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Everything posted by kookoo_gr

  1. My ARM ship. Let's hope it can redirect an E class asteroid. Also forgot the fuel lines form the main tank to the outer tank. The launched vehicle will have them installed before launch
  2. Got this plane to KSC 2 A tiny view from above Getting closer Even more closer Chutes deployed Landed with a part missing Ahhhh the memories that launch tower brought back P.S. The next days i may delay my entries since the weather is getting clear and i want to catch up on my astrophotography sessions
  3. I'm a bit confused about the ship thing in small solid fuel ship. Does this count? Simple is better
  4. Here is my attempt with a lifter cost at 722.690 funds will give another go in the future to see if i can have a cheaper lifter
  5. Jeb went to Minmus with the help of Bill and found out that Minmus does not taste like ice cream AT ALL.
  6. Wow, didn't notice you posted the next challenge this quick. Anyway here is my entry. I had some trouble landing on the Mun since the one sided heavy lander fell down upon touchdown since i was at a slope but managed to save it with help of some RCS and leg deployment. The rover was a blast to drive since it could catch air very easily and in one case that it toppled i could easily bring it back to its wheel. The only downside is that only 3 wheels touched the ground but it didn't cause major difficulties at driving. At my return i managed to land at the KSC (2km form the landing pad) with some course corrections.
  7. Here is my entry. Despite all the testing and planning something did go wrong. My stage 1 from my lander was activated when i left the mun and the lander was almost out of control. Good thing though i had two lander cans and i could control the ascent. At the end i had to correct my orbit for the final docking and the mission was a success. The hard mode did spice things up and my heart raced for a couple of seconds during the lander's touchdown at a steep crater side along with the ascent, something that happened very often when i first started playing KSP. Kudos to the OP P.S. i had the cheat menu on at my screenshots in order to show i was at hard mode
  8. Need i say more? Sonemone Hardock Gussted Lemmon Wehrfield Tebur and Melbur Theoger Wehroly Rayfrey Kirbald
  9. Here is my entry, unfortunately i had to start a new save since my previous save got corrupted. Also i increased the brightness of the landing area of my ship since it was going to land during night. Finally since the Orion capsule was unmanned isent my ship also without any crew.
  10. Just found my replacement crew for Bill, Bob and Jeb.... They are Someone, Gussted, Hardock Kerman Needless to say i copied their entries from the persistent file for entry at my future games
  11. Even though i am not a fan of remote tech made a rudimentary coms network at synchronous around Kerbin, a quarter (if i remember correct) of a synchronus orbit around the Mun and at synchronus orbit at Minmus. I did not install remote tech since it is not required but just for the fun i installed antenna range. A note on the challenges. Since there will be challenges every day i hope that they will fast accomplished, what i mean is that if a grand tour is placed to complete in one day almost nobody will make it since it will require a lot of time and there is a real life that takes place outside our homes. I do not intend any disrespect to the OP, just expressing an opinion.
  12. darkmultiplayer is a multiplayer plugin right? In that case i will have to say no since i don't have a hard line interent and my 3g connection has data limitation.
  13. December 2nd, my entry. A rover with multiple landers for all the facilities. I included the launchpad and the runway
  14. Here is my entry. I hit all the Biomes on Mun and Minmus plus one at Kerbin at return. The lander has all the stock science packages. I only took screenshots form the first landing at each body plus any other screenshot i found interesting since it was a repetitive challenge and taking any more photos would be pointless. Craft Name: Ion Lander Stock Entry Celestial Body: Mun, Minmus, Kerbin Number of Biomes: All biomes on Mun and Minmus and one from Kerbin Total Mission Cost: Mission ship cost 190,228 with lifter 283,502 Highest Science Tier: All tiers
  15. If your kerbal can get inside the lander without the help of a ladder then you are not disqualified. It would be good to show how you went inside the lander so that ziv won't have any questions. Look at my solution at Laythe when i forgot the ladder. http://imgur.com/a/8JWlG#0
  16. Another clarification, I am also making a Mun/Minmus lander that consists of a science lab with refuel tanks and a lander that will go down the planet collect the science, return to the lab, transfer science, clean experiment, refuel if required then repeat. Is this acceptable?
  17. EEloo and Dres deserve more visits, they are beautiful in their own way, when i visited Dres i was amazed by its canyon
  18. Any other place where we can watch it? It is restricted for US.
  19. Here is my entry. Stock parts only, 4,192kg on the launchpad. KER and MJ were used for infos to show that i didn't cheat.
  20. This actually happened during WWII when a Greek war ship was torpedoed (i think) and only the rear ship remained. The crew managed to navigate the ship to Egypt despite all odds
  21. Second attempt with the Ion Wing MkIV. Made it to the North Pole Max Height 21.120 Max speed 528 m/s, no batteries
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