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Sufficient Anonymity

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Everything posted by Sufficient Anonymity

  1. He's safely on the ground. The other half of his crew though... well, they're still stuck on a station orbiting Minmus - I've got 6 back, though the others have ended up on an *ahem* extended mission. Basically, I've not upgraded the astronaut complex past 12 active kerbals, had a contract for a station round Minmus with that many crew, and so had to ship the whole lot of them out there. As having a lab in orbit is rather useful (cleaning experiments on landers etc), I didn't design the station with return capability, so it has to be serviced with my crew bus (which I now realise I should have made a bit larger).
  2. Currently piloting a rescue craft a few hundred meters from its target. Why so close, but not completed? Because I had a crash :/
  3. I use it occasionally on live missions if something REALLY bugs out on me. Otherwise, nothing beyond full part-clipping.
  4. Sounds like you're running out of memory. Are you running Active Texture Management? (also, @Ven - as someone who is already running ATMaggressive and having pruned stock, with B9 and OPM as their only other memory-heavy mods, I'm seeing a lot more crashes than I used to - any chance there could be a bit more sharing/condensing/whatever of textures?)
  5. Anyone else noticed any funky behaviour with the docking ports? Both NavyFish's indicator and MechJeb got really confused when I was docking after updating - both were indicating the port being 90 degrees rotated (on the yaw axis, from memory). Was able to dock manually, though on closing with the port, my whole ship got spun round to match the roll of the vessel it was docking to.
  6. I got the old IXS ring working with RoverDude's warp plugin, then launched the first warp-capable ship of my career save - cost a cool 3 million (which was immediately recouped via a test contract for the massive B9 MX engine). I can't say I've actually fired up the warp drive yet - that will have to wait until tomorrow (I think I'll add a drop-tank and a lander in the cargo bay). I've been using US astronaut names for capital ships, so the vessel I posted yesterday is the IPV Shepard, this is the IPV Grissom, and the next thing I launch will be the Glenn, then the Carpenter, then Schirra, and so on.
  7. Copy the new textures into the GameData\ProceduralFairings and delete the existing fairing1.tga and fuselage1.tga. Might also need to remove the capitalisation to be on the safe side - I saw they were different, so did.
  8. Great to see the 1.7 release - can't wait to see a redone KR-2L - more than happy to help out with testing/breaking things Windows 7, AMD Radeon HD 7730M, i5-3210M (2.5GHz x2)
  9. IXS Enterprise using RoverDude's plugin Now to work out why there's that odd looking square (and to turn the whole thing into a ModuleManager config). EDIT: Scrap that, probably easier to release an alternative config file. EDIT2: Fixed the square. Can't get the bubble guide to toggle properly though. Oh well, at a 40m bubble size, if you can build it in the VAB or the SPH, it'll fit inside.
  10. Rather than just sitting about and waiting for the window to Duna to open, I decided to make the armarda heading out there just that bit more impressive. The old tug for the station heading out there has been ditched, and in its place has been docked a massive nuclear lightbulb powered drive section, and a cargo bay. Into the cargo bay I've loaded an old lander that was sat in LKO. It was designed to get from LKO to Minmus, and back, then refuel and head to the Mun. I think it packs about 2800m/s dV, so I'll certainly be able to land on Ike, and with a bit of luck, a Duna one too. EDIT: pictures I'm starting to think the amount of dV on board this thing is a little bit excessive. It's got around 10000m/s, excluding the lander. Burn times sure are slow though - took over 5 minutes to break orbit.
  11. Been playing since 0.18, with ~530 hours logged on Steam - probably around 600 hours in total? Anyone remember how much it cost (in GBP) back then?
  12. I've got a Duna station sat in LKO, ready to fulfill a contract over there, and already having netted me some funds for a contract to build a station around Kerbin. LKO is now looking really busy - there's a mapping probe for Ike, another for Duna, a surface probe for each (though those are on the same transfer stage), the aforementioned station and a mapping probe for Eve (with a small surface probe stuck on the launcher). Currently got no interesting contracts to take, shedloads of funds and science, and a ~100 day wait until four transfer burns to the Duna system. Not much to do but sit back and warp, I guess.
  13. Suppose you could make it user-settable, then leave it up to players to pick something that doesn't cause them problems.
  14. You'd be surprised how useful a bit of CAD experience can come in in the biological sciences - zoologist here, who's just spent the past two months mucking about in Blender with some really, really old bones.Somewhat more on topic, good luck - looking really cool so far. (Oh, and Cpt. Kipard, you want high-poly models? How about a 1.8mil tri model of a humerus )
  15. One the white tank, is the KSP logo a flag (like on the LFB_KR-1x2)?
  16. I know you said you didn't want an "I like them all" option, but I think I'm probably one of the more awkward players when it comes to fitting into your poll - I've got FAR installed, and I use rockets and spaceplanes in about a 70:30 split, and my primary long-range crew bus is basically Spaceship Two (feathered reentry, high crew capacity) crossed with an X37 (small, stack launched).
  17. You need to use [noparse] [/noparse]Ends up like this: EDIT: forgot what the tag to avoid parsing was - it's noparse *facepalm*
  18. Crew shuttle launched again, phase two of Minmus colonisation underway.
  19. Needed a flag on the Mun, a Kerbin orbital station and a Minmus base. As luck would have it, both the base and the station had the same requirements (aside from location) so I decided to do them in one launch - flew up a lander/station/thing with an extra fuel tank, dropped the fuel tank in LKO, then sent the lander to the Mun. It then returned to LKO and refueled, ready to pop out to Minmus. The whole contraption is currently sat, uncrewed, in LKO, as I sent up an SSTO crew shuttle to pick up those on board and then relaunch them for maximum XP gains. The rest of the recrewing operation (I haven't landed the first lot yet) will have to wait until tomorrow, though - got a dinner party to cook for.
  20. Oh, is this what's been causing all my problems recently? I've been tearing my hair out over nothing undocking until a save/reload, and then there being a 50% chance of it nuking whatever I dock with next.
  21. Yesterday I had a contract to put 10 kerbals in a base on Minmus. Today I flew a crew bus out there and brought 8 of them home. 2 will remain on a long term mission (okay - there's not enough room for them on the shuttle, but they don't need to know that). Had some minor shenanigans with the kraken on relanding the base, too.
  22. Maxmaps on Twitter on multiplayer mod support "Wanna build cooperatively? Career with friends? Run a spacerace? Load your server up with weapon mods and engage in open warfare? Your call." Sounds promising
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