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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. Yet more fun with @atassiedevil 's Vipers. Straight simple Blender render this time.
  2. Just some pencil sketch effects in Blender/Photoshop with @atassiedevil 's Vipers. Vipers on patrol.
  3. Not really drawn but couldn't resist some Photoshop fun.
  4. Officially done with this community.  Try and make a suggestion and get crapped on by elitist community members and ignored by the very people that can answer the question you came asking.  "Go ask someone else" seems to be the standard. Screw it.

  5. Moderator request. Please delete or lock this thread as it is being abandoned and the imgur links removed.
  6. I will personally birth your children at this moment @ZooNamedGames. I swear to all that is holy. [snip]
  7. Look, this is turning sour here and that was not my intention. I simply saw an opportunity to make what I thought would be a positive change to how the community discussion pages are setup over on Steam and set about finding out just who we would have to ask about making some changes. That's it. Asked the moderator just who I needed to talk with and got a response that was less than helpful. He's busy,I get it. I've skimmed my fair share of customer requests prior to my retirement. So at this point let's just forget I asked and let this drift into the dustbin.
  8. I was never asking for the level of moderation we enjoy here. Make no mistake I know perfectly well the vivid differences between what passes for moderation over there and here. Yes, warm that ban hammer up, seriously. And you're wrong, I would LOVE for the level of active moderation to be present in the Steam forums. Holy hell the number of idiotic threads that would have been deleted. All I was suggesting was the addition of some extra sub threads might be a welcome change. A setup closer to how Flight Simulator X has their steam discussion arranged. And countless other games that enjoy numerous sub forums within their Steam discussions.
  9. So, I guess I shouldn't have even bothered to ask is what I'm reading.
  10. Ok, so again. Squad moderates those discussion forums. They can delete threads, lock them, make pins, etc. But your saying Squad must ask Steams permission to add sub forums under the already given discussion forum?
  11. And how does this relate to my post? Of course it runs independently. That has zero to do with a few sub forum additions over in the other discussion area.
  12. Squad is the one who dictates what sub forums show up under the main discussions on Steam. It is a Squad moderated discussion forum and like numerous other products(games) up there on Steam, they have the ability to add whatever sub forum under the main discussions area they want. I think maybe Vanamonde you misunderstood the nature of my question and I apologize if my question was overly vague and that I was not more specific on what I was asking. I know you were just trying to help but I just find it highly dubious that in order to have a sub forum added we, the users, have to contact Steam. (I'd rather chew my damn arm off) and not someone here at Squad. Not sure how Squad could protect its brand if they were not the ones in full control of those Steam discussions under their community pages. @sal_vager Can you please weigh in on this since I see your name pop over over there in a moderation fashion? Who am I supposed to ask over in that mess about adding Sub forums to Squads discussion area? Some Steam support thread somewhere? The Steam KSP general discussion thread? Because that almost seems as productive as peeing windward due to the exact chaos I'm trying to get rid of. As far as I know you're the only moderator over there so I'm not sure who else I might even begin to approach about this now. I just simply thought a tiny facelift to the way the discussions were organized over on the Steam side of things might be a welcome change to that community. Of course it could also just be the rantings of a slightly OCD ol' timer who's head is going to explode at what appears to be a missed opportunity for Squad to put a better face on what for many is their first experience with the game.
  13. If this has been asked or discussed before please forgive me for my lack of some search skills. Currently one of the bigger issues I see over in the Steam forums are new users to KSP asking the same basic questions we all muddled through when we found this gem of a game. Over here I can clearly see a subforum for gameplay questions and tutorials. While steam does allow that handy guides section, having an additional subthread might be a welcome sight to new players to the game and might reduce some clutter in the main part of the forums. I was wondering if it had ever been suggested to maybe add a few sub forums over in the Steam area that exist here. One of the single largest threads over there is essentially and hard to follow Mission Reports sub forum packed into a solitary thread. I would imagine the people who enjoy posting to that thread would love to have a complete sub forum there to document their mission exploits the same way they are done here. Actually easier to do since the image hosting and embedding is built into Steam. For whatever reason there seems to be two distinct communities with us floaters dotted among them. I just thought that adding a few sub forums over there might give things a slightly more organized look on the Steam community discussion pages and make it far easier on new users to find answers to questions.
  14. Jeb doesn't need a map, he's got an app for that.
  15. I guess firstly, congrats on the hard work and the impending expansion. <Insert fellow IT warrior quips about long days/nights here>. Blah blah blah, rabid fanboy ranting, blah blah blah, and more barely contained rabid KSP fanboy excitement. Had a quick question about gifting the expansion. I'm guessing that since the main site offers the ability to buy a gift code for KSP something similar will be in place for the expansion? Just wanting to be sure I can make it rain expansion goodness on those I couldn't gift the game to from Steam.
  16. This is just flat out awesome. I love the suit and his mask. I certainly hope you are able to run with this idea when life gives you some free time.
  17. In the never ending saga of learning to draw a darn Kerbal I've been trying to keep sketching. I just picked some random angles and tried to do a few quick doodles with the pencil brush in Photoshop. I honestly never knew how much of a $%*&@ perspective can be. I'm still hoping that with enough practice I'll be able to produce a reasonable Kerbal. Coloring is my next nemesis. I think I'm going to try and just use the pencil lines as guides and go for a painted look. Put on my 70's white guy manfro and channel my inner Bob Ross and paint some happy little Kerbals. With luck this painting practice will help me with making textures for some of my Blender models.
  18. I wish I could take credit for that one. My rigged Blender Kerbal still needs a ton of work and still needs a proper space suit. Mine can be seen here. I found that one in the link below.
  19. Hmm, sounds like something weird happened. Quickway to setup that domain is just to select the object you want to catch fire, press the space bar and type quick smoke. That will setup a domain for you. Sadly, the fire shader included in Blender will not actually display the fire. Just the smoke. Below you will find two different methods to making your flames appear. Select the domain, go to your node editor and then peek at the pictures below. First, our old friend the color ramp. (Note that in addition to changing the colors, alpha levels of those colors can also be changed.) Experiment!!!!! The second method uses the Blackbody node. In a broad stroke it tells Blender ignition points. Something along those lines. And lastly some domain settings you can play with Go nuts and play with values. Settings on the emitter itself can also be changed to produce some really neat effects!!! I would highly suggest peeking at Blender Guru's fire tutorial here. You can see how changing some of those settings can produce highly realistic looking effects. Have fun!
  20. File is working well thanks! As for reentry effects, the easiest way to tackle the problem I think would be to use a particle system. If we use the MK1 pod as an example I would put some sort of emitter down toward the bottom edge of the pod. Like below. Next I would add a few particle systems to the emitter and set it so that it's not rendered. As far as the particles go I highly suggest you do some experimentation. One interesting method I learned was to use planes as the objects being emitted. Move the planes to another layer. Add a constraint to the plane to it always copies the camera's rotation. Now when those are emitted the will all magically face the camera. Then add a Blend texture to the particle system that effects the size of the particle, mine is a bit off below and should have started the particles bigger (oh well ). Now they will go from small to big over their lifetime. As for what to put on the planes you can honestly go nuts. You can probably find a ton of materials for fake looking fire floating around the internet. I just threw some noise material that is masked out on the edges. Just to prove the concept. This is where you can go nuts on materials! I kept it very simple here. Next I just added a chopped up sphere to the bottom and gave it an emission shader like in the color picture above. Not sure why I used UV cords(picture below), generated would have worked just fine as well. Again, simple shader. No bump, no specular, etc. A bump map of some sort would really make that shield pop. Particles are the easy method, just experiment around and do some googling for "Fake Blender Fire" and you should find a ton of material setups. Of course if you're wanting to completely melt your CPU or GPU then there is always volumetric fire. With enough tinkering you can produce everything from cartoon looking fire to amazingly real looking fire.
  21. Just some basic color going in to help keep things easier for me to work on. Still needs a ton of small detail work but I think it is moving along nicely. Found a screenshot from @Stongduke over in @Pine's thread. Thought it would be fun to give it a slight tweak in the spirit of this thread instead.
  22. Working on some line art for a simple launch vehicle. Was wanting to see how a launch scene might look right before liftoff with engines going.
  23. Yet more messing around in Photoshop.
  24. I'm hoping with enough practice, and maybe a heap of YouTube tutorials, I'll be able actually paint a darn Kerbal. Rabble, Rabble, Rabble, Rabble.....
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