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Everything posted by boomerdog2000

  1. I agree. Personally I always use tutorials. I just wanted to call attention to the fact that there are those people who will not and then complain when things go wrong. Actually I think I was just on a thread with a sort of toggleable mandatory first tutorial suggestion like you were talking about. EDIT: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52606-Probes-before-Kerbonauts/page4
  2. Loans might work long as you have to pay them back with interest, although I'm not sure how interest would work. I've seen a few games give you a time limit, I.E. in debt for 3 (days, weeks, months, whatever) = game over. Or debt past a certain level = game over.
  3. On the concept of retrieving vessels and parts at a discount. If the game probably can't recognize the whole sub assembly should it just be on a per part basis? After all, landing most craft larger than a command pod from orbit isn't necessarily very easy.
  4. If that were the case could we toggle the tutorial like in XCOM? I ran through that in the demo and still actually haven't done it in the full game, because the tactics used in the tutorial were atrocious.
  5. I suggested somewhere else that for a 2.5m science part, you could have a laboratory that could return data for full value. The idea being onboard that laboratory they have the equipment to fully analyze whatever data you have and transmit their results back to Kerbin. You put this part on a space station, dock your science vessel to it. They analyze your data and transmit its full value.
  6. But the player didn't want to play the tutorials. It doesn't matter how amazing the tutorials are if the player doesn't use them. It's not like the tech-tree is holding your hand. It just restricts the part count so a new player only deals with 1 type at a time to figure out how they work. While experienced players are challenged to do more with less to unlock their favorite parts faster.
  7. Having the sliders only have cost as a downside makes sense too. Should the sliders move backwards as well? I.E. Your space program is strapped for cash so you're cutting corners on engine design.
  8. But what are you going to have the player DO during that time? I'm alright with it taking time if the player has other things to work on during that time.
  9. My first manned Jool mission. Completely untested design, only going off the delta V numbers. Landed successfully on Laythe, started the ascent, running low on fuel, getting concerned, managed to barely get into orbit... without any fuel. Had to have the now unmanned return vehicle come dock with the lander, but he made it home.
  10. Oh I was taking these Block ideas as sliders for each part that you can customize to tweak the individual part for your setup, not entirely new parts. Like, Block A: you can modify thrust at the expense of isp, 1% each way on the slider. modify cost at the expense of weight, same as above. Block B: same as above only it's a 3% difference Block C: 5% difference
  11. I don't think I like the idea of the research taking time. It seems like it would become tedious and you'd end up just timewarping until your research was done.
  12. Also you're going to be challenging experienced players to advance quicker using the lower level parts. And we still have yet to implement money. That will surely make it difficult even for experienced player.
  13. Good to hear. Seems to make sense too. The more you use the part the more you can tweak those certain bits.
  14. This would make sense if players would actually use the tutorials. I've seen the exact opposite argument, where someone didn't play the tutorials and wanted the normal game to be more new player friendly.
  15. They mean something to us. They mean something to others. I'm just saying they don't necessarily mean something to everyone. Besides odds are being brand new to the game they may be saddened by any kerbal death and revert the flight until they get it right.
  16. On the topic of the 3-4 flights thing. That was Scott Manley saying "I think I can do it in 3". This is before the changes Harv was talking about to keep it from being maxed too quickly, before it has even been released, and before the implementation of economy. In the real version of career mode I highly doubt it will be possible to max the tech-tree in 3-4 flights, or even 10 for that matter.
  17. I would definitely like to see a 2.5m science lab. I'm unsure how it would work really. Maybe it would allow you to get the full data value of other science docked to it. The idea being they have the science equipment to fully analyze the data then transmit their results back to Kerbin.
  18. Also generally when you are running the experiment you don't know what will happen, or at least you are unsure of the results. That would be why you are running the experiment.
  19. It's percentage based and I believe it's also there in case you accidentally activate the experiment early since they were in the staging menu on the last version I saw.
  20. You have to keep in mind that Jeb is special to us because many of us have been with him for years, we have used him for special missions. These new players don't have that attachment to him. They may form a relationship with some completely different kerbal, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  21. It can only retain 1 experiment at a time. If you choose to reset or transmit the data it is gone and the sample container can be used again.
  22. The game combats this by giving you reduced science if you transmit the data instead of returning the sample canister.
  23. Ooh now that's interesting Zaeo. Not quite the overpowered-ness of straight up procedural parts, but enough to tweak it for the task at hand. I like that a lot. That would really give you the ability to customize your rockets without requiring tons of new parts. I am somewhat concerned of how it would save the specifics of the part data though. Don't want to cause anymore memory issues than we already have.
  24. They have said why they don't want to release more information on an update that is still in development. It is because things are subject to constant change. If they say "this feature will be in the game," then find out they can't do it, whether due to Unity limitations or balancing issues, members of the community will be upset.
  25. Well he's right. What you might disagree with others might think is fine. Personally I like the look of the new tech tree, so am I wrong too?
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