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Everything posted by TaranisElsu

  1. I had a chance to do a little testing, and all of my mods seem to work fine in 0.22. They just need the additions to the part config files so that they show up on the tech tree. My thought is to make most of the containers show up on the Survivability node (Tier 2) and the large ones show up on the Heavy Rocketry node (Tier 4). To do that, add the following lines to the .cfg files: TechRequired = survivability entryCost = 2800 or TechRequired = heavyRocketry entryCost = 4200 I will try to get a proper update done soon, but this weekend is looking a little busy.
  2. And a lot of mods only need a single line added to the cfg file. I've done some testing with my mods and have not run into any incompatibilities. The updated versions will be up soon.
  3. Part-less mods like KAC and FAR should work in career mode, and should work from the beginning. For some others, like my Fuel Balancer mod, I'm hoping for a way to query the current research progress and only enable the mod if a certain node or tier has been unlocked. My Fuel Balancer does not use a part, but I figure the functionality should not be available from the beginning. Instead, the functionality should be added to the ship computer after unlocking it.
  4. Actually, they will need a one line addition to the part's cfg file telling the game which node to associate it with. So if there aren't any other compatibility problems, then you can easily add the one line yourself and use it until the author updates it.
  5. I specifically chose not to have any penalty for having too much of any waste resource. That is an important difference between my mod and others that are out there. I did that because I wanted the emphasis to be on planning out your trips to make sure that you pack enough supplies. If you are upset that I'm not simulating CO2 buildup, that is why the electricity requirement is there. As long as your ship has electricity, the scrubbers are filtering CO2 out of the air and sequestering it in the storage tanks. If your ship does not have electricity, then the CO2 starts building up (along with other issues like temperature control), eventually causing your Kerbals to suffocate.
  6. I once was trying to rendezvous with a manned lander that got stranded in Munar orbit. I misjudged the approach and the lander slammed into my rescue craft at a few hundred m/s, killing everyone aboard both vessels and creating a massive debris field
  7. regex has posted his new textures at https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_8iwkSrd4jNS1Q0aVhETUJvbVE/edit?usp=sharing To use: Download regex's .png's from the link Copy them to {KSP}/GameData/TacLifeSupport/Parts/LifeSupportContainers Delete all of the .tga files from that directory. They will have the same names as regex's files, just a different extension. Thanks regex!
  8. I cannot use "FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel" because I am not adding the PartModule during the flight scene. I am trying to add the module to the prefab part so that it is there whenever an EVA is started/created. And partInfo.partPrefab does point to an object. It is trying to use something in the AddModule method that is null. This is what I figured out (thanks to Fel): https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/Source/AddLifeSupport.cs#L187 which is called from: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/Source/AddLifeSupport.cs#L176 Note that "kerbalEVA" is the name of the part, while "KerbalEVA" is the name of the PartModule. I am finding the "kerbalEVA" part and adding my PartModule to it. It works... but it still throws an exception which does not seem to cause any problems. I would like to know a better way to do it, but I have not figured anything out yet. Nor have I seen anything from anyone else.
  9. Here is how I draw textures on my icons: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib/blob/master/Source/Icon.cs#L55 https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib/blob/master/Source/Icon.cs#L89 I put it on a label, but you can use the GUIContent with anything including buttons. Also, I did a drop-down menu for my TAC Fuel Balancer: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/blob/master/Source/MainWindow.cs#L185 https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib/blob/master/Source/PopupWindow.cs It is based on the page that Faark linked to. It has some issues, but it seems to work well.
  10. It is very awesome. Made even more awesome by: "Unity adaptation by HarvesteR." (on the page linked above)
  11. There is a PartResourceLibrary that you can ask for the ID# of a resource. You pass the name as a string, i.e. "Kethane". I forget what it does if it cannot find the resource, but I think it returns -1 instead of throwing an exception. That would tell you if the resource has been defined. See: https://github.com/Anatid/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/blob/master/Assembly-CSharp.xml#L1746 Example: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/Source/Settings.cs#L67 Edit: Scratch that. It is even simpler. You can get access to the PartResourceDefinitionList, which has a Contains() method: PartResourceLibrary.Instance.resourceDefinitions.Contains("Kethane") Not sure why it doesn't show up in the XML documentation.
  12. I allow setting the amount of fuel (while still prelaunch) in a part here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/blob/master/Source/MainWindow.cs#L359 And here is an example of where I change it during flight: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacFuelBalancer/blob/master/Source/FuelBalanceController.cs#L404 vessel.parts gives you a List<Part>, part.Resources gives you a List<PartResource>, and PartResource.amount is the current amount. Also take a look at: https://github.com/Anatid/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API/blob/master/Assembly-CSharp.xml#L1005 .
  13. There is an issue with my mouse drag code (in all my mods) that only effects Linux . Not sure how to fix it. If anyone has any ideas, the code is here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib/blob/master/Source/Icon.cs#L130 and here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLib/blob/master/Source/Window.cs#L214
  14. Looks better than mine . If you upload them somewhere, I will link to them in the OP. Unfortunately, it is going to be a little while before I get around to changing stuff in the mod.
  15. So what are the guidelines for mod makers? So far my mods have been small because they are mostly plugin code, but my Life Support mod does have a large number of (currently ugly) parts. What size should I make my textures? For small, medium, and large parts? What type of texture should I make? I know not to use png anymore, but which is best?
  16. Sorry, I should have specified that the file is created the first time you run the game with the mod installed.
  17. Sorry for the slow reply. Most of the numbers are customizable by changing the config file: {KSP}/GameData/TacLifeSupport/PluginData/TacLifeSupport/LifeSupport.cfg Consumption rates are in kilograms per Earth day (24 hours). The max times without a resource are in seconds, along with the default resource amounts. The consumption rates were chosen based on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_support_system#Human_physiological_and_metabolic_needs http://equation-of-the-month.blogspot.it/2012/06/kleiber-law.html I figure that Kerbals weigh about 40% as much as humans do(1) and looking at the second link, that means they eat roughly half as much as a human. (1) Because a Kerbal in a spacesuit weights 90 kg (0.09 metric tons) and a human in a spacesuit weights roughly 220 kg. My math was a little more complicated than that because according to NASA, their suit weights 310 lbs and the average astronaut weights 175 lbs, for a total of 485 lbs (220 kg). Taking the same ratio of suit weight relative to kerbonaut weight, I figure a Kerbal weights 71.4 lbs (32.5 kg) and the suit weights 126 lbs. The math: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aioc9ek3XAvwdGNsRlh3OVhlbTFBR3M4RW0zLUNTRFE&usp=sharing May I ask what you would do differently that you are considering writing your own life support mod? BTW, I like your PreciseNode mod
  18. Yes. Game of the century. But give the demo a go first. That should give you confidence that your computer can run KSP. And you won't be able to delay buying it after playing with the demo for an hour or less
  19. As Crater said, you can remove the _TAC. I did that to avoid conflicts with other mods that might add the same resources but with different densities. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/40667-0-21-1-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-28Jul?p=566072&highlight=_TAC#post566072 for instructions.
  20. @sumghai I like your FusTek Station Parts and I look forward to using them with my life support mod .
  21. Something that I forgot: I would appreciate some help determining the volume of different resources. Currently, I am using kilograms for the units for all of my resources. We need to agree on how much space things will take up so there is some consistency between the part packs. Some sites that might help: http://www.airproducts.com/products/Gases/gas-facts/conversion-formulas/weight-and-volume-equivalents/oxygen.aspx http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/oxygen-d_1422.html Sorry that I have not had time to do the math . I also need to get my resource consumption calculations posted soon.
  22. And I wanted to address something: I originally started working on a life support mod of my own because: (1) I had played with TROUBLEMAKER’s Crew Transfer & Life Support (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/crew-transfer-life-support-2/) but it was abandoned. Last update was Dec 2012. (2) I did not like the garbage mechanic nor did I like having too much of a resource cause problems. Yes, I've watched Apollo 13 (many times, one of my favorites) and I know that CO2 build up was a serious issue. I did not like it as a game play mechanic. To realistically model it, you would need lithium hydroxide (LiOH) as a resource and running out of that would allow too much CO2 to build up. If you simplify it so electricity stands in for LiOH, then how would you have too much CO2? Lack of electricity? Too little scrubber capacity for the crew? Why would anyone ever design a crew capsule without enough scrubber capacity? (3) No life support mods had implemented resource usage while the vessel was not being controlled. (4) Fel posted code to make life support work while on EVA (I basically copied his code, thanks Fel!) (5) I wanted to try and figure the rest out. I was aware of Ioncross and played with it a little, but because of 2 & 3 & 5, I proceeded with making my own. I do not want to replace yongedevil's mod. He has done a fine job on it, and it works quite well. I do not think we should combine because we have a little different approach on some things. I am more than willing to share code and ideas back and forth. And I think we can work together in other ways, but I like options...
  23. So I've been thinking about things lately... there is no reason that I have to provide all the parts and the plugin to make things work... and I should not have to "approve" someone's parts... so instead of asking a modder to make parts specifically for my mod, would someone make some parts that would be useful for any life support mod? Things like storage containers, greenhouses, recyclers, etc? My thought is that a couple 3D modellers could create life support part packs, with config files for different mods like Ioncross and my TAC Life Support mod, and then I could link to those part packs in the OP. Then they are not making parts for me and giving them to me. Their part packs remain their own, and remain separate so they can maintain them, and add to them, and improve them without me getting in the way. They can have their own style. And you guys can pick the style that you like most. Therefore I will split out my parts into a separate download so you can choose to use them or not, and you can choose to use someone else's parts instead. We will need to coordinate on the config files so that they are compatible, but KSP is really easy to mod and change so you can easily add my resources to any part and you can add my part modules (plugin functionality) to any part. My ideas for parts: * Storage containers for food, water, oxygen, CO2, waste, and waste water -- plus some that have a combination of resources. I really like just adding a "life support" container that has x days worth of resources instead of having to add all three parts individually. * Converters: - air recycler: CO2, electricity --> oxygen, waste - air filter: IntakeAir --> O2, only if the atmosphere contains oxygen - grow food (greenhouse): water, fertilizer, CO2, electricity --> food, O2 - algae air recycler: water, fertilizer, CO2, electricity --> O2 (more efficient and faster than the greenhouse) - water purifier: waste_water, electricity --> water, waste - waste processor: waste --> fertilizer - water splitter: water, electricity --> oxygen, LiquidFuel(?) - oxygen extractor: Oxidizer, electricity --> oxygen (someone could also make an Oxygen->Oxidizer converter, but that has little to do with life support) * Extraction/collection: - drill/mine for O2, water, fertilizer/nitrates - air intakes collect IntakeAir, can extract oxygen from it if the atmosphere contains oxygen - water scoop for collecting water from a lake or ocean - air intake that collects CO2 from non-oxygen containing atmospheres? But note that just because an atmosphere does not contain oxygen, that does not mean that it is rich in CO2. I will focus on the plugin code and getting recyclers to work, especially when not on the active vessel. Although I want to learn 3D modeling so I will probably create a part pack of my own, just don't expect it to be great for a while . TL;DR - 3D modelers can make part packs without me being in the way (and having to "approve" them); I will link to them in the OP; I will focus on the plugin code and trying to get recyclers working
  24. They won't die from lack of Oxygen on Kerbin (below ~8km) or Laythe (below ?km), since both of them have an atmosphere with oxygen. They can die from stale air or temp control (i.e. lack of electricity), and I agree with you about changing that. I was thinking that if the craft is "landed" or "spashed down", they could open a window or hatch and get fresh air. I think I'd have to look at the ambient temperature though to determine if they freeze or something...
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