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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. No Rage i'm talking about manned missions here. And also, most countrys could go to the moon if there would be just enough money. Everyone is capable of doing it.
  2. Ist ja nicht dein Raumfahrzeug. @xentoe Flugzeuge rollen meist nach links oder rechts wenn das Fahrwerk nicht ganz starr oder in winkeln am Flugzeug befestigt sind.
  3. Americans won't make it to the moon on there own again.
  4. Its not one of the updates i really waited for. But i guess i anticipate it.
  5. Whats your problem? He greets all the new people as Community manager. And that webcomic was never official Atleast you can be a bit respectful towards him. No one said he was a very good community manager.
  6. Should he write a new text for everyone? ANd thats surely not the only thing he did. Too bad that i can't give you negative reputation here.
  7. A Spaceplane? That goes to space? Then you won't even have the atmosphere to correct for the asymmetric design of your craft.
  8. Yes its Blohm+Voss. And don't give up on Planes, give up on asymmetric planes.
  9. Blohm+Voss? Your own fault. i could imagine that building an asymmetric aircraft is nearly impossible in KSP.
  10. If they just wouldn't have abandoned the escape capsule development.
  11. Haven't they found out that the cabin was likely intact after the explosion and that alll astronauts remained in there until impact?
  12. If you have the ability to control wormholes you don't need fuel.
  13. If you can create portals you wouldn't need that type of engine. Think about that.
  14. Why should guns in space not work? the only problem is recoil.
  15. they almost always look like that.
  16. My problem with a tech tree is that in real Spaceflight, everything was basically developed very early. The only thing that really improved until today are computers. Ofcourse that may not be true for Kerbals at all.
  17. I think you are right but you turned it around. You mean a plane is harder to construct than a simple rocket.
  18. Assault horizon was my favourite Ace Combat game.
  19. I see that you are new here so i explain. It is in general not allowd here to post in old threads, and this one is over a year old. I guess a moderator might close this one. Just start a new Ace Combat thread.
  20. Thats exactly what it does, atleast that's what it says on that picture i posted 2 pages earlier.
  21. @Vonar I am sorry but no aircraft can fly upside down for very long SAM's are always radar guided so yes if you are being shot at with heat seekers, they are launched from a pursuing aircraft. @Van Disaster there will be a naval Eurofighter soon. Atleast its planned.
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