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Everything posted by UltraVires

  1. @Waste Me Me... use Sarcasm... Never! we'll need to know which ship you are trying to fly, and what exactly your having trouble with. I'm guessing English is not your first language, that's ok just take your time and explain. Use google translate if you have to, it works pretty well.
  2. About Scientific accuracy... the ideal shape for a Nuclear Reactor vessel (the container that actually holds the reacting nuclear materials) is spherical, both for holding higher pressures, and even heat radiation for cooling. The NTR's the one in the game is modeled on, were built on the standard solid core reactor design favored by the US, and first developed for US Navy Submarines, that's why they were cylindrically shaped. Add to that, they were all designed the the 50'-70's, with practically no work done since then other than theoretical studies. If one were designed today, the odds are it's Reactor vessel at least, and fuel tanks would be spherical, for the reason I stated above. It's the best shape for any container that has to endure high pressures and temperatures for extended periods. Check out the wiki on NTR's it's pretty good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Thermal_Rocket Ok, got the science bug out of my system now... I just think these are some cool looking parts. Plus the different sizes are useful. Can't wait to see what other stuff you come up with Kommit
  3. Nice Videos Logan... your starting to make me look bad buddy... Gonna have to pull a Chuck Yeager to get back in the lead... Let's see where that old demon lives. I was just watching the movie again last night, and I found this... Right there on the bottom of the nose section, Devo, could this be a forward Vtol for the Dropship??? I have no idea what else it could be, it's certainly not an intake, or bomb bay or something... It would kinda make sense, this one just holds the nose up, while the rear Vtol's do the actual work of lifting and maneuvering... Just kinda thinking out loud here, but you could make a little surface attachable Vtol (like the one's on the Peggy) and stick that sucker on there... It might do the trick and let us get away without using HydroJEb etc. What do you think? Also it might be great if we had some just plain Dropship fuselage parts and adapters, I think Logan was onto something when he mentioned using these parts with other KSP stuff, there are all kinds of possibilities. And these parts look as good as stock parts, you really have done a great job Devo. Just to explain about the plugin stuff, my computer was really good about 2 years ago, now it's just kinda mid grade... so if I run KSP with anymore than about 4 or 5 plugins it just gets really laggy and slow. I'm getting some upgrades soon, but for the other people out there who don't have great systems and still want to play KSP, I feel it would be great if we could not use any plugins etc. I know that may not be possible, but it would be ideal. I'll shut up now, and go back to flying.
  4. Test Pilot Reporting in! Just been playing around in the space plane hanger, and I can't actually build one myself. The craft file loads fine, but if you try to build one from scratch the folding wings, and cargo bay are not attachable... I tried every which way I could think of, even using a radial attach point, but no go. Still testing the whole ship, but with the parts I could attach, I made this for fun I call it the Ugly duckling... I can confirm the engines work fine, and the rota-tron is nice! (never used DR before) The attach strength between the command pod and front wing section seems a bit weak (I'll test some different settings) landing gear work (and look) great too! You make some good animations Devo BTW... I have no words for your work on the Sulaco, Devo... that is OUTSTANDING. Fear not, Kerbals, You'll be ready to go Bug Stomping in Style soon! ...and I just realized what this looks like... anyone play "Warhawk" for PlayStation back in the day??? It's unintentionally in KSP now Jeb LIVES! Rocket Exhaust Rainbow!
  5. spot on Logan! I'm trying to build something like Alpha with Lacks parts, it won't be as big, but I hope it will be functional. I have some of the modules ready, Kethane bay for mining, and a fuel depot/landing pad. But as you can see, I'm gonna have to get a Tractor up there or something to move the parts around, I didn't use landing gear, cause I wanted it to look like it was built there... but that may not have been the wisest choice.... Who knew it would be this hard to find a flat spot of ground on the Mun??? and likewise Meteor! Glad to see more people enjoying the Eagle! Stay tuned... the Mk. 3 Version is just around the corner... once other things are up and flying as well.
  6. MunBase Construction Report: Proceeding in typical Kerbal Fasion! My Mun Base made it to the surface alright, and then promptly fell over! I've been designing modules to dock onto it using Lack's parts, and hopefully they will all dock together. You can see in the Screenie, I'm using the Eagle, with a KAS winch. In the Dark too! I actually did get it upright again but when I disconnected the winch, the Kraken showed up and Exploded my MunBase Didn't get a picture of it though... It is an elusive creature!
  7. OK, I'll, give it a try too! I just hope it's not something else to slow down my KSP... lol
  8. @Col.Neville go into the command pod config and crank the Pod RCS power for LIN and ROT to about 5, that should give your Eagle a lot more maneuvering power! If you still want more, just make the number bigger until your happy with it @Logan NICE PODS DUDE!!! I'm gonna have to try making some of those myself, I have Lack's mod too, (I like the "look" of lack's more than the B9 stuff) and I never thought to use those for cargo pods... Doh! @Devo In proper Australian parlance (I had to ask my buddy Carl from Perth) "F@ucking Oath Mate!" the Dropship looks great!! Can't wait to crash-- er, I mean Fly it!
  9. I'm a fan of Mechjeb 2.0. I like the new gui, it covers less of the screen. Does seem to use more Ram tho... then again, KSP in general uses more Ram these days, but other than that, I like it. they finally gave you an option to plan a return burn. Never understood why that wasn't in the first one... if your Kerbals do survive getting to another planet, how are they supposed to get home?
  10. *Sings: "We're off to outer space. We're leaving Mother Earth. To save the human race. Our Star Blazers." Don't know if we should mention it too much tho, Devo will start getting Ideas, and before you know it, We poor Test Pilots will have to figure out how to get the Space Battleship Yamato into orbit! And I have Photoshop Devo, but I've never really messed around with it. Made the second one with GIMP (all straight lines, and a few easy curves) the other 3 I got from the internets... I'd love to take credit for them, but that would be a "Pyratical" thing to do...
  11. I don't know about textures Devo, but I got stickers and logo's by the truck load! I wouldn't mind trying some textures, but I know very little about 3d modelling etc. I think I got a bunch more of these hiding on my hard drive somewhere... and I have the one's from the first Alien movie, so if anyone wants a Nostromo mission patch... I got it covered
  12. If I was any more excited there would be a small thermonuclear blast... Also, I noticed you put a new Eagle package on the Spaceport, did you update the textures like you wanted Devo?
  13. Very good work DB! I like how you put Kerbin in for the Earth... You deserve an official Eagle Pilots badge! I got this from the show too, all the Eagle pilots had one, so it must be official, right? EAGLE PILOTS DO IT VERTICALLY! Can't wait for the Dropship Devo, I foresee some awesome crashes... for Science!
  14. üþûþôõц!!!! (hope I translated the right word there... ) Nice work!
  15. It's a new flat MechJeb that comes with the 2.0.7 download, but I may change it for the Jeb9001 your using That was cool, and I kinda don't like the green glow.
  16. Here is a short video preview of the new Mk.3 version of the Space Eagle! It is a work in progress, and Devo has yet to put some more Aussie magic into it, but we are making progress!!! I'm sorry for my voice being low (you'll just have to pay attention ) but it took so long to upload I didn't want to do it again!
  17. It's the Hawk, also from the show Space:1999, like the Eagle. The Eagle is a utility craft, and the Hawk is a space fighter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_IX_Hawk It was actually only seen in one episode of the series called "War Games". But most people who have seen the show remember it vividly. Here is a shortened version of the episode from youtube if your interested.
  18. I wonder, should we start calling Devo the King of Monster Island? While we're talking about all these mythical Beasties, let's not forget this little bird of prey...
  19. Very Nice! I love the Retro-Future look of the engines too! If only we had some cool spherical fuel tanks to go with them...
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