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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. Low res animation fun. Poor Kerbin
  2. Messing around with a tutorial I found. The original tutorial had two random planets smashing into one another so I changed it a bit and added Kerbin. Tutor4u was the author of the original tutorial and has some great stuff on his Youtube channel showcasing various neat functions in Blender. Some interesting cycles material node setups were used in this one. Kerbin having a bad day. Legal Notice: Millions of Kerbals may have been hurt while filming this.
  3. Azimech brings us the updated Chakora v3. All stock prop aircraft! Never ceases to amaze me what you builders manage to come up with.
  4. Grats on your pin @Jon144 !!! Hopefully soon I'll have more footage of your epic helicopter.
  5. Looks like fun! I'll give it a shot and see what I can come up with. I love the clean room idea/launch prep idea.
  6. And yet more fun camera tracking Jon144's KH-47 Kinchook. Managed to get a much better camera tracking out of this footage resulting in a much more stable helicopter animation. Next I'm off to the flight line to get some nice footage of a runway situation. A friend thought we might get some cool footage at the Air Force museum. Maybe add a few Kerbal rockets or aircraft to the displays outside? Would be interesting to see if I could actually do it.
  7. Circling back to having fun with camera tracking. The Blender camera track here is a bit wonky as the helicopter jumps a bit occasionally but I thought it was still kind of neat, even if it is low resolution. Jon144's KH-47 Kinchook hovering low over my good friends house.
  8. An epic Star Wars speeder bike from Mad Rocket Scientist. Thought I'd do a quick shot of Jeb squeezing off some rounds while zipping along through the forest. Good times Find it along with other craft here !!
  9. A quick render/photoshop of the epic KH-47C Kinchook. More to come soontm.
  10. Sounds fun, I'll give it a go and see what I can come up with.
  11. Very true, certainly didn't mean a tablet reference as a rebuke of the style or method used. Just thought his sketch would join perfectly with a tablet. It might be because my wife recently gave me a really nice one and I've been in that mode of "Did you know how neat these things are now?" for a few months. I'm thinking now she gave it to me in some dark plot to keep me occupied and out of her hair. Isn't retirement just grand?
  12. An Eve analog taking shape. Not sure I'm happy with the clouds. I'm thinking they need to be squashed somewhat and made a bit more linear maybe? Not sure. Suggestions would be welcomed for this one.
  13. Attack run with pTrevTrevs's Cobra.
  14. Hmmm, I think I might be able to get something together. I'll get on it as soon as soon as I'm finished up with this Moho analog I'm working on is done.
  15. Yet another Duna prospect I'm tinkering with. Generated textures and base mesh somewhat close to the game Duna. Not sure about the colors though, might tinker further with it to see what I can get. So far the mod parts seem to import ok. All I can do is grab the mod and try it with the import script. Usually the errors are random parts that don't import. After the import we just need to go over the model and see if anything is missing.
  16. Put some more time into another Laythe analog. Decided against using the game texture and generated one close to the original instead. Makes it a ton easier to generate all the other masks and maps for the textures. I think this one is turning out much better than my previous attempts. The last one had far too much landmass, no ice caps, and no crater/bay areas that you see on the in game Laythe. Managed to fix those issues in this version.
  17. Whoa... where have you been all my life CliftonM?? Thanks for the link to the data. @Starwhip you stuff is awesome as always!!
  18. Don't mind at all, glad you liked it.
  19. Just a quick render with some photoshop fun thrown in. Love your design there!! I flew both the FAR version and the stock version and had a blast.
  20. I'd love to give that a go @Azimech ! Just shoot me a link to a craft file and I'll see what I can get together. Assuming it survives the import
  21. Yet more random fun with some awesome craft. This is @Naito 's SCA in action. Find it here!
  22. X-98 Bluejay in high Kerbin orbit.
  23. I love the stock replicas you builders manage to come up with and Jon144's KH-47 "Kinchook" is just flat out cool.
  24. Someone needs to get this man a drawing tablet for his PC!! I love the sketch look of it. Kind of like the storyboard artwork for movies. Are you going to do any more drawings?? Mind if I add it to my rotation of desktop background images?
  25. Yet more fun with helicopter replicas. This is @pTrevTrevs 's AH-1F Cobra. Go forth and blow stuff up!
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