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Everything posted by Merinsan

  1. The trick with Moho is staying small. As soon as you go big, you need a lot more fuel, which means you need even more fuel to stop that fuel. Based on what you've said already, I'd say Dres or Vall would be a good challenge for you. Landing on Vall is reasonably easy. Getting a ship there is reasonable easy. Getting one back is reasonable easy. Doing all in one mission is a little more difficult, and requires a bit of planning.
  2. I've played KSP drunk plenty of times (and my drunken healing in WoW was near legendary), but never once have I flown to the wrong planet due to being drunk! Clearly, I am not drinking enough!
  3. If a new planet were added to tomorrow, I might go visit it, but after that, it'd just be sitting in the sky looking pretty. I've visited all planets, but I seldom return to them because there is no reason to. Once reasons for going places are added, then I want new planets. Until then, it's kind of a waste of time.
  4. Last night I decided to make a new large space plane, but I didn't have the parts - I needed more science! So, I designed a big ship with 12 Science Jrs, 12 Goo containers, thermometer, gravity scanner and seismic scanner. Its mission was to fly around Minmus, sucking the science out of biomes before returning. As I approached Minmus, I decided I should do science high above Minmus. Right clicked the Science Jr, clicked the button, full science still! Right clicked the goo canister, and the button didn't appear. Tried again, same. I then looked at the text that the window was displaying and realized it was an RCS tank... I brought 12 tanks of useless RCS fuel to Minmus. The mission continued though, and I got 4 biomes done, before needed to head back due to low fuel, for 2500 odd science. Sadly, this is not the first time I've used RCS tanks thinking they were goo canisters.
  5. Same. Though officially it was a very small permanent colony. I probably would have sent a vehicle to return them, but a new version came out and I started a new save. I've also killed a few Kerbals trying to land there.
  6. I've done that before, but since they changed the SAS, I no longer trust the ship to stay on course. I almost exclusively use the nukes. I did use something else on my first Duna mission in career mode. If forced I'd use a poodle or LV-909, depending on the ship. Aerospike and skipper are also good engines, but it's always the highest ISP.
  7. "This should have plenty of fuel for a Moho mission" and an hour later I am watching the last fumes get used up while still on a Moho escape. Edit: One other thing I frequently find myself saying: "The fuel seems to be draining asymmetrically" - seconds later one engine flames out while the other rips the ship apart.
  8. You beat me to it! I too have sent a mission to Duna with the launch stage. I got into orbit with a lot of fuel and thought, I can take advantage of this and when I finish drop it back into Kerbin. It was still going once I got an escape, and made it all the way to Duna. In the end I did drop the stage into Duna. Virtually all of my launches are overkill. I use a launcher that can put about 50t into orbit, and often launch much less.
  9. It would be good if Kerbals could somehow recycle debris on an EVA. Perhaps they could mine it to get money and reputation. I too have very little debris, I intentionally leave it on collision courses with planets/moons, however I have 1 piece on a Kerbol orbit. Somehow the game lied to me and told me it would hit the Mun - instead it was ejected from the Kerbin system. I'm hoping it eventually hits Kerbin. I do have plenty of flags though, I use them to mark biomes. I'm not going to post screenshots of them, since they are nothing special and a lot.
  10. I think we need station/base specific parts. I am not sure how the game would know something was a station or a base (designating it as such is no good). Perhaps it should be based on time in orbit or total mass or both. These parts would be able to do different science to what the other parts can do, for example zero-g tests or something. Also, if science were categorized, it would force players to vary their missions. For example at the moment, you can get all the science you need from the Kerbin system. It would be good if you had to go to Duna to get some specific science to say get atomic engines or something like that. What I find extremely strange is the goo and science jr locking up if you transmit, while I can still reset the experiment before that. This is so obviously artificial. Simply having the transmission pool smaller solves the original problem of spamming transmissions. Taking the data makes sense, since I need to remove items from it. I do like that I can take data them dump the module.
  11. It wasn't breaking off the orange tank, but the RCS tank, and it would happen no matter what the throttle setting was. It was odd and I never could work out why it happened. In the end it was still impractical because it had a fuel flow problem as well. Fuel wasn't draining from all tanks, but somehow from 1 tank only - eventually it would be weighted asymmetrically. And without the mainsail, it was very slow...
  12. Up until about 2 weeks ago, I was in the group that thought Squads decision to shelve resource mining was stupid. I then, for the first time ever, installed a mod, 2 in fact - KAS and Kethane. I haven't done much with KAS, but there seems to be some really useful things in there. Kethane on the other hand, I've done a bit already with it. What I found is it's not particularly useful. It basically gives you a way to refuel a ship on another planet, without setting up refueling stations. I was thinking I would set up a mining base, but in the end I just equipped a ship with a drill and converter and hopped between biomes on the Mun sucking out the science. As for scanning the Mun, I did it over night, which was inconvenient at minimum. I honestly couldn't be bothered scanning anywhere else, because why? There is no reason at all to do it. In order for resource mining to be relevant at all, it needs to be for something you can't get otherwise, for example mining fuel for an interstellar drive to go to other stars.
  13. I've done 2 things which fit the bill. The first was my attempt to do something useful with ion drives: The entire thing was launched in a single launch. It had 43 engines and was still slow, although it had enough delta-v to get out of the Kerbol system. It only too several hours - I left it running and did something else. The second was my attempt to make some sort of "capital ship". It took about 15 launches to assemble in orbit. It was a fun project: It has an RCS refueller (also overly complex for this job) and a prototype short range fighter docked also. There was room for 24 small ships to dock. It was somewhat laggy once it was finished. On the maiden voyage, I lit the engines up, and immediately the mainsail broke off and floated away. It then became a fuel depot in LKO, which was too laggy to use most of the time.
  14. I've had 2 which I can't decide on. 1 is also one of my best saves, the other more mundane. 1. I was landing a probe on Duna, it ran out of fuel about 30cm off the ground and landed intact. The perfect suicide burn (no idea why I didn't use parachutes). 2. While leaving the surface of Moho, I ran out of fuel before getting into orbit. I quickly realized I could jettison the fuel and engine and use RCS to circularize. I made it with out 7 units left.
  15. No idea. The problem is you haven't defined the term "better". Minmus is more cost effective due to it's proximity and low gravity. Laythe is better due to the atmosphere. The question is, what are the objectives of the colony?
  16. A confirmation for saving in the VAB/SPH when you are about to overwrite an existing ship would be good.
  17. I do everything possible to avoid debris. Even in interplanetary space. During transfer burns I'll keep used up tanks until I get a collision with the target, then I drop the stage. When going to orbit, all stages are dropped on a suborbital trajectory - wither with fuel, or using probes to deorbit (often with RCS) Any debris that survives crashes, I manually delete. So far, I haven't got any debris in orbit, but if I do it will need to be deorbited somehow, since I will not manually delete it. I will however delete debris that is in a decaying orbit.
  18. Ok, I've read all the posts so far, and I can't believe the ion engine has not been mentioned. The thrust is so ridiculously low, anything you use it on takes hours to do anything useful.
  19. I expect we will get a very limited repair ability, ie ability to replace broken solar panels. We already can fix wheels and landing legs. Replacing an engine on the other hand is rather different. If engines broke, maybe they could be repaired in a similar fashion. The only way I could see full repairs happening is if there was a VAB facility where you were making the repair, and I honestly don't see that happening. But you never know with Squad, they keep coming up with great new features.
  20. I had this happen in 0.22 while landing something on Eve. Fortunately, there were 4 chutes and only 1 ripped off, so I still managed to land it. Basically anytime you accelerate the physics this can happen - it depends on the lag, so the better your system and less complex the craft the more chance of survival.
  21. You're all missing the real point of it. It's to make your orbiting science station look really, really, cool! Other than that, yeah, it seems mostly pointless.
  22. BLASPHEMY! What I'd like to see is a way to repair solar panels that over zealous EVAing Kerbals have seen, in their own words "just suddenly snapped off, for no good reason"! What we will most likely see is money and missions. And probably EVA propellent tanks.
  23. As far as I can tell, the only reason for the change was because it wasn't a resource before, now it is, which means you can run the same general code as you do for all other resources. Basically, it's simplified the code so there are less areas to maintain, and easier to extend. I bet in 0.24 there will be a new part - EVA propellant tank, or something to that effect.
  24. I'm pretending to work. I really want to be playing, because this is the first thing I will be doing!
  25. Wait, they are filtering the names now?! I've been on the lookout for Dildo Kerman for a long time - I was going to get him to set up a 1 man colony on Eeloo! My favorite that I've had was Doodmon Kerman. Every time I switched to his craft, I swear I could hear reggae playing.
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