazing feats of science and engineering, but for the way it was shared across the globe. For the occasion I put together a small Kerbal flick to commemorate the occasion:
  15. Just wondering why the statistic of 'Dry Weight' was taken off of the fuel tanks. I realize we can calculate it ourselves by now that we see the separate liquid fuel and oxidizer weight but it was rather handy to have that when calculating out the delta-v of a craft.
  16. You know you've got a procrastination problem when you start shooting a machinima in .18, and finish in .22 This is actually my first time shooting a machinima in KSP, so any thoughts or advise would be greatly appreciated. Of course I had to use a few mods to get the job done, namely... Kerbcam- An amazing camera on rails mod that makes space travel look more exciting, now with 20% more flybys! HyperEdit- Cause having to launch a new rocket for every take tends to drive up production costs I'm hoping to start work on a new production and have it done by the time the game is finished
  17. All in favour of the motion, say Ah... Seriously though, that picture made my night....
  18. I was curious if there was a way, either via a mod or tweaking settings that one could hide the markers indicating crafts, planets, and either one's trajectory while in map mode. I ask I want to take some nice long shots of planets, but it looks a bit unsightly with the trajectory indicators, and symbols for planets and ships in the shot.
  19. I'm starting development of an engine pack for KSP based off real world examples, but this my first foray in to the realm of creating mods (For anything!) As of such I had a specific engine related question. I know the Kerbol System is scaled down in size, while using high density to have the analogue planets have similar gravities to their real life counterparts. So do the counterpart engines have any sort of scaling down in terms of their numbers? So, taking this page here, and the numbers it gives, which ones can we actually use as direct translations? It seems as though the ISP rating are roughly similar to Kerbals equivalents, such as the Falcon 9 (From SpaceX) get's a rating of 310 in a vacuum, very similar to the Rockomax Mainsail's rating of 330. The part I have difficulty with is the overall engine power each engine is capable of putting out. I'm guessing in terms of the above page, the column I'm looking for is the Vacuum thrust. Though it seems KSP does not measure their thrust in Newtons (720,000n max engine power, would likely turn your Kerbalnauts into a fine green paste). So back to my main question, how do I take a thrust rating in Newtons, and translate that into a Max Engine output for my engine? (Or am I looking at the wrong number and barking up the wrong tree entirely?)
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