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Everything posted by Merinsan

  1. I see no good reason to remove the LES from the staging, because you want to get rid of it at some point during the launch (ie before orbit). But a way to remove items from the staging would be really good, especially with ships that have probes to launch off from time to time.
  2. I was wondering. Since you are so good at building big, have you ever done an Eve ascent? That'd be interesting to see. I'd also like to see you get these things into orbit.
  3. Didn't someone at squad make one of these when they introduced command seats as a demonstration of the seat? Seems rather stupid they are removing it if so. Of course I guess you could use an ion drive now.
  4. I'm not fused by them removing it, however I think it's kind of a mistake. There should be no reason not to add a new tank (except memory usage). If memory usage is the problem, good luck with mods come 1.0.
  5. Yes. Please yes. I subscribed to your channel specifically to see such things!
  6. What I used to do was make sure not to use lots of parts. For example, when I made a fuel depot, each fuel module was 1 orange tank and 2 snr docking ports. I used docking "robots" to help dock it. This took a lot of practice because it the RCS was always at one end, so unbalanced. I also went to great extremes to even avoid struts. So if I needed struts for launch, I would put another module on top of the payload, and strut that to the launcher. The end result was a cleaner station and less parts, but a lot of (satisfying) work achieving it.
  7. I completely agree with this. Except for one thing. We are not talking about a single update. We are talking about the product release. Leaving an essential feature out of a product release is going to hurt the product. So maybe we can turn down the re-entry heat, but then we are playing without an intended feature. I want the challenge of re-entry heat, but if I have to use powered descent for every vessel it kind of defeats the purpose. While we don't yet know what we will get exactly, it's starting to look like what we will get will be somewhat incomplete, and that worries me.
  8. "I find that quite worrying too. But I find this a little more worrying: Fun fact: Squad sometimes actually uses Danny2462's videos for bugfixing. If they can replicate the steps and consider it severe enough, they will patch it. But sometimes, they just think 'oh, attaching 2 claws to a kerbal breaks the universe? How about you just don't do that..'" Not fixing a bug because it's not something a "normal" user shouldn't do is foolish IMO. Bugs like this often have a root cause that can create other issues. Sure, if you can't reproduce the problem, ignore it, but ignoring it up front is just lazy.
  9. Based on the fact they have an internal deadline, I'm guessing that internal deadline is 30 June, simply because it's the end of financial year (in some countries at least). So my guess is sometime in June.
  10. Damn you. I need to work today, now I'll just keep fantasizing about my mind getting blown.
  11. That'd be the same as mine. It's not until I get a sufficient amount of science that ships start getting names. Edit: It just occurred to me, but given this is 1.0, they could change things in such a way that you need to give ships a name (or at least think about giving a name). I'd still probably take the default though.
  12. I voted KSP website, but it's not strictly correct. First, I bought the game from the KSP website for my son, and I was playing it at times. I decided we needed another copy, and my birthday was coming up. So my friend bought me another copy from the KSP website, and gave it to me. At that time, KSP was not on Steam. Once 1.0 comes out, I might also buy a copy from Steam, so I can write a review.
  13. I always thought it was accidental. I remember when it happened, a great many people were asking about it, and someone official (or semi official) was surprised and suggested it was an accident. Of course this "problem" was never fixed, so it may well have been like what you said.
  14. If I didn't have to work, I'd be standing here, bobbing up and down expectantly, waiting for the release. Since I have to work though, I am on here, reading the forums and avoiding work. Can't wait for 1.0!
  15. My old computer handled 800 part ships with no problem, it was pretty good (i7 with 8Gb ram (forget the speed)). I'm not sure what my new computer handles, I haven't pushed it yet, but it's an i7-4790 3.6Ghz, 16GB ram, NVIDIA GeForce GTX750Ti. Plus an SSD, which I run KSP from. Once I get enough money, I'll be building serious space stations, that will be testing it.
  16. I've occasionally noticed them standing around looking like they are doing nothing, only to have them quickly resume their jobs as soon as you move the camera to look at them. My favorite thing though is the little car doing donuts, because that's how rockets are built.
  17. You save a little delta-v by launching when the Mun is just coming up over the horizon, and going through a gravity turn and straight on to the Mun (without orbit). The disadvantage is you have to turn, and with big ships that might be dangerous!
  18. Wait, who are you? What have you done to Whackjob? I would have thought the appropriate response to this problem was to go even bigger! Of course, you might be pushing the limits of the very best computers in existence trying to do this.
  19. That explains why I had so much trouble finding it! I still want to see this finished. Watching the Mun split in half because you didn't slow down enough will be epic!
  20. Some people joke that their creations will kill their computer. Whackjob did actually kill his computer. Can't wait to see what comes of this. I thought for a moment I was dreaming!
  21. I'll probably stick a capsule on an SRB and hit that first mission target of 10km or whatever it is. After that, grind my way through the science tree. Then I'll be looking to build an SSTO with the Mk3 parts, that can put an orange tank into orbit.
  22. I did something yesterday that made me feel like a pro. I landed a base on Ike. Then the Kerbal EVA'd and went back into orbit with the jetpack, rendezvoused with the ship left in orbit and get into the pod there.
  23. Not particularly evil, but I launched a single ship that met the station contract for Kerbin and the Sun, plus a satelite contract for Kerbin, plus the base on wheels contract for Ike. I just imagine all those different companies popping the champagne corks on the successful mission, then when they go to use the facilities finding it is gone. Also 1 more thing, Jeb is in Duna orbit, waiting for a return window, but his parachutes need repacking, and he can't do it.
  24. Had the same experience yesterday also. While not game breaking it could be. Imagine doing an EVA while on EVE in the ascent vehicle, and the kerbal lets go of the ladder. He'll fall to his death. That's more than just annoying. There is also another annoying bug which needs to be fixed - the one where you can't create maneuver nodes after a while. To fix it, you need to go back to the space center, then back to the ship. You then lose your revert flight options, which will break the game for some people who use that. Get enough annoying bugs, and the game is broken. - - - Updated - - - Not sure where you are getting the information from, but I doubt unity 5 will break saves. Saves simply contain information about where ships are - that shouldn't change, and if it does, should be easy to migrate.
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