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Everything posted by Brotoro

  1. Yes, it's currently my most-played game since it's the only game I play.
  2. Go float an object in Kerbin's ocean. A capsule would work, but the simpler cylindrical shape of a fuel tank might make your calculations easier. See how much of the object is under water, then use this to calculate the volume of water displaced. The boyant force holding up the object will be equal to the weight of water being displaced (and will equal the weight of the floating object). You can find values for the mass of parts in the kerbal wiki. You'll have to measure the other dimensions of the object from the screen image relative to its diameter (which might be either 1 meter or 1.25 meters for a single-kerbal capsule, depending on how you interpret things).
  3. No, I think GROOV3ST3R and K^2 are correct about the pole-to-equator direction of the surface winds on a non-rotating planet. Such a planet would have a single Hadley cell per hemisphere in the north-south direction carrying the hot air that rises at the equator to the poles. The return flow of the cooler, denser air from the poles will cause the surface winds to go from pole to equator. Venus exhibits this effect due to its very slow rotation. On Earth, the air that rises at the equator does not make it all the way to the poles because the coriolis force breaks the meridional flow up into multiple Hadley cells, and we get the zonal surface winds shown in the diagram above.
  4. Well, now... This IS cool. Thanks!
  5. I'm still in the process of sending three ships to Laythe at the same time as four ships are on return transfers from Laythe... Can't switch to 0.20 yet.
  6. I was trying to get my previous save game file to work in version 0.20, but having difficulties with parts not showing up. Finally got most stuff tweaked into workability...except for my rovers with the Damned Robotics hinges. And landscape changes are trashing some of my previously-landed equipment...I'll have to go move them in v. 0.19 to a safe location.
  7. Damned Robotics doorhinges. I don't think they work in 0.20 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24960
  8. A part that provides torque like a capsule does, but is more compact (its silly to have to add a capsule just to get extra torque on an unmanned ship...especially if the game insists on populating the capsule with unwanted kerbals).
  9. Unless it was fixed from previous versions, kerbals can fall off the capsule when you EVA them. This would result in them possibly plummeting to their death if I have to EVA them out of a capsule I want empty. This was thought to be a Good Idea?
  10. Don't know yet... I'm still running 0.19 and don't feel the need to rush to 0.20, since I'm busy with some other stuff. And I won't mind if a few bugs are squished before I get there.
  11. What changed in 0.20 that changes how good a landing spot on Laythe is?
  12. Do we know if the struts-kill-decoupler-force bug still exists in version 0.20?
  13. So set your debris number insanely high. Or put probe bodies on all the debris you want to keep.
  14. Not everything wiggles and wobbles (pardon my technical jargon) the same each time, so your on-the-edge joint will not always fail.
  15. 37% of all statistics are made up, including this one.
  16. I still have one kerbal on Eve, but I've been planning on waiting until we get resources so he can come back with a load of blutonium and be a rich kerbal.
  17. I use the maneuver nodes. But I do find myself sometimes ignoring useful information on the navball when doing rendezvous because I originally learned to do THAT the old way.
  18. You could disengage MechJeb as soon as it cuts off the motors. You are safely coasting to apoapsis at that point anyway. Wait until you are out of the atmosphere, then time warp. You can tell MJ to circularize your orbit for you when you get to apoapsis if you think it might be miffed that you cut it off early
  19. This evening I launched three collections of hardware into Kerbin orbit, then launched three nuclear tugs into orbit to dock with them. Building hardware: fun. Docking: tedious.
  20. If you knew Jebediah was up there flying rockets around, wouldn't YOU want to live underground? Safest place to be on Kerbin.
  21. elkar... You can't time warp in the atmosphere, and neihter can MechJeb...so MechJeb uses physics warp until the ship reaches spaaaace, then time warps to apoapsis. You should be able to time warp with your rocket sitting on the launch pad, but I have had times when I tried to do that and it does physics warp instead...I think it's a matter of the rocket not being settled down yet. If that happens, back out of phys warp fast, or you rocket may well tear itself apart on the pad. Wait a bit and try to time warp again. Repeat as needed.
  22. People say "at the south pole" when it is really just down south quite a ways. I think I have the coordinates in my "Tackling Tylo & Visiting Vall" mission report that you can get to through the link to my missions in my sig. But it's only around 60 degrees south of the equator.
  23. I've been a model rocketeer since I was 14. In fact, no kerbals for me right now because I have to go run our monthly club launch.
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