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Everything posted by Kerbies_are_my_Minions

  1. Here is a very bad quality 2 hour video of me doing some challenges. I'm sorry for the quality and no commentary. I talked for two hours not realizing that when my streaming software updated it didn't load my mic, or my video settings. I'll work on redoing some of those runs tomorrow if I have time. http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/b/396659849
  2. Ok, look like I got back in time.. this was actually pretty easy for me. I was in a descent spot, so to save loads of fuel I burned out into Kerbin's influance and was able to shoot around for a capture a week later on the other side. use very little fuel in my opinion. landing was much easier as well. first try!
  3. it's not.. lol, it's a nightmare to land. If you throttle up more than half it starts to spiral. and the landing gear is narrow for it's high center of mass. But, it's a really cute rocket ship with a FREEKIN LAZER! not fuel effeciant eather but it holds more fuel that it looks.
  4. I had 12 mk2 tanks and 4 tapered ends. 2240 was my fuel copacity with 7 engines. Ekku started with 9 engines I beleave and much much more fuel. but he staged them off in pairs, dropping 2 engines each time he staged. his last stage only had 1 engine.
  5. Anything less than 100m/s is going to take quite a long time. lets see the progress and maybe we can help. Though, I allowed my ship to climb in speed as it got lighter, Ekku stanged and ran less engines for efficiancy. I could have lowered my speed to keep a constant speed and gained efficiancy. He started with much more fuel than I had, but less engines and kept a speed of, I think around 130. I thought speed would be on my side, but it turned out that pit stops where my downfall.
  6. I'm going to video record the Luft chalanges, so I will edit my post to add those when I'm done. I'm glad you all like.
  7. woke up and landed this. I would have taken images of it on take off and staging, but Like I said, I just woke up and forgot to f1 for half the flight. I will admit, it took a few tries to land. I kept falling over.
  8. it is supposed to. If you have never watched any of the Mystery Science Theater redubs of old movies, go do it. it's histarical.
  9. Thank you. I really like them. right now I'm giving them payloads for the luft46 challenge, but maybe when I'm not so protective about them I'll put them in the space port. It's just hard for me to hand them out when they are kinda special to me. lol. The spitfire was my second really successful plane. It has a very short take off distance and can get in the air at about 30-40m/s; very manuverable. The Blackbird is the latest of my planes. It can fly with much lest thrust than it currently has, but I'm working on it for a trip around the globe by air, in when you have to stay within the lowest atmospheric color and I wanted to break the sound barier; maybe even go mach2. It will get that fast, but costs alot in fuel. It will easily do Mach3 at about 15k high. Currently I think it's the best looking Blackbird out there. but I'm biast. The Horton-229 is by far the best dog fighter I have. It can be easy to lose control over, but when treated right it turn on a dime. I can cut a circle around the VAB between the dish and the SAB and keep the circle looping. The F-22 was my first real success. It was my "AH-HAH" moment in making planes work well and look good. It is Fast, agile, and real fun to fly.
  10. You mean like this? Edited it a little, made the ends more like they should be. I know the gray tanks looked better but the orange are easier to refuel. this is now my refueling station. lol
  11. well, I better land one before I get behind. does one I already have landed count?
  12. I have a few. Spitfire Horton 229 F-22 and SR-71 B24 Does this count as a successfull water landing?! LoL All fly beautifully, and all the smaller crafts are very agile. The Black Bird Handles really well too, but can not cut as tight of turns as the others. Speed vary acording to class, but are all clasified. Edit: Here is a very bad quality 2 hour video of me doing some challenges. I'm sorry for the quality and no commentary. I talked for two hours not realizing that when my streaming software updated it didn't load my mic, or my video settings. I'll work on redoing some of those runs tomorrow if I have time. http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/b/396659849 Edit: to add the B24 And here's a vid: http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/b/397113062 Ladies and Kermen, I give to you, The Lag-Heed C-4 Galaxy. and it's cargo hold As you can see it has a large hollow cargo hold. and the last pic is a view looking in through it's back door. It really is a lag beast. But easy to fly. Very slow on the turns. I didn't realize when I took the pics that inf fuel was on, but, each engine does get fuel and it burns about 1.5 -2.2 units of fuel a second. So no cheats need to be inable to fly it. P-38j Lightning Ah, what a great little agile dog fighter; and much light the real plane, can climb at a rate faster and for a longer period of time than the spitfire. This was it's winning factor. In a dog fight, it would climb vertically untill the plane chasing it stalled out, at which point it would nose dive after the stalled plane and blow it out of the sky.
  13. Ouch, Theriss, sorry I missed your run and sorry for the mishap. That's a hard pill to swallow. when you get started again let us know and I'll stop in. and thank you. .... couple questions. what was your top/average speed? how often did you have to stop and refuel, and why did the docking mess with your total distance traveled? also how did you cross the land portion? (I just want to know what to expect for my trip ) and to answer your questions, my top speed was 157m/s I think. never noticed it above that. the average speed was about 140. fully loaded it ran 130ish, and nearly empty it was uper 150. I stopped 9 times for fuel, although I could have gotten away with only 8 stops, I had a few legs of the trip that where shorter distances between fueling. The docking resets the timer for some reason every time you dock, and also resets the distance traveled. I cross the land under the thrust of the engines on the boat and landing gear wheels. Little hint though, the land is not exactly super smooth terrain. I suggest wide wheel bases with a low center of mass. a tall ship with a high center of mass is not going to do well on that land. And luckally Ekku is pretty much taking the exact rout I did so his distance with no stops will be pretty close to what mine was.
  14. DONE! Thanks everyone for stopping in and all the support. I have a list of names of people that stopped in. The run took me right around 14 hours total. I was unable to record the total distance traveled because of all the docking. But WE MADE IT. I want to wish good luck to everyone attempting this in the future. And I will soon edit this post with a list of names of guests and hopefully a compolation video of the run. Thanks again. Minions of mine: Russel and Zai and the boat "Dig Two"
  15. Going live again in 15 minutes.http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii This will be the last leg, WOO HOO!!. I love the water wheel by the way. Awsome.
  16. Alright, so here's the update. I am on the last leg of our journey. Currantly the Dig Two and it's two brave Kerben are resting at checkpoint 9. What does this mean? It means that all we have to do now is travel from checkpoint 9 back to ksc! This evening at around 7pm pst, I will be brodcasting the end of my trip. hope to see you there.
  17. I will participate in the true challenges of this with my aircraft. soon.
  18. The forums went down and I didn't get a chance to post, but we didn't make it the full distance yesterday. So going live again in about 10 min to make some more progress. Hope to see you all there.
  19. Meet the "Dig Two" avrg speed: 135 m/s crew: 2 parts: 263 fuel: 2240 power: 7 standard jet engines
  20. Heh, I'm glad noone was watching the first attemp. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Not with my craft, fortunatly though. I'll not make any changes. I guess I was fortunate enough to realize early on about the mk2 tanks. my original design had mk1s, but I switched over to the mk2s when I realized the lighter weight vs more fuel, however, the tanks are almost twice as large. but not quite. So if size matters to you, you get more fuel with two mk1s than with 1 mk2 for about the same size. Routing the fuel is something I descovered too. not only for weight distribution, but for equal fuel to all my engines. Thats a nice system you have.
  21. Yes, I have fuel buoys positioned all around the globe. Sorry for not getting back to this sooner, I slept in. How about this, I will plan on going live at 1pm PST. And I will post the Twitch link here. Ekku, glad you found this. I'm determaned to beat you to it though. > But you're doing something write if you can make that distance. With my design I'm moving at about 130-140 m/s but I can only run for about an hour, then I have to stop for fuel. Edit: ok, due to technical difficulties I've been pushed back 9:00 am Sunday. sorry guys. I will Link the channel here before starting. If anyone saw the first attemt.... I feel your pain.
  22. I happen to have a Spitfire in my hanger... Spitfire The spitfire is really easy to fly and manuverable. I'm a big fan of ventage aircraft and this, by far, is one of my favorites. And lets not forget the german stealth noone ever heard of, the Horten 229 This is Hitler's top secret stealth fighter. Hitler comissioned the Horton brothers to build this batwing stealth fighter to counter the royal air force, and amarican ability to, with radar, know when and where his planes where in the sky. It was made of wood and found in a secret air bunker in the woods, and though our only existing plane is rotting in pieces under lock and key, a previous build was flown successfully and even participating in a few dog fights where it excelled and was unmatched. Posibly explaining where many ufo sightings started. However, due to the unreliability of the engines being used, it was crashed into the woods, killing the only test pilot to ever fly one. My version here excells as well. Of all my planes it has the tightest turn radius at full throttle, matched only by my version of the Mustang (which I am not yet satisfied with). F-22 The F-22 was my first real plane. And my first real success. It was an "AH HAH" moment when I realized how I could make them both work, and look good. This plane is fast and and escape the atmosphere. It's easy to fly, easy to land, and you can't beat the first person view. SR-71 Blackbird The Blackbird is my largest, and in my opinion best looking. I have long time been a fan of the blackbirds and I may be vane but this one tops all others in Kerbal so far. It's fast, with do well over mach3 around 15k off the ground, and can handle quite a large payload. I am currently tweaking this to make an around the globe trip. B24 Bomber Another favorite in my lilne of ventage aircraft. I think, like the blackbird, this plane turned out beautifully in shape and I had to pull a few tricks from my had to get it right. Flies great and is a successfull bomber. http://www.twitch.tv/jasonlii/b/397113062 And a "successful?" water landing! More to come.
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