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Everything posted by UltraVires

  1. You know you play too much KSP when... your waiting in line at the supermarket, and thinking about how your gonna rescue Jeb back from Jool...
  2. If your thinking about building some kind of large comprehensive pack Devo... (yes, please!) your gonna need a good Test Pilot... I'll take the job... if it's open.
  3. Awww Man! Sorry To see you take a break from KSP Devo... hopefully, once the game gets farther along... maybe you'll come back. Until Then... "Here's to ya, Lads."
  4. Hey, I didn't know you guys were on STO! I haven't been on in ages, but I might give it another go... On the Test Pilot- Er... Driver side of things... The new rover wheels work very nicely, and the "Ute" is still awesome... but I have had some trouble with the APC. First off, the wheels don't seem to attach right... Here you can see I set them up right in the SPH... Wha? Did you make Magic Moving Wheels Devo??? Finally got them to "appear" right by setting them up this way... The other thing... the APC does not move... I could not get it to do anything other than turn a bit. The wheels spin, and use power etc. even the brakes worked, but I got very little motive power out of them. Don't have any idea whats causing it either, I took a look at the configs and everything seems right... Other than that... the APC looks good! EDIT... Forgot about the new KSP update to too.... LOL I wonder what will be messed up now? Maybe they'll have fixed some of the bugs... *fingers crossed.
  5. Leave it to an Aussie to put a Ute in KSP! I like it Devo! It's time for "Dukes of Kerbin"... Cue the Waylon Jennings! *Just good ole' boys, never meanin' no harm. Beats all you ever saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born! RCS boosters... plus they look like tailpipes YeeHaww! Looks like the Kerman boys have got them selves in a whole mess of trouble! On the down side though... I have noticed that the command chairs have a habit of coming loose under impacts... and if the hatch is closed then your Kerbals become trapped with no way out. We must save the Kerbals! lol
  6. The Eagle has wings... again! Devo is right everybody, just add "scale = 1" right below the rescale factor in your configs, and the nodes all match up again! make sure it's all lower case too, as it IS case sensitive (learned the hard way ) SO there is a nice work around for everyone until this mess all gets sorted out! I actually think I like the idea of a two position engine Devo, I seem to remember that being suggested for the Eagle once too... can't wait to try it out!
  7. Oh yeah, I knew this thread was coming.... surprised it's not over 100 pages by now My own modest attempt at flag-ery...
  8. oh yeah, that's fine Devo, just wanted to kinda give you some info to help you out. If you need any other help, let me know. It's nice that we got an update, and some optimizations (I really have noticed about 10-20% improvement in my game performance, so I'm real happy about that!) but it is a pain that pretty much all the mods have to be redone every time it happens. EDIT: And I totally agree with TommyGun below here.... Let's just play the game for a while and have... fun...
  9. The Dropship may not be that broken after all...! The Eagle definately IS though, I can't even get the parts to connect properly, don't know what happened. The Dropship is still working though, even the animations, and with the nose Vtol, I think we can fine tune it enough to not need HydroJeb. Here are some screenies of some quick and dirty testing I've been doing since the update First, the poor Eagle... Now a much more hopeful situation with the Dropship Passing the wreckage of a previous test flight... I'm reminded of the movie "Moon 44" for some reason... Still a bit hard to control, especially with the wings out... but it crashes spectacularly! I'll keep testing and see what I can come up with.
  10. Looking forward to it, Devo! Thanks for all the hard work as usual!
  11. I understand Devo, I'm not really into weapons in KSP either, they are fun in other games, but the proper way to explode Kerbal's is with Science! (plus there's really no one to shoot at) I was really just wondering if the part was animated, that's all. And I'm looking forward to the other things you have in your pipeline too! Can't wait to test fly the Valley Forge... that thing will be a beauty and a beast! Or have more parts from Space 1999... (hopeful puppy eyes) lol Keep up the good work!
  12. the APC looks great Devo! Are you going to animate the rear turret like in the movie? Just checking in with some final notes on the Cheyenne... The one thing I would really like to see get redone are the attachment points, not only because it's still hard to build from scratch in the SPH, but it still seems structurally weak. If you bounce a couple of times on take off or landing the front wings are likely to drop off, had this happen several times. The parts themselves are strong and tend not to blow up when you crash, but they come apart a bit too easily. Other than that, I think we have it about nailed! Been experimenting with the front Vtol engine, I agree with Logan that it started out a bit too powerful, I turned the thrust down to about 145 Kn and it seems to work much better now! I didn't even have to use HydroJeb! We do need to increase the fuel efficiency of the engines though... just a bit of flying around on Kerbin and your out of gas. If you add some launch clamps, you don't have to use the stock landing gear, they just drop off and explode when you take off... Engine Test is go! It's pretty stable now even with the gear down and bay open... I still might play with the part mass a little to see if I can fine tune the balance. Off to cause trouble... Handles pretty well... If you can tell from the smoke trail, that was 10 barrel rolls in a row (say that 5 times fast ) A nice shot of the mach and reentry effects here... and I haven't even been to space yet... this is a pic from an earlier flight, to illustrate the structural weakness... I just bounced about 2 or three times trying to angle the rotatron right to balance out the thrust and lift off vertically, and the front wings came off!
  13. Yeah Devo, I agree... most uncalled for... bad form, and what not. I liked the movie, I have a few problems with it, I think it moves too fast, and doesn't do any real character or plot development, because they don't have time; there is literally an action scene every 5 minutes. Add in that some of the dialogue sounds like it comes from a High School kids fan script (Im thinking of Kirk and Spock in the Engine room specifically here... sound like a conversation you'd have at the gym with a buddy (mate- for Aussie's, Pommies, Etc ) Plus the opening scene is pretty much a straight rip off of the opening of "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Complete with the hero's being chased by angry natives. Blatant. Of course, I was expecting this... I watched the first one again the other day, and for the first time put on the Comentray with JJ and the writers... He basically spends the whole time talking about how he wanted to make Star Trek like Star Wars... So I knew that the franchise I love most in entertainment, is now in the hands of the George Lucas fan club... we're screwed. That being said, I was actually surprised that the movie was as watchable as it was, but they really did pick some great actors for the parts. I smiled every time Karl Urban came on the screen... It's nice to see a Kiwi (he's from New Zealand, right? ) playing a good old southern boy, and doing it well. I like Pine and Quinto as well, I just wish the writers had given them better lines... It was also nice to see they remembered that Scotty is not supposed to be the comic relief. In modern movie terms, it's a 7/10... compared to it's obvious competition "Wrath of Khan" or even "Space Seed" it's a 5/10 at best. It almost seems to me like the script was half finished, and they just went ahead and started... I would have really liked to seen a finished movie. Really hoping 3 will be better cause JJ won't be directing. At least we did actually get to see the Klingons this time.
  14. When Gearbox was making Aliens: Colonial Marines, they hired Syd Mead to do the interiors of the Sulaco and some other stuff, but then the designs were changed when the game changed development companies. So even though "an" interior for the Sulaco was seen (Bridge, engine room etc.) I don't hold it as... valid? cannon? Cause it wasn't designed by the same guy, and was obviously meant as a game "level". I would love to get either Galactica in game, but I agree about the scale... the landing pods would have to be big enough to take a Dropship (about the same size as a colonial shuttle) which would make the whole ship longer than the games loading distance... LOL The Pelican from Halo actually would be easier to get to fly as the thruster placement is a lot more logical, though since it was obviously meant to be a "modern" version of the very dropship we are working on, that should not be a surprise. But it has it's own problems too, the main engines are placed to high in the tail section, it would Vtol very nicely, but nose dive like a brick in space, or horizontal flight... SciFi ships look cool, but most were made for looks, not science. With some notable exceptions of course... like the Eagle And the ships from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Can't believe no one has made a flyable model of any of those either! Yeah I know the Deep Space Pack has a round command pod... but it's just not the same...
  15. I'd love to give you some feedback, but I didn't get the new engine.... Whaaa (crocodile tears) lol. I think your right though, Logan, the Eagle is a multipurpose utility craft, the Dropship only does one thing... it does it well, but that's about all it does... unless we get those fuselage parts and adapters Did'ne get much testing done yesterday, by buddy owns a movie theater here in town and invited me out to see an early showing of the new Star Trek movie last night! Only me and him and his Dad and Sister in the whole theater Spoiler Alert: Khaaaaaaan!!!!! lol jk, I won't ruin it for you. Oh, and Logan? About your new signature.... "We pray for one last landing, on the globe that gave us birth. To rest our eyes on the fleecy skies, and the cool green hills of Earth."
  16. WOW, ok Logan, I give up... you win. That is the coolest thing I've seen all day! And I know what you mean about spending time in KSP... That's why I'm typing this at 3:28am... You'll have to send me the craft file for that landing pad. @Devo Sweet! The Eagle engines could really use some love, if you added thrust vectors to the vtols (angled like they are now, that really helps with stability) and I could have you a Mk.3 Resource using Eagle ready tomorrow night! And you could adjust the colliders so the parts actually touch... always bothered me, ain't natural We could also use that engine as a place holder until you get a forward Vtol made for the Dropship. If you wanted to update the Peggy Engines as well, I could get the configs done for those as too, but it's not really pressing. And personally I think your parts look great Devo, it's true, your still learning stuff, but we're all amateurs here, even the Dev's...
  17. @Logan If you still have the Eagle Vtol's that I made, just delete "Nipples" (lol) engine info, and copy the Engine and Gimbal Modules from the config, over to the "Nipple"... BUT... If Devo did not add a thrust vector for the part in Unity when he made it, then it won't work. Explanation: "New" Stock parts from 0.18 up use the unity engine for more of their configuration, whereas the "old" style parts were just a model in Unity with the engine information in the config file. The Eagle and Peggy both use "old" style engines, which can be upgraded, like I did with the Eagle Vtol's but only if there is already a thrust vector on the part itself... If it doesn't have one, Devo would have to redo the part to add it... I don't know anything about Unity, so I don't know if that would be easy or hard... It's getting late here, I'll try making one myself tomorrow, and if it works I'll PM you a copy! EDIT: Just change this out for LOGAAAAAAAN! Seriously though... That's some good flyin' boy! I've taught you well.
  18. @ Devo, Yeah the wings still deploy, but rotatrons just stay where they are and appear to be floating in air Same for the "missiles" I made It's up to you it you want to release it, but I think with a little more work we can have the Dropship balanced so it won't need hyrdoJeb, especially since we now know that there is a forward Vtol engine. I'm going to start testing that tomorrow using the "nipple" vtol's from peggy to see if we can balance the Dropship that way. Also going to experiment with increasing the mass of the tail section to use it as counter weight to see if I can get the balance right, so it won't fly like a brick when you load an APC in it. Do you know about how much your going to have the APC weigh?? That would be useful, I know you've been using a DEMV mk5 Ant, did you increase it's mass at all? Cause it's weight now would be amazingly light for an Armored Personnel Carrier EDIT LOL Logan... we both said the same thing... now I'm the one getting scooped in the thread...
  19. Yeah, usually, the Spaceport works like a charm, though I've never uploaded anything to it... It's a shame that it seems to be corrupting things, I haven't really noticed anything else I have downloaded from there not working as it should. I guess Logan is right, we'll just have to use mediaFire until the Spaceport get's sh*t wired on straight... In other "good" news... more testing done on the Drop ship... Still trying to build one of my own from scratch. I changed the attach rules for the cargo bay to be surface attachable to see if that would help, but I still can't get them to attach. Here are some screenies... The Eagle Problem... Also did some testing as well on the Eagle, I think we can just make one landing leg pod and use the symmetry function of the SPH to put them on both side, you'd just need to have the little black "x" thing on both sides of the model. That would make building the Eagle a little easier and faster, plus it will help when we finally get the Mk.3 version done, cause proper balance is gonna be key on that one. The Bad Attachment Blues... This mostly works... mostly. And the wings look cool, but it's hard to get them attached just right... I fiannly got mad and decided to use whatever parts were needed to get something to attach somewhere... anywhere! It almost worked too, but then... this happened. I also made some missles out of Seperatrons... Too bad KSP has bugged animations. I did come up with a way to set the Drop ship down on the runway without putting the extra stock landing gear on it. Just stick some "Launch Stability Enhancers" on there. You can see in the last pic here, they work the same way they do on the launch pad, just put the Dropship at about the right height in the SPH and stick em on, when you stage them, the just pop lose and fall over. Works well.
  20. Waste Me's Issue: I'm getting it too, I think it's in the new download of the Eagle that Devo put on the Spaceport... I DL'd it again just today to see what changes Devo had made, and it's giving me the same problems. The Vtol Engines have their thrust pointing way out the top, not down to the side like they should. Do you think Spaceport has corrupted the file somehow???
  21. OK, Nyrath you have me there... You probably know more space science than I do, I come from the military side of things. The point I was making is that there are only certain instances were the "shape" of the reactor is important, as in the Pebble bed Reactor you mentioned, and even then; the shape has more to do with the limitations of the technology involved rather than any aesthetic choices by the designers. Even in cases where the Reactor itself has to be cylindrical, (or the Pebble Bed for instance) I still think that when looking at a real working engine from the outside, you'd only see the Spherical pressure vessel, which holds the Reactor (what ever shape it is) and it's attendant cooling systems, and exhaust nozzle. While the machinery inside the Sphere would differ depending on the Reactor type used, the outside appearance (which is all KSP models anyway) would still be spherical (or any shape really). Unless you want to mount your Reactor inside your spacecraft, which has it's own advantages and problems. Or am I completely wrong? (it could happen, I'm not perfect... yet ) Always love a good science discussion.
  22. Hmmm didn't think about that... might work after all. I did try building a version where I angled the engines themselves to angle the thrust, and that was a lot more stable. Away from my own computer atm, but I'll be back shortly to Ride with the Angels once again Things keep going this well and we'll have this baby flying just like Bricks don't! lol
  23. YEAH BABY! We're in business now! Thanks for sharing Yolo! I think Devo might want a copy of those blueprints, as he has always wanted to make the model as accurate as possible, He's cool that way Come to think of it, I'd like a copy myself, just to have (nerd tendencies kicking in, already have Sulaco blueprints...) Great idea about the color scheme Logan, sounds good, and actually makes sense. (you couldn't use jets on planets with no atmosphere, or no O2.) Wish I'd thought of it. lol I think with just a bit more tweaking, the Cheyenne will be ready faster than I thought. APC and Sulaco, here we come! I also just wanted to point out, that I have not noticed any lag when using the wing animations either, they work smoothly for me.
  24. Yeah thanks Shadow. Redspar wanted to leave it up so people could still download his original Eagle (which is very cool, and still works in KSP if you edit the configs a little) but all the new development for the Eagle is happening over at the Wayland thread!
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