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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. You could also just watch the recorded video later.
  2. But the companys exist now and someone will put something on the moon atleast in 2019. So the only goofy part may have been the short deadline. Other than that the price has basically done what it was supposed to do.
  3. https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/nextstep-2-isru-baa-industry-forum_11dec2017_0.pdf Also interesting
  4. Don‘t know where you got that idea from. DSG seems to be guaranteed to happen.
  5. https://www.sncorp.com/press-releases/snc-nasa-sign-two-nextstep-2-contracts/
  6. The most recent one worked but was most likely programmed wrong, causing it to launch with the wrong inclination.
  7. Seems that ignition of the upper stage is the last confirmed event. Let‘s hope for the best.
  8. Definitely a bad way to end a day. Say they only lost communication with the stage, would it continue its mission on it's own and still release the payloads?
  9. As if they would launch it on a Falcon with that launchers reliable history. They would always go to ULA first.
  10. Thats why i'm asking. Strange to insist on calling them all electric then. Edit: the Answer seems to be that other satellites, like Al Yah 3 on this launch, use both Hypergolic and Hall Effect thrusters for Propulsion where as SES-14 uses a Hall effect thruster for circularization and stationkeeping.
  11. So when they are talking about "all electric satellites" they only mean propulsion. Attitude control is still bipropellant?
  12. http://spacenews.com/x-prize-teams-plan-to-keep-shooting-for-the-moon/
  13. It seems that all major competitors are still focused on the Moon so i don't see the problem. Moon express and Astrobotic for example won't stay in LEO because that market is already saturated.
  14. Even if no company won, i still think this price helped a lot in generating interest for commercial development of the moon. So not very disappointing to me.
  15. The main difference is that we now have Companies like Astrobotic, Blue Origins and even ULA working on solutions independent of a NASA directive.
  16. While the plans with the SLS and the DSG might not come into being as they are envisioned right now, we will definitely see a resurgence of activity in and around the moon starting in the 20s. All Space agencies have expressed great interest in the moon and there seem to be many private companies who are eager to provide transportation of payloads to the surface. I'm sure this will eventually lead to a manned return, even if we have to wait another 20 years.
  17. Short video describing SBIRS:
  18. Nothing was won by reusing the Boosters. So not a step back.
  19. I doubt they'd launch an RTG let alone a whole reactor on a Falcon 9.
  20. Yeah the CBC looked pretty roasted there.
  21. Scary looking flames at ignition.
  22. The Article doesn‘t even call it a „milestone“.
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