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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by Peder
As the title say i would like to suggest that we can insure our spacecraft or station in the case it get destroyed. Example lets imagine that in a multiplayer game i have a refuel station in orbit om the moon and another player have an accident wich seriously damage or even destroy the orbital spation. ( or on purpose destroy it ) Then it would be nice if there was a server side insurance system that detect damage from an external source and then help the player get a refund.. Lets face it rockets and fuel is expensive and sometimes allot of money and time is invested in example a space station. ( and ofcourse the possibility that players can transfer money to each other so we can buy example fuel from each others supply depots. Personaly i would find it interesting to offer a refuel service in space for x money ).
Hello again. I have managed to compete most of the missions now such as resupplying the "mother ship" , and also landing the supplys about 4,5km from my base on duna. And now i just need to drive the 64km to the rescue ship, and rendevuze with the mothership and that part will be a bit tricky depending on arrival angel of the ship, and how fast its going and such things. Just like with the supply ship that need to dock. By the way I kept the supply ship docked to my ship so i have a huge amount of xenon fuel with me. .The rocket part I have send on a crash course with kerbin ;-) I notised 3 things that i like to mention that is a bit comfusing in the mission. 1). It took some time to figure out how the base work and transfer my kerbal arround.. anyway figured it out. ;-) 2): THe part where we have to build the first supply ship i find a bit comfusing.. When i get the mission i go to the hangar to build, but the mission tekst do not pop up.. But if i select the premade vehicle and launch it, then i get some message that i need to build the ship, and then i revert/recycle the ship and now inside of the hangar i get a popup saying something about do you want to continue the mission and then you load and lauch the ship. I even think we need to right click the mission tekst to get an option to build the ship. anyway i find this part a little comfusing. 3). when i land the supply near 4,5 km from my base and dock my rover then i notised that I cannot transfer fuel.. I am not sure if a fuel line broke off when it land or something, but never the less i cannot transfer fuel .. ( dont know if its a bug or my supply was damaged ) I have to say I filled up the tank in the supply ship before I send it to duna and the extra weight also made it hard to dock with the rover but I manged to do it anyway... the extra weight could have damaged something so im unable to refuel. ANyway, cool mission i love it.. And im about to drive the 64km to the rescue ship now... And the Kermes mother ship is on the way towards duna, however 1 year delayed since the resupply forced me to do some bad navigation errors.. But i managed to resupply ect, but it also delay my mission and trip to duna allot. ANyway bob is NOT running out of potato chips, so he can wait 1 year to get rescued ;-) PS:. thank you for over enginering the spaceships so they have much more fuel than needed, that really saved my kerbals and mission he he PPS.. as you know the trick to playing the mission is to follow the instructions 100% and taking one step at a time... I dident do that the first times i played there for i got stuck. PPPS... i love the rovers and how you can attach "modules" to them and configure their abilities. that is cool
Regarding fuel transfer and battery power.. I can comfirm that in v2,4 that it is working. But i am my self have some problems. The game will not detect that BOB enters the rover and it will also not detect that i examin the DTV ( abandoned landing gear of the return vehicle ) near the base. I have played the mission 2 times now.. .1 time before the latest update, and one time after. The first time before the update/patch ( i think ) i was able to advance and bob sitting in the rover was detected and the signal i send to kerbin also was detected. Money was unlocked and everything worked perfect except i crashed the sattelite above duna and desided to restart.. During my next playtough the above objectives where not unlocked or recognized... Im not sure if it is a bug, or if I was just unlucky. ;-) Tomorrow i restart and try again. PS.. I dont think it is so obvious for people that they have to be in the capsul in the base and then right click the white faring so it fall appart so you can get out. Maybe a little help tekst would be nice. ;-)
Saitek X56 HOTAS input lag
Peder replied to MrBonk's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs)
I know this is an old Tread but I hope this info can be of help to someone looking for advice. In case your x56 or any other joystick is a bit slow or do "odd" things that it is not supposed to do by it self such as extending gear or other stuff. Then you can often fix this issues if you plug your joystick and trust joystick into USB 3.0 ( the blue usb ports ) on your computer. The reason are especially the trust joystick require more power, and if you are using example an usb 2.0 hub then you might not get enough power. In general I recommend people to buy a USB 3.0 hub and use usb 3.0 to as many things as possible.. ;-) -
Access Violation
Peder replied to Jens Lyn IV's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, unmodded installs)
I found this on the forum regarding a silmilar problem "" So. I started to have this problem. I'm running Windows 10 64bit and I figured that if the game had a 64 bit option, it would auto-run it. I don't think it is as I'm getting the same crashes as everyone else after the game only uses 48% of available memory (I have 16GB). Using the 64-bit version of the game launcher (ksp_x64.exe) solved the problem nicely "" Try to run ksp in 64bit.. On steam you always see a popup where you can choose 32bit ( normal ) or 64bit. If you use the version of thegame here from official webpage, then you maybe have to navigate to your game folder and use the KSP_x64.exe file. Hope this advide can help you. Also you can try to install ksp as admin and see if this will help you. Or try to read this forum ( go to page 4 ) https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/598198356186358277/ -
Hi, yes i think i know what the problem is and i had a similar problem in the past where it was impossible to host any server even if i open all ports and turned off firewalls ect.... ( by the way DO NOT turn on DMZ this is VERY bad for system security, it is like turning all security off ) Many people who get internet are on a so called WAN network ( wide area network ) = a simple example... you have a internet supplier with one super high speed internet line, and then everybody use the same internet connection but all people have a different ip.. Normal this is not a problem when just surfing the net or gaming on the internet since your ISP router/modem make sure everybody so to speak "drive on their own highway". BUT to be able to get "priority" on the highway and get more "rights" then you need a little extra service so you can use "another car on the highway " What you properbly have to do is to call your ISP and ask to get a static permanent static ip address... This typical cost a little money to setup like 10usd. Then you will ALWAYS have the same IP address. When you have a static ip address then i am pretty sure that your server will work. You will also be able to host a teamspeak server and other servers. I hope this will point you in the right direction so you know what to try or read more about. Hi, yes i think i know what the problem is and i had a similar problem in the past where it was impossible to host any server even if i open all ports and turned off firewalls ect.... ( by the way DO NOT turn on DMZ this is VERY bad for system security, it is like turning all security off ) Many people who get internet are on a so called WAN network ( wide area network ) = a simple example... you have a internet supplier with one super high speed internet line, and then everybody use the same internet connection but all people have a different ip.. Normal this is not a problem when just surfing the net or gaming on the internet since your ISP router/modem make sure everybody so to speak "drive on their own highway". BUT to be able to get "priority" on the highway and get more "rights" then you need a little extra service so you can use "another car on the highway " What you properbly have to do is to call your ISP and ask to get a static permanent static ip address... This typical cost a little money to setup like 10usd. Then you will ALWAYS have the same IP address. When you have a static ip address then i am pretty sure that your server will work. You will also be able to host a teamspeak server and other servers. I hope this will point you in the right direction so you know what to try or read more about.
How To Get a Rescued Kerbal to Board?
Peder replied to mscottveach's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Try this The 4x empty capsul cannot be entered from the outside.. You need to put your kerbal in your 2-3 person capsul and then move/transfer him into the 4x empty capsul. Right lick the capsul and transfer crew to 4x empty capsul. -
[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!
Peder replied to KillAshley's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thank you for a really beautifull and good mod. - I did not read all the previous forum pages. But i like to suggest that the "lightning" effect on all planets need to be adjusted a bit. - There need to be less lightning ( example 50% less ) - The speed the lightning is repeated need to be lowered, there are simply to much lightning and to often, and to close to each other. It feel like "to much" is happening. Other than that love the mod :-) -
What does your space career look like?
Peder replied to ArmchairPhysicist's topic in KSP1 Discussion
In the start of the career I typical go as fast as possible into orbit. Reason is I can gater quite allot of science fast, and I get many bonus money for orbit/speed ect. After that I send up 2-3 ships in orbit to gather science and unlock more science expriements. Next I make a flyby of the mum 2-3 times to gather science. Now I pretty fast reach the 100 science MAX in the research centre and have to focus on making money instead. I start sending up sattelites arround kerbin/mum/minmus, and land 1 prope on mum and minmus.. Next i do more sattelite missions and the missions about send back data from x location ( i send back 0 science ) = mission success = fast money.. These type of missions can be finished in like 1 minute without even sending up a new sattelite ect.. So i just use my sattelites/propes to do science for me and it cost me 0 credit. Depending what i want to do I go to minmus and gather ALLOT of science and store it all in the science container and at some point i send a ship back with everything and get example 1000 science. Also for an extra boost, i have a research base example in orbit of minmus and the mum and then that give extra boost to science pr. day. Next i start to send out som sattelites to random planets and do a fly by.. I know they are mostly lost since they do not yet have a good enough antenna/dish but i make allot of money. Regarding going further out into space.. well truth is I have the skill to go anywhere, but typical I go to mum/minmus and duna and then I kind of loose interest for playing, and typical i start a new save game when a new kerbal patch is released and then I restart my career game.. I did never really do allot of missions to planets far away ect. Also i typical play with realistic mods such as with life support, that make the long jurney trips allot harder. I have a 0 loss tollerance of my kerbals.. I will not allow anyone to die, so i send remote controled propes first and do "safe" orbits before I even dare plan to go down onto a planet. I always have backup plans or an extra "fuel" ship just in case that i can dock with so everyone can go home again. So I did actual not really reach the part of the game where i can drill and produce fuel ect... ( except when i try it in sandbox ) I never play that long in an career game yet ( but i should try to keep going ;-) ) -
found this..: it will only be one thread per vessel. Basically when you are approaching your space station your craft and space station are in different threads (and your OS might put these threads into different cores if it sees it worthwhile). But once you dock, they get merged into one thread and to one core. If you are trying to dock big ship to big station, it should help with FPS, but once you are docked it will basically be the same situation as now. Hope this help a little with understanding how kerbal uses "cores".
Dear Forum. I read something interesting in the news today that I thought you guys might find interesting. Some Researchers have created " metalic hydrogen".. You might wonder what it is, but that is hydrogen gas compressed with a force of 71700000 psi, that is more than 1,3 the presure of the presure in the earth center. So you might wonder why is this so facinating. When doing this you can create "metallic hydrogen" and it is what I will call a "super rocket fuel". The "metalic hydrogen" can also be used in electric cars and many other products". However so far it is extremly difficult to create metallic hydrogen, and also very expensive.. But as time goes by and they get better and faster at creating this, then it the price will drop ect. But maybe im not the best at explaining, but hope you guys find what you seek about the topic in the below links. http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/01/diamond-vise-turns-hydrogen-metal-potentially-ending-80-year-quest Here is a danish article with interesting facts. ( use google translate to translate it ) http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/viden/naturvidenskab/metallisk-brint-skabt-i-laboratoriet-kan-give-os-super-raketter Or you can try to click my google translate link for direct translation https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=da&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dr.dk%2Fnyheder%2Fviden%2Fnaturvidenskab%2Fmetallisk-brint-skabt-i-laboratoriet-kan-give-os-super-raketter&edit-text=
I think it is quite easy to build and send up a basic sattelite with a small antenna and solar panel + battery very fast. You get the solar panel in tier 3, and if i remember correctly then you need less than 65+ science to get the solar panel. You can find 60 science at ksp if you like, or the area arround ksp example land in water gather science, and land on different terrain and gather science ect. here are tips for gathering science in early game
I like to do sattelite missions to earn cash. It example cost 10-15.000 to send up one sattelite and it pay 65.000 ( on hard level ) Sometimes you even get missions where you have to move your sattelite that already are in space, and then you can earn money this way also. And my favorite you have to send back science from example arround the mum, and then you just visit your sattelite and gather research ( just gather 0 research it is okay ) and then send the data back, mission success Alternative you can also send a rocket far far away and it will unlock rewards and cash as it get further and further away from kerbin.. ;-) To unlock sattelite missions, you need solar panel in tier 3 ( i think ) and i highly recommend the small engine in tier 3 also that make it more easy to create small sattelites.
I would like to suggest the above option. - Reason is that if people install kerbalism then most people will get a positive experience and not risk loosing control of their ships. BUT option 2 where you always manual can extend is also good.
Thank you for an amazing mod..;-) I tested the new pre release and have a few bugs..: - I am using standard antennas from stock ksp. 1). Kerbnet in top left corner of the screen dissaper so i cannot see connection type ( dont know if this is intentional. 2). When loading my savegame then all antennas on my sattelites in space is turned "off". = all OLD propes/sattelites that is already in space without kerbals do not work. Kerbalism show when i load the game that there are "no antenna" on the sattelites and no signal ( this is wrong ) ( in the kerbalism overview page that pop up if you press kerbalism icon at the space center. ). 3). When i complete a new contract with a new sattelite that i send into orbit after kerbalism was installed then even though the mission is a success and write this, then the mission do not end and I do not get paid.. It just show two green marks and all mission requirments are completed but contract never stop... ( dont know if this is a ksp bug or related to kerbalism ). ( mission put sattelite with antenna who can generate power in polar orbit arround mum. I did this also in the right direction and when in possition I get two green markers and the orbit path dissaper like mission complete ). 4). I can see that kerbnet was turned off in setting, dont know if this is kerbalism who did this.. but even when i turn it on, then I do not see the signal status in top left corner. But no matter what if kerbnet is on/off then I was able to control my ships, but did not have any effect on the antenna problem. I could see connections on the world map with the green lines. 5). If i build a new rocket with stock antennas then I can see signals on the world map, and I can control propes and so on... BUT savegame ships made before kerbalism was installed do not work. I even tried to remove kerbalism and extend the antennas on my sattelites, but when i install kerbalism again, then the antennas are turned off = i cannot control my "old" ships/sattelites. All mods are up to date..: KSP: 1.2.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit AtmosphereAutopilot - 1.5.8 Chatterer - Community Resource Pack - 0.6.3 RasterPropMonitor - 0.28 KAS - 0.6 Kerbal Engineer Redux - KIS - 1.3.1 KSP-AVC Plugin - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.5.1 Final Frontier - SCANsat - Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8 Module manager 2.7.5
Should add more outer planets
Peder replied to Program Kerbal Space's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
I agree with more planets far away... But truth is that most players never get any futher than moon, minmus and maybe duna. -
How much a Kerbal weight?
Peder replied to FellipeC's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Weight depend upon how many snacks they eat before takeoff, so it can variate ;-) -
Well The docking it self is not that difficult. What most people have the most touble with is actual to send up two different ships and then rendevou in space, that is the hardest part. Regarding docking then if people fly in the same height, and have the same speed as the target then all you havet do is right click on the docking port you want to dock with and look at your navball. Now use your RCS to move the ship up down and you see a icon moving.. try to get this icon in the center of the view and now add a little power and you should start flying towards your target. It require some practice, and i recommend watching some video tutorials and trying the scenario mission where you can undock two ships from each other and then dock again and again... note.: you need to fly a little distance away beforey ou can dock again, and remember to target the docking port with a right click. On a scale from 1-10 how difficult is it to dock... hmmm Well, rendevous in space I will call difficulty of 10 The docking I will say is 7. Personaly both things for me is rather easy, i would say im an expert in docking and goes rather fast. What take the longest time for me is to rendevous, not the docking. be adviced that to make it more easy to dock, then think about where you place your RCS trusters since a big unbalance will not make your ship fly streight.
I never used Mechjeb, only tried it 1 or 2 times for fun. Reason are Mechjeb is a very owerpowered tool that so to speak can fly and do most things automatic. I just like to fly my self and not just do it automatic. I use kerbal engineer to calculate Dv but els I do everything my self.
Forget about DLCs and create a new game instead
Peder replied to Wjolcz's topic in KSP1 Suggestions & Development Discussion
It would be rather "easy" to create a kerbal 2. Most of the code from kerbal 1 can be used again. So a new ksp with updated graphics, larger universe and new planets ect. would not be rather easy to create compared to kerbal 1. And they can even use some of all the mods for inspiration for a ksp 2. But when the above is said, then development of kerbal I have always thought was a rather slow process, but i hope that the success of ksp1 will allow them to get a larger developer crew that might speed up things. -
Is it true that most KSP players never go interplanetary?
Peder replied to KerikBalm's topic in KSP1 Discussion
Regarding the main topic then I dont know if it is true or not that most players never goes interplanetary. Just see how many years it have taken Nasa and other to even consider a manned mars mission maybe peoples space programs just focus to much on mum and low orbit space station ;-) Well in my ksp I am skilled in anyway and can build anything I want and travel to duna and other places, build bases, rovers, airplanes ect... well technical speaking there is not really any limits to what i can do if I feel inspired and really want to go somewhere. But truth is I typical do not play that much, and typical i restart the career game when i have research about half of everything and visited mum and minmus 5-10 times each, and maybe duna 1 time. Reason are that this is typical the time where a new ksp update come along and then i start a new game ( again and again. ) I do by the way always play on hard and with life support mods and remote tech. I have been to duna many times and also back, but actual i never really made it to most of the other planets.. I clearly have the skill to do it, it just a matter of building a larger ship and example bring a light lander with me to most planets. And now a days we can even refuel ships if we bring along the gear to do this making it more easy to return home from other planets far away than in older versions of kerbal. Well i guess when i reach duna it is just about the time in my career game to "start" over and then i never really made it any further... I like duna ;-) But maybe i should not restart my career, but maybe just try and see if my savegame work okay with the upcomming version of ksp. . -
Typical i attach the rover below the lander and "undock" it in 2-3m height ( drop it ) and then i land the lander a few meters away. So the design of my lander i typical have engines on the side of the lander or a combination with 2 engines on the side of lander and some fuel tanks that used for landing. 500m after take off i eject the empty fuel tanks + the gear to make the lander lighter.. Fuel tanks and gear explode when it fall down and hit the surface. That way i have no junk laying on other planets.
Hello all. Thank you very much for all the many good comments and debate on the HHO topic, it made me wiser about many things. ;-)
Hello Some of you might have seen the commercials regarding installing an HHO ( water-hydrogen ) system in your car that can make it use less gazoline/diesel so you can drive further. Example..: http://www.oktanplus.com/hho-en Well my question is... Is HHO system Real or a scam ? - about 7 years ago i installed such a system in my "toyota aygo" with mixed results. First of all when the system run the car have to generate more electricity to send electricity though the water that then split into Hydrogen and Oxygen. What I try to say is when something use more power in the car it also use more energy, so I wonder a bit if the Hydrogen compensate for this and add more power than the car uses to produce it. Well my own experience is that HHO is not good for short distance traveling since it take a while to generate enough HHO ( at least in the system i had ) and I rarely drive long trips, so at some point i uninstall everything and that was it. A few times I tried to mesure how far I can run the car, and as standard with system off the car drive like 22km pr lite gazoline. But if i remember correclty I could make it run like 32km pr lite gazoline with the system on, when it was working. I do however think a bit about if I made mistakes back then and if I really saw any improvement at all. Well I ask since I might try HHO again in the future, but would like to know more about if this is actual a waste of money or if will help my car. ;-) Thank you for answer and debate below in advance.