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Everything posted by Merinsan

  1. I've had Jeb attempt suicide a number of time from this. I use the hold retrograde for landing, and after landing, re-launch and switch the Sas back on and Jeb goes to work. Takes me a while to work out why the controls are so unresponsive! Fortunately he is a little slow to react, so I've always got a good altitude to correct the problems.
  2. I have some nostalgia for that old launch tower. I remember having to carefully rotate big rockets so the arm sticking out would fit between stacks. It often led to comical explosions.
  3. I was running low on funds after building my LKO station, down to 3 million dollars, so I launched my Jool and Eve missions. Both were ion powered probes. Last night the Eve probe completed its mission, just.. Landed on Gilly, completing the Gilly portion, then headed for an Eve landing. Tucked in the solar panels, turned of SAS and deployed the chutes. On the way down, took an atmospheric reading in the upper atmosphere. Once the chute was fully deployed, I decided I wanted to get an additional atmospheric reading, so I deployed the solar panels for power, so I could transmit the old one. Then I watched as they disintegrated from traveling at ~4 m/s. Still, I managed to land, and gathered some science and transmitted enough to complete the mission, before the probe died. I now am back at 4.4 million dollars, with still the Jool mission to complete!
  4. I've landed on every body in the system, except the Sun and Jool. I finally got around to doing an Eve ascent in 0.24, from virtually sea level, and then got bored again. I still haven't done a Tylo ascent, just because I'm lazy. I'd really like some new systems to explore!
  5. What I hate most about these plant a flag contracts is that they seem to appear just after I planted a flag and returned home!!
  6. I just maxed out the tech tree and am sitting on just over 4 million. It's been ridiculously easy to accumulate funds, so much so that I have never been in a situation where I couldn't launch what I wanted to launch.
  7. I had one contract where I had to test the small SRB (not sepratron), while in orbit. Being that it was the start of the tech tree it was incredibly difficult getting it up there. It got to the point where I started to doubt my ability - I consider myself pretty good. I eventually got it, and it was fun. The most ridiculous ships I've built have had engines facing up. It was a happy day when I realized I didn't need fuel for engines that I was testing. It happened when I was given a contract to test a jet engine on the mun.
  8. It's just a coincidence. By the way, eve is a terrible place to start with for landings outside of Kerbin SOI. Duna is a better choice. While not impossible, it's very difficult to leave the surface of Eve.
  9. Based on that, I'd say Felipe has indeed fixed the bug that made it difficult a some time back. I actually was planning on putting a base on an asteroid, in solar orbit. This will make it easier.
  10. Not only is in not useful, it's extremely difficult to get to. Once you have the transfer window, rendezvous is extremely difficult because the scale of things is so much bigger, ie instead of getting within 1km of the target, you end up within 200km. I understand from something Felipe said somewhere, that a problem with timewarp moving things may have been solved (or improved), so it might now be easier. The one time I did it, every time I timewarped, my target jumped by 20km or so.
  11. I thought I read somewhere that Squad intended on finishing KSP at version 1.0, ie that was it. Anymore development would be either DLC or a sequel (most likely DLC).
  12. I too would like to to see some procedurally generated systems. It would certainly extend the life of the game. However, there are many issues that would need to be overcome, such as generating a system far too easy/hard. I also agree seeded solar systems would split the community further, but I don't think this is as bad a problem that some people make it out to be. The community is already rather fragmented due to mods. There are even people using different planets already, I have done so before. The reason I installed new planets was for a new challenge, and this is where I think this idea needs to be thought about. Once you've conquered the current planets, what's left to do?
  13. The only way I can see this working is if you could use ion engines for the first stage. The problem is, you will probably need a lot more thrust.
  14. I printed out Lando's transfer window (spreadsheet?) and stuck it on my wall. Just look up at it and work out when to go.
  15. Biomes I don't mind seeing, but I'd like something that adds something new, such as budgets.
  16. I seriously doubt you will get the balance you are looking for in 0.24. From what I can tell, this is a step in that direction, but we are not there yet. Still, I am looking forward to the contracts themselves, it'll give us something to do.
  17. Maybe a city surrounding the space center. And a fuel depot with about 100 orange tanks.
  18. I have already used the claw to help construction. Building a base on an asteroid, a part I sent up needed to be flipped for docking, so attached 2 claws to the ship. Once I got up there, I decoupled the part, grabbed it with one of the claws then gently guided it into position. Without the claw I would have had to line it up with a tug between the docking ports, detach and get the tug out of the way and let the part drift in itself, which is sometimes hard to do. I've also attempted to deorbit debris with the claw, with a rather disastrous result. The claw flexed when the engine was turned on, and the ship ripped apart. I now have 3 pieces of debris!
  19. This should work well for landing rockets too, when landing base parts!
  20. This thread confirms just one thing: NASA are pussies! They are planning to put an asteroid in a lunar orbit, and here we are building structures in LKO out of asteroids. Some people are even landing them. I've never considered docking asteroids together. I have been building a base on an asteroid. My ultimate plan is to put asteroids as moons around each planet, except Jool. I'll put asteroids around the moons there.
  21. I was into Minecraft, and followed Etho pretty religiously. One time there was a UHC and I went to KurtJMacs channel for his view and noticed this space game video. Watched it, then bought it immediately. It didn't take me long to get better than Kurt
  22. Someone really needs to address the version number issue in a sticky post. This must be the 100th time I've seen someone misunderstand how they work. I don't think KSP will become too much for most computers. The main way things are handled is by separating them from each other, ie Kerbin stuff has no impact of Eve, etc. Most of the stuff from here on seems to be more about controlling the gameplay, ie missions/money etc, which are trivial in terms of system resources. The biggest resource hog to come will be multiplayer, though I hope that doesn't affect singleplayer.
  23. Correct. I recently had a crash with Jeb. He crashed his ship, and that crashed the game. 5 minutes later he turns up at the astronaut complex like nothing happened...
  24. Not being able to set a maneuver node because the game is upset about something I am doing. Crew not saved with the ship in the VAB (or at least the fact the seat is filled) No radar altitude on the external view. Kerbals flinging themselves off ladders when you are doing an EVA and try to grab the ladder to get back in.
  25. If something is implemented to encourage science after maxing the tree out, this could give a good reason to build stations, with processing labs. I too would like more of a reason to build stations, although it's never stopped me!
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