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Everything posted by superm18

  1. Have you tried to contact the mod author? I got a ton of mods, all the way back to 0.18, so i might have it, but I need something to search for, a file name would be great.
  2. Agree with this. A pc needs maintanence just like a car does. I do that every week.
  3. Dont hesitate to delete parts you won't need! I play with 112 mods and deleting parts, is the one best thing to reduce ram usage. You could install producual fuel tanks and then delete all tanks from every mod and the stock ones and that's just the beginning :-) hope it helps you
  4. One thing that would really help is an in-game wiki. Sorta like Civ V. I use to be a pure vanilla player, but with the "Alt-Tab-fest" to get info (delta-v map, planet info and so on) it just got to much. Also not all the info on parts are displayed, even with the right-click. It would also help both new and experienced players alike, to make better decisions and generally build smarter. Thanks in advance.
  5. Great thanks! Downloading as now. It's always nice with more options and i think these fit in nicely Edit: one comment though, the 3rd strategy is set to 20%, while the others are 10% and i think it might give the wrong base for comparison, if one didn't notice.
  6. if it's really that big an issue, then just don't go for those easy points
  7. Okey cool, i only have MS Paint. What software do i need to make this, using the blank template? I also use the icons you suggest
  8. Anybody wanna do some icons for Near Future Technologies? There are 5 packs: Near Future Propulsion Near Future Electrical Near Future Solar Near Future Construction Near Future Spacecraft Also would love one for Stockalike Station Parts Expansion. Thanks in advance! Ohh almost forgot made some for: Mission Controller Extended/2: Zero Point Inline Faring: Modular Rocket System: I just lack the experience to do the cool edges (help plz)
  9. This is the first Tech-tree i am genuinely happy with (been over a few) It completely fills my needs and have absolutely no complaints! Thanks a lot
  10. First of. Your mod is an essential part of my game and love this mod! Good work! Will it be possible to make the Vostok missions only complete objectives, when then actual Vostok vessel is launched/active, instead of when switching to a random satellite, which is above the Vostok mission objective and then completing said objective? that goes for all the objectives, but you get the idea Maybe lock the objectives to vessel name or something
  11. I would love to see this mod updated to .25. I't adds a whole lot to game!
  12. Id say about 3,75. I'll even start career over if I fail a big and costly mission....a bit of ocd I think
  13. Found this article http://www.cnet.com/news/unity-one-gaming-development-platform-to-unite-them-all-up-for-sale/ If it gets sold, what will it mean for KSP? and games in general, since so many are Unity based? On a side note, if you had the money and know-how, would you buy it?
  14. Must have been overridden after i removed your mod and found that it was the problem
  15. Same problem as skbernard and only with this mod. I re-installed all my mods 'one at a time and boom, real chute did it every time. I'm no expert, but i was unable to find anything in the outputlog, but here it is: https://www./?y42lwx6xwjw3qm1
  16. Hi, Great mod!! but entry cost of 2000/20000/22000/30000 per part and 500/600/5000/10000 part cost seems a "little" high edit: a typo in "part2mW1L8" or "part2mW2L4" can't remember, says "entryCost = Aero"
  17. I use The "mod oriented tech-tree" It has no dependencies and requires a lot more science point to complete
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