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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. I'm good with or without mods here. I liked the idea though of this go around being as stock as possible on the final ship though. Maybe mechjeb just because after you have done docking a zillion times at some point you just want to flip a switch and tell the computer to dance like a little monkey and do it for you. As for where I could go in the order of building I can easily handle being near to or at the end. Beefy machine that has never had an issue playing in windowed or full screen while I dig on the internet during those long burns. All setup with Fraps and a decent editing suite. So after the next update how do we proceed? I've not done something like this with a group so I'm not sure how this will all work.
  2. Maybe someone has already stated this but isn't an update that breaks a save game kind of a "Kerbal Way" of doing things anyway? Just try and look at it as an opportunity for more practice docking! Your Kerbals will thank you I'm sure!
  3. Very well done! I really enjoyed how you worked in the sounds from the VAB. The whole sequence of the door opening was just awesome. I'm guessing the flag took you a long time to get it so fluid like that? This is just too neat!
  4. Ahhh Moho, I've added some nice probe shaped craters on the surface of that one for sure. The surface is well on its way to morphing into my own personal planetary junk yard!
  5. Gah, I hate to be the first one to say it but you are right. Practice does make perfect. For me, I got used to the eva by firing up the jetpacks and just learning to move up, down, right, left.. etc. Just one direction at a time. And as I'm sure you have noticed a little jetpack can go a looooong way. Small moves.
  6. Ok yet another in the long line of thanks to the dev team. Through the ups and downs this product has been just, well.. fun! I should be ashamed to admit that I've spent over 575 hours playing this game but instead it is almost a badge of honor. But yet I hesitate to call this a game. Like some of the other posts I've read in these forums this "game" has kicked some of us in the educational butt so to speak. I can't remember when a game has driven me to crack open some of my college text books as a reference. What is really sick is how excited I was to dive into the volumes of information available about this awsome game. Ok (taps his viens) I need my fix and my burn is almost finished, back to Jeb!
  7. I would love to get involved with this. It certainly sounds like a lot of fun. I'm game for any sort of station building or any other ideas the group might decide upon. https://www.youtube.com/user/esinohio I certainly come under the 1000 subs
  8. Oh wow! I think we should start a Scott Manley addicts support group. Or am I the only one who has named their first space station Manley station?
  9. I donwloaded your craft and tried to fire it up. From the error I recieved I am guessing you might be using an old version of the Kethane mod. I have the most current version installed yet it thinks I am missing the medium kethane pump when I try and load this craft. After a quick google I noticed that the medium kethane pump was included on the orignal interations of the Kethane mod. I am only guessing now that the older mod, if you have it, isn't happy with the newer code in the 0.2x versions of this game. Seems the forums are the best and most current location for some of the mods that are in development. I'd try here for the latest version of that mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-6-1-Multiple-resources-support-generator-Dev-stream-recording-up Hope this helps!!!!
  10. You could always use the missles I've seen up on the Spaceport. The dev that made the Lazor system has a couple missle packs I think.
  11. You could always use the lifter that Bobcat put together for the H.O.M.E mod. Jool V Heavy launcher is its name and you can find it on the Spaceport. It certainly has the capacity to lift those home units.
  12. Been having a blast with this mod! Well, I guess tring NOT to blast my poor Kerbals with heat or g's. The sounds added are a great addition to the realism. Thanks for all your hard work on this project!
  13. Bump the suggestions above as well as using the "map" on this forum thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25360-Delta-V-map If you do some more digging you can find a really nice deltav map floating about somewhere out there in internet land. Great resource for planning out those trips to the great beyond.
  14. More of a balanced game play here I'm thinking. The career mode with its structured goal oriented style of play is always fun when your after those rewards and storyline features. I'm sure I'll bounce into the sandbox for testing, development, and general Kerbal slaughter errr I mean careful attention to Jeb's safety.
  15. /salute !!! This is flat awsome!
  16. My remake of the Mercury 6 launch. Somewhat patterned from the scene from The Right Stuff when John Glenn is launched. Polished it up some and adjusted the volumes around. Hope you like this one better! Would love comments, suggestions, and whatever
  17. Not a single issue here that wasn't mod related. Then again I understand this is a work in progress and would enjoy running across a bug that I could report in the proper forum so that I might be participating in a small way with the development of this awsome game. I mean, that is why you made the decision to purchase a game in development right? Loving this game Squad and and I'm really enjoying the evolution/development of this project!
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