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Everything posted by kookoo_gr

  1. I have a Dering Kerman and it appears that he is just as badass as Jeb
  2. It is an interesting idea but i believe it would be good to add to the reputation of the player and have smaller recovery costs at KSC and not a bonus to science. If the devs decide to add this option to the game it will have to be well balanced so that it won't discourage new players if the fail at landing at KSC. Looking at Mission controller mod you can get an idea of what i mean Also i believe it would be nice to add alternative landing sites that allow smaller recovery costs and and add reputation to the player and/or allow for planes to refuel for some cost. This will allow some variety at exploring Kerbin and seasoned players can have a bit of challenge to land at different sites since after some time just aiming for KSC can get boring. Also this will allow for less fuel consumption when coming for a landing at a weird orbital plane. Finally they can provide an emergency landing site if something goes wrong during a flight that will allow the recovery of a craft without loosing much reputation and your ship along with your Kerbals if the devs implement missions.
  3. i don't think that the game has gotten more difficult rather than time consuming to unlock the tech nodes along with the restrictions you set. I started a new campaign with the goal of having a planet's biomes visited before going to another planet and unlock all the nodes at a tier. So far i am halfway the tech tree and unlocked the science lab with the science gathered form Kerbin and a Mun by-pass. If you manage to build an efficient lander with science parts then you only need to repeat the science gathering process. If you want to add more difficulty i believe deadly re-entry is a good start.
  4. thanks for the update. May i suggest an integration with the Toolbar Plugin 1.2.0 - Common API for draggable/resizable buttons toolbar that way the minimized map window won't interfere with the rest of the game view
  5. Tried your last version and i have the following problem. When at the launchpad the ship has all the resources depleted no fuel, no electricity. This is upon placement on the launchpad and i had the same bug and at the previous version
  6. There is another mod called Athlonic Electronics / LCD – Launch CountDown (Audio&Onscreen) v1.5 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42859-0-22-Athlonic-Electronics-LCD-Launch-CountDown-%28Audio-Onscreen%29-v1-2?p=548862#post548862 maybe you could also integrate with it?
  7. one of the best mods in my opinion. one suggestion though. Is it possible to place a setting so that when the launch starts the throttle to go to max or at a level set by the user? It is easy to forget to manually throttle when you pay attention at the countdown
  8. Has anyone checked the news if they mentioned the new release pf 0.23?
  9. 9 pages to 100 and 45 mins to update
  10. does this image have any deeper meaning
  11. at ksp page Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/database.php on line 4 MySQL connect failed. Too many connections
  12. Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/database.php on line 4 MySQL connect failed. Too many connections
  13. over 1000 members at general discussion. I suggest once the 0.23 is out, to lock this thread as a memento of the KSP madness update
  14. welp it's only 2 hours left to update so let the spam continue
  15. the store went down. still no 0.23
  16. I start with a mkI capsule and the stock antenna of tier 0. While on the launchpad i hit crew report and transmit data and i get the message no com devices installed on ship. The same thing applies when i launch with the stock antennae while having line of sight with KSC. It seems that i there isn't any button to select communication target even when i right click on the antenna. When on the other hand, i unlock the mod bipolar antenna and do the same procedure the data transmits with no problem until i loose line of sight with KSC, the i get the same message. This issue applies only to the stock antennae and not the mod antennae. Will test with 0.23 when it comes out
  17. GMT+2 and i believe it will be released at about 23.00 local time (+8 hours ahead of Mexico)
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