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Everything posted by superm18

  1. Ohh :-) one learns something new every day! Thanks
  2. Hi all, I just found a fix, at least on my end. I run the game in window mode (yes that sucks) but i used an app that runs the game borderless, as in full screen but just faking it. here's the link: http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/download
  3. Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky (PSK Remaste…: http://youtu.be/-cXrEPNvRO8
  4. I never use the launcher, just started KSP up from steam without force openGL and changes settings like before, no problems
  5. yes to bad, guess i need to cut back on the mods, ones they update
  6. must have gotten the wrong file, here it is: http://www./view/nr6z6eyqr949nk1/output_log(5).txt It's a clean install and running 32 bit:
  7. Awesome! thanks Dang it! my head was up my as* sorry. KSP version: 0.90 Detailed explanation:got this wierd flikkering thing going on, happend after changing all the settings to max (never been a problem before) Screenshot: Ouput log:https://www./?nr6z6eyqr949nk1 System specifications: Asus P6T Deluxe MB Intel i7 920 (3,6Ghz) 12 GB OZC ram (1603 Mhz) GTX 770 2 GB OS drive 1 TB hybrid drive 1 TB HD 3 TB HD
  8. got this wierd flikkering this going on, happend after changing all the settings to max (never been a problem before)
  9. Thanks a lot! It goes well with the planetshine mod. very high quality! B-)
  10. Hi modders, I have a LOT of mods and in every mod with parts, I have remove the ones i do not use. I know i have a lot more parts i don't use, but i don't wanna give them up since they look good. So to make it easy to choose which parts to remove, i would love to see a Part Statistics's Mod, that show me how often i have used each part. Thanks in advance.
  11. Ahh my little castle is back! It's been soooo long since last
  12. You could also add a grab module to the parts you want to build with
  13. I use both partcatalog and KSPLua and have never had any problems
  14. Ohh i see :-) thanks a lot! I eva'd the kerbal and the ring appeared and stayed when he went back in the pod, that's when the ring started to drift. thanks again
  15. I have tried to replicate it many times and in different senarios before i even posted this thread. Can't do it, that's why I am posting...
  16. Mod Rocket Sys ModuleManager.2.5.1 Module RCS FX Eva Follower NASA mission Near Future Construction Near Future Electrical Near Future Props Near Future Solar It's there could it be that mod?
  17. Okey here is the MOD list and not just the folders: Toolbar Zero Point inline Fairings Anchored Decoupler Fix Art Of Reentry Alternative Tree Configurator Adjustable landing gear Chatterer Chute Fixer Chute Quickload Fixer Contract Manager Custom Biomes Deadly Reentry DMagic Orbital Science EVA Ejection Fix Ferram Aerospace Research Fine Print Firespitter Free EVA ftmn Atomic Rockets Fusebox German Space Alliance RasterProp Monitor KAS KASA - IXS Command Module KAX KerbalEngineer KerbalFlightData KerbalFlightIndicators KerbalJointReinforcement KOSMOS K Pseudonym KSP-AVC KSP Lua KSPX KW Rocketry Lionhead Aerospace Inc - The circular solar panels Lack Luster Labs Large Craft Launch Fix Lost In Space Magic Smoke Industries Kerbal Dust Experiment Mission Controller EC mk2 Decoupler Mod Rocket Sys ModuleManager.2.5.1 Module RCS FX Eva Follower NASA mission Near Future Construction Near Future Electrical Near Future Props Near Future Solar Near Future Spacecraft EVA handrails NASA - Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology (ADEPT) ORIGAMI foldable antenna dishes Pad Lock Part Catalog Planet Shine Precise Node Procedural Dynamics - Procedural Wings Protractor Quick Revert R&S Capsuledyne RCS Build Aid Rcs Sounds Real Chute Remote Tech RLA Stockalike SCAN sat Serious Business Ship Manifest Smoke Screen SpaceY-Lifters Squad Stage Recovery station Hub Cupola Station Parts Expansion Station Science Strategem SXT - From Lack Luster Labs Symmetry Action Fix Texture Replacer TAC Life support Trajectories Kerbal Alarm Clock KSP Alternate Resource Panel Transfer Window Planner Tweakable Everything TweakScale Ubio Welding Ltd Universal Storage - Core pack, TAC pack, KAS pack and Dmagic Orbital Science pack EVA parachutes I have removed a few obsolete mods like crew manifest. Also added a few today. Please note that a lot of parts that i don't want, have been removed to save RAM. Hope this helps
  18. A binary search is by far the most efficient, but i haven't been able to reproduce the "bug". I was just hoping that someone would have seen it also.
  19. I'm. NOT. gonna. do. that. But i don't think it's a bug That's not the one. I just installed it today and the pictures are from yesterday
  20. .gitattributes .gitignore 000_Toolbar 0PinlineFairings AnchoredDecouplerFix.cs AnchoredDecouplerFix.dll ArtOfReentry ATC BahaSP Chatterer ChuteFixer.cs ChuteQuickloadFixer.dll ContractManager CrewManifest CustomBiomes DeadlyReentry DMagic Orbital Science EVAEjectionFix.cs EVAEjectionFix.dll FerramAerospaceResearch FinePrint Firespitter FreeEVA ftmn_new Fusebox GermanSpaceAlliance JSI KAS KASA KAX KerbalEngineer KerbalFlightData KerbalFlightIndicators KerbalJointReinforcement KPseudonym KSP-AVC KSPLua KSPX KWRocketry LargeCraftLaunchFix.dll LostInSpace MagicSmokeIndustries masTerTorch MissionControllerEC ModRocketSys ModuleManager.2.5.1.dll ModuleRCSFX MSD NASAmission NearFutureConstruction NearFutureElectrical NearFutureProps NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft OLDD ORIGAMI PadLock PartCatalog PlanetShine PreciseNode ProceduralDynamics Protractor QuickRevert R&SCapsuledyne RCSBuildAid RcsSounds RealChute RemoteTech RLA_Stockalike SCANsat SeriousBusiness ShipManifest SmokeScreen SpaceY-Lifters Squad StageRecovery stationHubCupola StationPartsExpansion StationScience Strategem SXT SymmetryActionFix.dll TextureReplacer ThunderAerospace ToadicusTools toolbar-settings.dat Trajectories TriggerTech TweakableEverything TweakScale UbioWeldingLtd UmbraSpaceIndustries UniversalStorage VNG
  21. What is this? It seemed to follow CoM, but keept drifting away. It soon disappeared and had no effect what-so-ever on gameplay, FPS or performance in general.
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