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Everything posted by Yargnit

  1. So with the latest version, clouds are no longer visible when flying over the terrain to me, and only appear when I get up high enough for the terrain to switch over to the terrain textures instead of the actual ground render. This is with the real-scale mod.
  2. What did you set the DR multiplier at? I set it at the recommended 12 for a 'gameplay' experience and it's not too bad from LKO at all
  3. That looks similar to what I was telling you I saw at on Laythe when I exited map mode, & why I decided to only show it from map view. Not exactly sure what happened to cause it though.
  4. I believe they were arranged more for the challenge than to be super-realistic. The comet is practically neutron star dense, even by KSP density standards, and Thud is was too large/dense to be a normal moon of Sentar, they'd function much more like Pluto/Charon with a barycenter well in-between them and likely farther out than Sentar's innermost moon. The only thing really missing is a completely retrograde planet, but even without that, Thud and Ablate will provide huge challenges with stock parts to land on and return safely from.
  5. Checking out a few of the new Planets from "Planet Factory" Copying over what I said on the reddit thread: The entire mission was 100% stock parts (used Engineer in VAB only for building), no quick-loads were made either. So much fun!
  6. Look closer at that last picture Nathan posted. Already done.
  7. As the person who reads the applications, I assure you they are looked at. We've just finished bringing in several new streamers who started last weekend & today even. It just takes time to get new streamers ready to go, and I don't want to rush too many out too quickly. I hope you guys are enjoying the new streamers btw, they are a lot of fun.
  8. Depending on how much you'd need to adjust your orbit to re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere you can actually get out and use your Kerbal's jetpack to push your pod's orbit lower. Your jetpack refuels when you re-enter the pod, so it's really just a matter of patience if you're a long ways out. & Welcome btw
  9. I plan on working on a hardcore tech tree to be designed to accompany adding biomes to the rest of the planets/moons. The idea being you'll actually have to explore the majority of the biomes on each planet to accumulate enough science to progress. It would also have data transmission severely nerfed or completely eliminated to force all missions to be return missions. But this will be a bit in the future still.
  10. A couple clarifications on the online part. When you first make a new save with the mod installed it interfaces with the server to pull the list of currently available trees. Once you select a tree, it downloads a tree.cfg (text file, readable in any text editor), or if you select stock it creates a blank notree.cfg file, in the save directory. From that point on, it functions offline unless you start a new save, at which point the process repeats. If you don't have an internet connection when making a new save, it will just have the stock tree option, but once you've selected a custom tree it's saved locally and doesn't require an internet connection. You could actually install a tree without an internet connection if you had a tree.cfg file by simply placing it in the save file while the mod is installed, and when the editor becomes available people will be able to distribute trees to each other via this method, but for now it just connects to the server. As to the question of the number of trees visible, at the time treeloader was first posted, mine was the only tree ready, but once other tree makers inform R4m0n that their tree is ready, it just has to be flagged to appear on the treeloader list, otherwise it just appears in the editor version. So as other modders complete their trees, they will populate the list further.
  11. Mod parts are tied to a node by it's node ID name. which is different than the displayed name. You can, as i have, change the displayed name of the nodes while leaving the ID name the same. This will allow any mods that hooked to a stock tree node to continue to hook to a node in a new tree. Every stock node ID continues to show up in my tree. Therefore all mod parts should slot them self into the tree. Worst case would be if I moved a node from one section of the tree to another to re-purpose it (I started the tree before R4m0n added the ability to create nodes) then the mod may not appear in the tree where it ideally should. I don't believe there are any nodes that are majorly off, but a couple might seem a little out of place. Over the weekend i can go back and more the node ID's around to make sure that if mod parts were being added to a certain point in the stock tree, they'd appear in the closest alternative in my tree, but even now it shouldn't be that bad. As far as the question above on costs, my tree is more expensive than the stock tree to unlock. The stock tree varied between a low of 8,100 Science, and a high of 16,800 Science to unlock during previews, before settling on roughly 10,750 point in it's live form. My tree is currently at 17,450 Science to unlock, so just slightly higher than the highest tested form. (All of this doesn't count the experimental end nodes not used but left in for mods) The main difference is you can't unlock the entire end of my tree with just a single mission to the Jool system easily, like you can with the stock tree later on. Mine is designed to actually need to plan multiple trips to the outer or inner planets to finish off the tree. But it's not so hard as to be un-fun either. For instance I made sure docking was available early enough that you can use it to land on and return from other planets by the time you've moved on past Mun/Minmus, unlike stock that puts it higher up. dlrk, I've chatter with R4m0n about if he knows whats causing it, and he's looking into it. I'd suggest trying a fresh install until then.
  12. I can't speak for other trees, but my tree has all the same nodes named as the original tree. You may see some parts appear out of place due to nodes shifting around, but they should all be present if set to appear on a stock node.
  13. The tree is just selected once when you first start a career. Switching trees around can cause some weird things with differing prerequisites and such. This version was made to keep it simple for people to avoid these glitches. If you really wanted to swap trees you can make a new save with the tree you want, and then drag that tree from that save folder into the one you want to play it on. R4m0n wanted to get something public for launch, and the full editor still is a bit temperamental for people who don't know how to use it. But it'll come Edit: or he'll beat me to it
  14. I think it would show Simplicity, but not 100% certain. Khaos, mod parts should go into it fine if they were made to fit into the stock tree, but some of their positions may be odd.
  15. I just feel like it's not 'Kerbal' if you don't start your 1st mission with Jeb in the cockpit. I did move the 1st probe core up fairly early in the tree however for those who want it. You can get the 1st probe core for 35 total science, just be careful with powering it that soon.
  16. Got a chance to take a look at this today, the potential is amazing, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this! That said, couple glitches I've found. Trying to shape what are essentially shuttle bays, the center of the welded part seems to get placed WAY to one end of where the entire part is (Like the length of the part again away at least). Also, when using angle snap, especially with editor extensions allowing the higher angle snaps, the parts were't correctly snapping to the edges of the new welded part. Hit me up Ubio if you want, I'm sure i can try to break the hell out of it with all sorts of crazy things.
  17. They will all show up here: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/pastBroadcasts
  18. Ah. Taking off from the surface of Eve you'll want a craft that has at least 9k d/v (from a 6km+ tall mountain) to 12k d/v (from sea level). Also you'll want a TWR of roughly 3.0 on Kerbin because of Eve's heavier gravity. A decent test I've heard on the past is to test if your rocker can SSTO on Kerbin (that is if you can carry all your emptied stages to orbit after draining them) then you've got a decent shot at at least a mountain top orbit from Eve. With Eve though it's hard to say for sure w/o seeing a good picture of the craft (design/staging/ d/v readouts etc) because it's so finicky.
  19. I'd never experimented to see if .cfg's have to be called 'part' or is something like 'part2' would work for them. If they don't have to be called 'part' then that would be easier. The mainsail is programmed with the old pre .20 part structure, not the newer one, otherwise he could just place the part.cfg in a new folder. But the old structure doesn't like to model files in different folder, where the new one does. And it would be more work for him to change the mainsail to the new structure than just to copy the entire folder seeing as how he doesn't know how already IMO. There are indeed a few ways you can go about it, the one I suggested just seemed like it had the least possibility to mess up?
  20. All You'll need to to do is duplicate the part folder (for the mainsail it's liquidEngine1-2) in the gamedata > squad > parts > engine folder. from there make sure you rename the name = to something different. then edit your values down below as needed. Change whatever descriptions you'd like and you're good to go. The easiest way to do it would be to make a folder called something like 'custom_mainsail' inside the engines folder copy the contents of the liquidEngine1-2 folder into it.
  21. Nothing has been mentioned either way regarding saves, but for those of you who remember .21 and breaking saves they announced fairly early that it would (and then ended up being able to write a converter anyways). So I would take no statement as a likely good sign in that case.
  22. Depending on what method you use to reach Eve, from Kerbin Orbit you can get there for anything from less than 1500 d/v, to around 3k or so (+ whatever you need to circularize your orbit, which can be a ton, or just a couple hundred depending on Aerobraking). This site is awesome for calculating that stuff if you want to have the math done for you: http://ksp.olex.biz/
  23. You also have to remember that some updates will contain lots of stuff that makes for screenshot'y goodness, and others will have a lot of programming back end stuff. Adding planets, or re-texturing them, or making re-entry effects makes lots of pretty pictures. Coding an R&D system, not so much. You've got the UI to interact with it of course, but other than that you're looking at back-end type support systems that don't really screenshot. But just because a new feature doesn't come with a lot of flashing lights & stuff, doesn't mean doesn't have just as much going on with it.
  24. Laythe because of the Oceans an Oxygen atmosphere. I'd love to see a more planets with Oxygen atmospheres and water, but with vastly different terrain features for exploring. Being able to take a plane and fly around to check stuff out is awesome. Also traveling Kerbin > Laythe or Laythe > Kerbin is made significantly less fuel intensive because of both having significant atmospheres for aerobraking. You can actually transfer from Kerbin to Laythe for under 2500 d/v and Laythe > Kerbin for under 1500 (from orbiting either) if you line up your windows correctly.
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