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Everything posted by Merinsan

  1. I'm with you there, and I'm not even you. Seriously, I swear I've seen this topic come up about 4 times now.
  2. When KSP 9.0 came out, my son was unable to launch, simply because he was on a 32bit machine, with 4GB of Ram. The settings may have been high, which might have been the issue, but my solution was to buy myself a new computer and he got my old computer (which is still pretty good -64 bit 8GB ram). Bottom line, 32 bit windows will struggle with KSP because of the memory limits. 64 bit windows does a much better job, since it can give the app more memory, ie up to 4GB for a 32 bit app.
  3. I once was trying to land at Kerbin after a Minmus mission. I time accelerated too much, skipped the atmosphere, encountered the Mun and got flung out of Kerbins SOI. That's the worst failure I had. I was also too precise once, and ended up landing a ship on top of another ship on the Mun.
  4. I've seen it a couple of times in my life, but the last time was back in 0.20 I believe.
  5. I had this brilliant idea of sending a mission to Eeloo, and the final stage had an ion engine for capture/circularization using solar panels... thankfully I had a quicksave and could use the previous stage to save it. Also, I had a survey mission on the moon, so I sent a rover. That should have been fine, but I landed a long way a way, and just said never mind, it's a rover. 5 hrs later and I finally got to the first survey site. That rover has been abandoned now - it had an escape system for the pilot, and he was gone as soon as he finished.
  6. While I think this is good for transmission of science, I think it should not be applied to probe control. Can you imagine the New Horizons probe having to be controlled by NASA as it flew by Pluto? Probes are meant to be intelligent. They are meant to allow automation (in the sense we still control it). If my unmanned mission is incapable of deploying a chute while landing on Eve, because it is occluded by something, then the engineers need to be fired.
  7. I've done 43 rescue missions. Out of that, 23 have been female and 20 male, so I'd say it's 50/50.
  8. Any asteroid captured around Kerbin, due to Mun/Minmus interaction, is not in a stable orbit, because it can eventually re-encounter that body and be subsequently ejected. Although, it can be a really easy way to capture an asteroid permanently, since it's a lot easier to rendezvous with, and then adjust it's orbit.
  9. Having a yearly budget would mean people would never get to Eeloo or Jool, because you're going to have to continually run missions for income while that ship is transferring to Jool. This will be very annoying for a lot of players - me included. While I frequently run multiple missions at a time, I don't want to be forced to run years of missions while waiting for the Jool transfer. The reason the mechanic is the way it is, is as you pointed out, Squads aversion to time based mechanics. I think the approach they used is a good compromise. The cost increases as an approximation to the increase of salary costs. Having said that, I think the actual implementation is unbalanced - it becomes too expensive too fast. One thing I think is missing from the game is a "colonist" crew member. When I build a base/station/whatever, I want to populate it. Making Kerbals so expensive makes this impossible (even with rescue missions it's a very long grind). I think there is room for squad to introduce a new type of crew for this purpose.
  10. Not the polar orbits. But your point is a good one. For equatorial orbits, you are normally going to put the objects in orbit the same direction as the planet rotates. At least I do. It seems to be some kind of unwritten rule. The reason for this is any ship launching from the surface wants to orbit this way, because it requires less dV.
  11. I love orbital construction. Launching parts of a space station and building it in orbit just does it for me. And for some reason all my stations turn into fuel depots.
  12. Since this thread seems to be devolving. I'd like to add my 2c before it's gone. The primary reason for the "hate" in my opinion is simply that the game is as polished as an alpha release even though it's supposed to be full release. I haven't tried 1.0.3 or 1.0.4 on my career save yet (due to travel for work), but I know I will be unhappy if the work I've done makes some missions that would have succeeded in 1.0.2 now fail in 1.0.4. People focus on "save breaking" changes as the be-all end-all issue of updates after release, but it's not the only issue. Changes that affect gameplay such as aerodynamic changes, heating changes, etc can essentially break your progress in such a way that you need to either restart or spend a significant amount of time getting things back on track. This is not fun, and generates resentment. Based on what I have seen in the dev notes, it sounds like 1.1 may cause such issues. Based on the forums, these issues happened with 1.0.2, 1.0.3 (after 1.0). So I will say, some level of frustration is warranted. Saying it is hate is somewhat disingenuous. It's criticism, frustration, or even anger. No one here hates Squad, though we may think the actions they have taken are foolish, we still love the game that they are making.
  13. The worst so far for me was when I was landing on laythe. Somehow 3 of the 6 parachutes on my ship, all attached with symmetry, were inside the utility bay and refused to deploy. I had to open the service bay and manually deploy them.
  14. The problem is not in the config file. The problem is in the save file, and setting the save file read only would be a bad idea!
  15. I just launch the ship to LKO, then use a maneuver node. KAC does have a transfer window calculator that you can use also. Also, if you miss the transfer window, you can compensate by using more fuel.
  16. While I have no problem with the way it is implemented, I do have a problem with the inconsistent treatment of time in the game. Justifying the implementation of the scan as time is an infinite resource, then makes me question why resource mining, resource processing and science generation from MPLs is not instant. Or even data transmission. Now I'm not suggesting the mechanic for those other items should be changed, and I'm not suggesting the scan should change, but I am saying they seem a little incongruent.
  17. I may have got a little carried away with my first Jool expedition (in 1.0.x), and sent this: Basically a huge nuke powered tug, that took a science drop ship and a resource collector to Jool. I was struggling with the fuel though. That 50+ minute initial burn didn't help to get the transfer to Jool going. Fortunately with some careful planning, I set up a rendezvous with Pol and refueled it, before heading to Bop. I'm sure the science ship can ascend from Vall, but not sure it will make it up from Tylo. The whole mission was originally planned for Duna, but I decided at the last minute to go to Jool, because I needed more science. I'm thinking about something bigger for the next ship though. Having to shuffle ships around is a pain, and I needed satellites, which were not actually necessary original for the Duna mission, as they were there already.
  18. I like KSP. It's fun. I'm spending a good deal of time on it lately also. But I can't say it's the best game ever. For one, there is no story there, or even a real objective. Secondly, the amount of times the game crashes is making it much less fun for me lately.
  19. I just sent a science mission to the Mun, and had a slight staging problem. While going in for the first landing, I staged to drop some drop tanks, and deployed my parachutes at the same time. I noticed it at that point and figured I'd deal with it later. Anyway, some 20 minutes later I am burning through the atmosphere, and realized I had my parachutes still deployed. I started the engine to slow down - which was useless due to the fact my fuel was virtually already depleted. At this point I figured I was a goner, so I staged to drop the engine and landing gear. Due to the drag, it got stuck under the capsule, and stayed there all the way down. The ground came up really fast, I hit at just over 100m/s....and after the cloud of smoke dissipated, I realized I had just witnessed the most EPIC LITHOBRAKING of all time! The capsule had somehow survived. I guess the debris below it helped cushion the impact, and I only lost a Mystery goo unit and thermometer in the impact. My only regret is no video of it.
  20. I tried it! Sadly, it looks like there is a lot of text missing - ie many companies just have a place holder text of "NA"
  21. I must try this tonight! I honestly had no idea this was a feature - nice touch Squad!
  22. I know those steps! Kind of a boring photo to take from the Summer Palace though... I was in China over christmas/new year period, and took a lot of photos (around 600). Here is one for you Sadly, the photo doesn't really do the place justice.
  23. I'm sorry, but are you suggesting we should criticize them for something that hasn't yet happened? The only time it is appropriate to criticize ever, is after the event. Suggesting otherwise is illogical.
  24. I have to say, version 1.0 seems to be significantly less stable than 0.90. I used to be able to play all day without an issue. Now the game crashes fairly regularly. In fact, I've had a total of maybe 10 crashes ever while playing KSP. 9 of those were in 1.0.
  25. I fully expect Squad will not make changes that make saves break. However, I would not be surprised if new features/tweaks make a save useless, or mean you really need to start a new save to get the benefit of that change. This is especially true of career saves.
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