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Everything posted by redmario14

  1. Are you going to make an IVA? Somehow I think one that matched the windows and such would look amazing!
  2. Looks awesome, but I'm gonna wait until it gets proper models. Great work!
  3. You added it to the tech tree? Great! Now I'm definitely going to download your mod.
  4. You sir, are a genius. I've been looking for something like this for a long time. Thank you.
  5. Wasn't there a sort of animation for getting surface samples where the Kerbals would take a pick and strike the earth? Wish that were included in the update too.
  6. Mun is really fun, although if you go out of control and lose your solar panels, then the walk back to base is long and boring.
  7. This is amazing! Do you think you could put it in the tech tree?
  8. This looks amazing. I would totally download this. Good work so far
  9. Those new models are awesome! Whoever made them is awesome too.
  10. Really want to download this, but the spaceport appears to be down right now.
  11. When you are building something in the VAB or Space Plane Hangar, you can see outside into the space center, but when you actually walk or drive up to it, you can't go inside because the doors are closed. It would be a neat little touch to be able to go inside with your kerbals and vehicles, maybe even land a space plane on the runway and park it back in the hangar, where it could be automatically recovered instead of having to do it manually? Just an idea though....
  12. When I search for "KSP" in my web browser, using google, the second result that comes up is the Kentucky State Police. What comes up in your search engine, or is it the same for everyone?
  13. I'm pretty sure the SAS only helps to keep your craft stable and such, while the ASAS also utilizes any fins, rcs or gimbaling engines onboard to keep the craft steady. It only uses rcs if you have that turned on though.
  14. My favorite update was .20, because of the new command pods and probe cores, until then I couldn't make an unmanned rocket that didn't look ridiculous but with the new normal and large size probe bodies I can finally do that. I'm also looking forward to .21, because the astronaut complex looks cool.
  15. I can't wait for the secret feature that wasn't mentioned because it's the best thing ever and it will make your head explode! :|
  16. I think you could make multiple types of hangers with different sizes to suit differently sized bases and vehicles. That way no one would complain about it being too big or too small, they could just pick the one that suits their needs.
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