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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. They had coffee mugs, mousepads, Kerbal figurines and i think there was even a time when you could 3D print your Rockets. Everything disappeared from the store roughly a year ago though.
  2. Although i don‘t have the numbers now i‘m pretty sure the radiation you receive at the ISS is less than half of that you get at the surface of the moon.
  3. And Hundreds of FH would be the better option then?
  4. Why bother with dozens of FH Launches to assemble a mission if you are still using the SLS?
  5. Em-1 is set for Late 2019 or early 2020. Thats just 5 years. BFR won‘t even fly unmanned in that time.
  6. He also hangs around the ULA subreddit sometimes and answers questions.
  7. In 2011 i was reading about Orbiter on Wikipedia and that lead me to a list of Space Simulators. And on that list was KSP and the Name was very intriguing to me. Unspectacular but i remember it like it was yesterday.
  8. The More Launch Vehicles the Merrier if you ask me. Its GTO payload capacity though not LEO. https://www.orbitalatk.com/flight-systems/space-launch-vehicles/NGL/docs/NGL_Factsheet.pdf
  9. I'm sure Elon Musk intends to do all that, the question being only if it can happen in the timeframe he has given.
  10. Can we expect them to cancel Dragon 2 soon then? [snip]
  11. So they want to build the whole upper stage in one year? Or just a test vehicle?
  12. And i doubt that cash will be made by selling Niche Cars. Solar Panels maybe, but i wouldn't be too sure.
  13. Mind you i'm not even saying it will be spacex. And aren't FH and BFR completely different things?
  14. Well he can try. Still won't happen before even 2050.
  15. I wouldn't say never but surely not in 6 years and probably neither in 25 years.
  16. they were still pushing the human mission narrative very hard in the stream did they not?
  17. http://spacenews.com/spacex-no-longer-planning-crewed-missions-on-falcon-heavy/
  18. How often are they going to restart it? And how often would they on a normal flight?
  19. Saw the ISS again and took a picture this time. Only an iPhone Camera but zoomed in i think you can actually see some details:
  20. https://today.ucf.edu/ucf-seeks-new-way-mine-moon-water/ They also released this image showing a new upper stage most likely called Centaur V, basically an ACES without the refueling equipment but already with the IVF system.
  21. Can we please stop this Elon saves the World and its People Meme?
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