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Everything posted by Kerbies_are_my_Minions

  1. I will still participate. "Have plane, will travel" I'm just working out the details on weather or not I'll need to stop for fuel, and estimating my time. I'm flying something stylish, and not going with a super huge goddy nothing but fueltanks and wings craft. so I may need to stop for fuel at some point.
  2. What do you mean? Ill address a few things you might be asking. On takeoff, I added 2 extra Kermen to the storage container using the crew manifest. I could have bussed them over and up a ladder, but I figured the result would have been the same. The two views of the nose section in the latest pictures show oposite sides. On launch, the door to the crew section is on the other side of the ship, and as you can see in the landed picture, there is an opening. If you are asking about the spacific names, Russell, and Zaira? When I did my boat challenge around the globe I added those two names into the persistance file to dedicate the trip to two of my friends. Now the names are still in there and pop up usually when I do things in pairs. Like Bill and Bob. If you are curious about bitting 5 Kermen into 1 crew cabin, I didn't. Only 4 rode in the cabin. The 5th stayed in the cockpit which is located farther up, opsite side iin the landed pic. In the take off pic, if you look closely just above the center air intake, you will see Bill, waving at you through the glass of the mk1 cockpit. As for transferring poor Zai and Russ from the "-Gamah Rules!", I did it the same way as the first attemped, EVA from one ship to the other. Does any of that answer your qustion? If you are more spacific I'll tell you as much as you like, or show you more pictures.
  3. Those look great M5000. I want to make 2 points: 1. I beleave the nose dove on your Warthog is do to how you have the thrusters mounted to the tapered tail section. This puts a slight angle downward to them that you can't find middle ground on. Try hiding some scafolding inside there to mount the engines to, then pop on your tail. 2. I think if you reversed the direction of you tail longer tail fin on your starfighter, and moved it all back, you could simulater the shape better.
  4. Is this space plane or rocket exclusive? I think those should be two different classes. And a fuelsolodge is a bit large for a pizza, how about the round battery?
  5. Since I tend to flood threads with pics, here's only 5. but I do have more of the trip if you would like to see them. Three Go UP! The path to Salvation The transfer Coming home Three go up.... ... 5 come down! I had to alter my landing section a bit or else somone would have been stranded in orbit. lol.
  6. I'll get to it right now. just got home from work. The hang up will be, the ship still is orbiting Min, but has no crew and I saved after transfer. So I'll have to send crew to it first. lol
  7. Those look great Scotty! But, Scotty doesn't know....
  8. It IS an abomination! It's supposed to be. lol. Go watch "Despicable Me." On the side not, notice that my rocket could easily carry 3, but I only sent 1. I didn't see that part. I don't have time to launch another mission this morning, but if I promised to still get credit for being second, I'll relaunch with 3. I did manage to bring 2 back instead of 1 though. With my crew cabin I could still do the same.
  9. oh, well, the OP didn't say anything about it being EVA manditory, but then again, I didn't see that 3 had to go up to get 1. I sent 1 up to get 2, since my original Minmus rocket had 2 passangers. Do I need to redo the flight?
  10. Well that sort of takes all my fun out of this. But the Horton 229 was a late war german design and that's what you're going for. It wasn't just a concept though, it was actually built and flown. could I use that? I'll find a couple more of your that I like well enough to build and do one or two for the challenge.
  11. Done. Does my ship look familliar? Lol, if I hadn't spent so much time designing it and making it work maybe I would have been first.
  12. So, can we ONLY use the aircraft posted by the OP? Or can use all the aircraft I've built?
  13. It was more practice. I'll try to make you a good video with all the highlights together now that I'm running in much much beter quality. Wait, just realized we where rolled back again wernt we? D: I'll repost pics of the newer stuff and the new b24 vid.
  14. Edited my pictures to add a B24. one of my fav ventage bombers. And a video of semi successful bombing run.
  15. @bulletrhli Great minds think alike. it just took me 1 minute longer to type it up.
  16. Yes, I have that problem as well. The best way I've found around that is to zoom in on the map as much as I can, and look at the orbital plain from above. Sometimes I've had to go as far as placeing that node on the far side, and dragging it around to where I want it. And yes it is. Lol. but I suppose the OP had to sleep at some point. Which I will be doing in a few more hours. Or maybe he's having a hard time coming up with something good and unique. In the meantime I'll just continue to fly my planes and bomb things.
  17. The real question is, how do I get it to not show me all the paths I'm not interested in, and only show me the path of my mouseover, target, and vehicle?!
  18. YEAH! droppin bombs from a B24 http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/b/397113062 nice, Kalawang, Boewing?
  19. I know, right? I'm waiting on the next challenge too. I don't think we're going to get another one. we might as well go on, if we have late starters, they will just have to suffer for it later.
  20. Posted a video below my pictures. Sorry for the quality. I've since fixed the settings on my broadcasting software. @Megaprime And thank you vary much.
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