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Kerbol Prime

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Everything posted by Kerbol Prime

  1. 0.21 is great! Love the new space center, crew management is awesome too. The SAS is not as agressive as I would've prefered but I can deal with that. About the new SAS (not the place but oh well) from my thinking and reading their descriptions: -2.5 m ASAS: Includes flight comp. no wheels -1.25 m ASAS: comp. plus wheels -SAS: reaction wheels, no comp. So in my interpretation reaction wheels=torque and flight computer will hold heading.
  2. So now the SAS system has been overhauled. From what I've heard most people are not liking it. Why that's a problem. One a side note, if you got any knowledge on the new system (how it works) do post because the new SAS/reaction wheel stuff can be confusing. My interpretation: -SAS module: has reaction wheels -2.5 ASAS: has flight computer -1.25 ASAS has both wheels and com. So reaction wheels=torque. just a guess.
  3. Scenario One: Shoot it...with something. Kill it with fire. DESTROY THAT CREATURE! Scenario Two: Capture it. Send it to the government and have it go through testing. Scenario Three: Take the rocket parts an sell them on eBay. Then post ads: ALIEN PET FOR SALE. Scenario Four: Bring out my laptop and show the kerbal KSP.
  4. BluPlanet Inc. presents the AX-1 made by engineer Ace of spades. Aesthetically it looks great! However this is not a plane for beginners. Lets just say it isn't the easiest thing to fly. It's designed to be a strategic aircraft (arming is a possibility) Fuselage looks quite different than most, conisisting of 4 mk1-2 adapters clipping. Enjoy! Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gm6kou8vjbpzutq/Plane%20AX-1.craft
  5. KSP's version of slenderman. He'll sneak up on your landers...BEWARE.
  6. I'm just worried about the raging that will come from people who don't know. Imagine...Bob12345 posts: MAH SHIPS ARE GONE OMG SQUAD I HATE U. *shudders* Whatever, I hope the update is soon...I really want to see it before I go camping and not know wether the update has been released or not.
  7. Probably not. The remodeled buildings use less polygons so it should be less laggy.
  8. In my mind Bob is pretty dumb/oblivious but he's fun. Bill is a stick in the mud. So BOB.
  9. Unless you havn't bought the game, price increase shouldn't be an issue(methinks). If you do not yet have the game, WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET IT NOW.
  10. Update is in experimentals! Shouldn't be long, although time varies. Last one was like a week so I'd put my bet no later than the end of July. At least I'm going camping with my troop at Yosemite next week so won't have to worry about "technology" until the 20th.
  11. I will deorbit every single mission out there. First the probes, then the stations...THEN THE PLANETS (cue dramatic music), even if they are on rails.
  12. *launches KSP* OMG .21 is out!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints* ...........some time later............ *updates to latest version* *proceeds to play for the whole day*
  13. I'm so excited. Hopefully it will be soon (perhaps by end of next week? Pleeeasse???????) Or as Sidtrey Kerman says: ZE UPDATE! ME WANTZ.
  14. Easiest way is to wait. Earth's going to be obliterated in a few billion years once the sun bloats up and moves on to the final stages of its life. So now you can die and not worry about antimatter and black holes, cause the sun is there to help you.
  15. The kerbal alarm clock is great if you don't mind plugins. Wish it was part of the vanilla game.
  16. KSP parts are much stronger than real life. In KSP you can sit a rocket on its engines and be fine. And your rocket can wobble like a fish and stay together. Also you can dock at 0.2m/s and not have issues.
  17. As chairman I run the company. Other synonyms are available: President, CEO, Founder, Owner, etc
  18. Introducing the "Hunter Challenge" Objective:Land within 2.5 KM of as many of the 8 targets as possible. Limitations:You have 20 minutes(adjustable) to land near as many targets as you can. Leave your crafts at the targets, use different crafts for each target. Win:Person who has most craft within 2.5KM of each target after 20 min. will win. Here is the scenario: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u8w8n17cyrostdk/HUNTER%20Challenge.sfs Have fun!
  19. Pros: -if you die, you come back -there is no need to eat, drink, or breath therefore greatly reducing costs -no whacky laws to hold you back from doing kerbal things...you know what I mean. -radiation-tolerant Cons: -in most cases you die like every 20 minutes -even if you aren't a pilot and are just a civilian there is a 90% your house gets crushed by a tank when you come home from the market -if you are a pilot you will most likely be controlled by a mad dictator -Jebediah
  20. After the recent end to the Heracles project, rover engineer Lordhullo made a battlecruiser, the Hades. I took it and weaponized it, then stuck it on top of temstars supernova. Check his launchers out here:http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33381-0-20-2-Zenith-rocket-family-(modernised-for-0-20-x-with-perfect-subassembly) It is 650ish parts on the pad, the ship itself is 300 parts or so. Launch is lagggggy but it gets better (or not) Gravity turn More gravity turning Achieving orbital velocity Separation Burning away Firing JEB class missile Firing seperatron torpedos Firing SMRT torpedo Apparently someone isn't happy with being on the ship...KILL HIM Action groups: 1-engage NTR's 2-Toggle solar panels 3-Fire JEB class missile 4-7-Fire SEP torpedos 0-Lock gimbal(PRESS TWICE BEFORE LAUNCH) Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2iume7pmm0t5bnq/The%20Hades.craft CREDIT: -Lordhullo: Ship hull -Temstar: Launcher
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