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Everything posted by kookoo_gr

  1. i would like the option of having an mp3 player inside the game so i can choose my own tracks when i play the game. The game does need more tracks but give the player the option(via the options menu) to use the stock music or play their own tracks
  2. I have taken rovers to Kerbin (duh!), Mun, Minmus, Moho, Eve, Gilly, Duna, Laythe, Vall, Tylo, Bop and Poll. Where do i fit in the poll?
  3. I am thinking of doing this challenge. One question though, i have designed a lander that has 12000ish ÃŽâ€V and from the data i have form KER it can take off from Kerbin and get to Eve in one stage. Is this allowed, also if i make it to Eve can i send a refuel tank before landing, finally (so i can have more options, ) can i refuel my lander once landed on Eve?
  4. At the poll you should include all the planets including the sun, aka went to interplanetary space but didn't manage to get to any planet and the option all of them and none, just orbited Kerbin. Given the title of the this thread i've been to every planet and back.
  5. i was going to make a similar diagram to yours but real life canceled my version. my two cents in the tech tree are the following 1. the probe cores should progress according to their symmetry just like the symmetry is at the VAB, of course the abilities should be changed accordingly, eg. stayputnik, probobodyne qbe, probobodyne hecs, probobodyne okto, probobodyne okto2, rc-001s, rc-l01, Mk2 drone core 2. for the energy i would place the pb-nuk at level 3 3. for science i would go for thermometer and barometer at level 1. at level 2 mystery goo, seismometer, sensor nose cone and at level 3 science jr. science lab, gravioli detector hope the tech tree gets a re-haul because right now it makes career mode wonky and a bit annoying for some contracts
  6. December 23 - 24. Good thing it's my day off today but with barely enough time so i post the last two days today. If i have time i will do the last December challenges and post them near the end's year since my free time is full of chores My science lab My Christmas Tree Merry Christmas and a happy new year
  7. December 22 Sent a modified habitation module to the space station with a crew of 24 kerbals, since my station can hold 24 Kerbals. Also it serves as an emergency life boat to evacuate all Kerbals in an emergency. I hope it can survive the parachute popping phase.
  8. December 21, go big or go home. I sent a 16 Kerbal habitat to the already 8 Kerbal station core. Docking was like the scene in interstellar since my main core has only solar panels and no batteries and docking took place during night time as power ran out on the core station. Also i had to do this quickly as my PC is acting up weird and i had to reinstal KSP with the mods i use
  9. Hmm, i wasn't awar i had to return my kerbal back to Kerbin from Duna. Here i wrap up this mission. Also Here is December 19 And December 20
  10. I like the concept of specialization of a Kerbal but i think it should be directed by the player and not be specified by the game when you hire a Kerbal. As someone said above the real life space program started with the astronauts being able to do everything. In KSP you should be able to select the path of your Kerbals after they level up to 1 star. At level 0 all Kerbals should be able to have basic SAS functionality aka hold heading and it should stay throughout a Kerbal's life, also it would be good if a Kerbal had a direction into a specialization eg. Kerbal X at level 0 is better at engineering etc. that way you can decide whether you are going to make him a pilot or an engineer or a scientist if you have shortage of personnel, but should you decide to make a prone pilot an engineer he should have a buff at his traits. Ah, also make it possible to be able to fire(sack) a Kerbal. This will also give the player a reason to rotate their crew at missions, earn experience, have a variety of options during a mission and not use just one kerbal for all missions. This what i mean. Right now i am playing career mode and the only one that gets to fly my missions is Jeb especially now that he is level 1 and can hold attitudes. Bill and Bob are just sitting in KSC doing nothing until i manage to unlock maneuver nodes and get to the Mun (i am playing at hard mode). If i feel like rotating my crew it will be only with another pilot Kerbal i have hired but Bill and Bob (and any other scientist/engineer i hire in the future) will remain at KSC and only the pilots will fly missions in combination with a strategy to convert reputation into science the only ones i need are pilots. Also it would be nice for contracts to require a Kerbal's specialization at a mission eg. test part X with an engineer at location Y, go to the Mun with a pilot and a scientist, do science and get back. Finally give extra jobs for the scientist/engineer after an upgrade. The scientist should be able to clean experiments at some point, heck make him be able to clean an experiment once or twice at EVA and have unlimited use with the combination of a lab. Be able to recognize a biome or something in the map view. For the engineer i like what Janos1986 wrote This will also give the astronaut complex a new role for training your Kerbals and the player can have more fun with their Kerbals in their missions. I know this is just the first implementation of Kerbal experience and i as well as others in this community would like this to evolve to the better.
  11. Not me in career mode i don't use it , in sandbox though i sometimes use it for wack-a-kerbal
  12. December 17-18 Went to Duna and landed at Duna Lowlands. Upon touchdown i had high speed, the landing gear broke and the ship glitched into the ground, luckily Jeb could repair the gear and repack the parachutes, went back to orbit and at 20 days before the Duna - Kerbin transfer window i am ready for return.
  13. Here is my plane for Visual Survey Contracts. It takes off vertically from the airstrip, in order to get the parts needed i had grind the rocket missions and go for plane research with the help of turning my rep into science. Once i grind all the nodes at the tier 1 research facility i will make my rep into funds an away we go to the Mun.
  14. Now with the release of 0.90 i saw that there is no inline docking port for the MkIII parts. Now in the future updates Porkjet may include such a port but until then i decided to place one of the existing ports inside cargo bay and with the offset option of the gizmos i tried to move around the cargo bay. Here i came a possible bug that SQUAD may have to look. By moving the docking port with the offset tool the docking port gets stuck at one side of the cargo bay and you can only move up down and at the extreme left/right with no chance of centering it at the cargo bay. So here is my solution. First you place a cargo bay and place a large cubic strut and place an inline docking port to it. Then using the offset tool you move the docking port to the desired position At the free slot of the cubic strut you can place another attachment point... ...or a tri-adaptor... ... or a quad-adaptor by using the offset option At the space beneath the docking port/cubic strut you can place any utility part you desire Happy building and docking
  15. Yes i know it's Kurvy (sorry i had to turn the image upside down in order to show this) Also noticed that the spotlights at tier 1 VAB have no lights
  16. WOW Squad, this update is just.....WOW, the editor overhaul is just WOW, for the first time since i started playing this game i am at a loss of how to build things (in a good way that is), started building a ship and with all the tweaks i spent almost an hour just to make it look good with the new gizmos, the possibilities are limitless. Those fuel lines and struts are just WOW, the new autopilot assistance, just WOW the ships fly more straight than ever when pointed at a direction. This update is the best update ever, keep on the good job after a well Christmas rest, you deserve it. I'll just go now and hyperventilate somewhere quiet.
  17. December 16, new version, new save since my ships got broken with the new update. Rebuilt my Duna lander and sent into orbit waiting for the Duna transfer window
  18. Welp, if you watch the series, along with the fact that it took the creator about ten years to make it, you'll see what i mean (i don't hate the series, quite the opposite actually). Wht do you think the hype will be when the final release of KSP comes out? Back on topic. HYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!
  19. I don't know which of the two is hyping me the most. The fact that 0.90 is right the next corner or Freeman's Mind is about to end within December.
  20. moreover, will the rule no part clipping at the challenges be extinct? The possibilities are limitless with the new gizmos (and to think i never part clip when building a ship)
  21. December 14, I managed to capture an E Class asteroid. The ship i used is not powerful but with some smart/economic flying i managed to capture the asteroid at a Pe of 102km. I had to time warp in order to get the Pe altitude shown since there are float errors in the game while trying to calculate an orbit. The trick in order to save fuel was to move the ARM ship so that the targeted asteroid's center of mass was aligned to the node i had planned for the burn once aligned i docked the ship and did my burn.
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