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Everything posted by ArkaelDren

  1. No I see your point 100%. I could only see the benefit of it being less hassle to not implement the lock outs. But that's just a ridiculous statement. Its a much better route to lock them out from the Mod creators perspective. I was simply trying to say its not fair to criticize the OP for trying to implement something for the users. That was all. I try and stay neutral on most subjects and support the Mod Creators the best I can. I cant say I feel your pain, but I understand the hassle it is to work with the public, and more so, you guys do it for free and get ragged on. I again just like this workaround because I can finally play with all my fav mods again. I will NEVER complain to a mod creator about the functionality within 64 bit, and I try damn hard not to complain at all. I still do, but I was a thread starter for the donations rules, and within months a huge percentage of Mod Creators had donation tabs. This is not trying to pat my own back, its just to relay that I genuinely support both sides the best I can. In the end, I guess its just easier for some creators to put in locks, but then one cant complain if people find ways to hack them. We just want to play with the awesome mods..... end of story Last thing, if it isn't compelling to make people happy with the Mods you create, then what reasons do you create them? I mean that's got to be a major draw for some right. Maybe that's just not enough for you Ferram?
  2. I have gone through this thread, and I am completely satisfied with the decision to back the OP and thank him/her greatly. I'm sorry to see the response, from the few Mod creators regarding your decision to post this incredibly helpful fixer, that allows players such as myself, to circumvent the intentional road block placed with in the Mod packs by the creators. I'm not trying to start or spark or an argument! I am trying to give a perspective, that might allow an open minded Mod Creator, a view point that is not filled with anger or what seems to be a perceived betrayal. For those of us mature enough to understand, what should be common sense, that the Mod Creators are not responsible for the reactions caused by the 64 bit build. Now some will say that is exactly the point. Common sense is not at all common. To be harassed with bug reports that are completely unavoidable due to the 64bit build, will get absolutely frustrating as hell. If I were in those shoes, I would explain it clearly, like most of you have already done, time and time again, then ignore, block, request action taken against those forum users that do not respect the rules or continue abusing the forums regs on bug reporting and PM'ing Mod Creators. Instead of that, some mod creators chose to just blackball the entire 64bit community from using their mods. This is not the answer, nor would it stop the A$$ holes that complain, from complaining. It just stops good members of the community, from having and gaining access to your awesome mods. From the point of view of the OP, he is helping those of us good members, the ability to use these mods again, while using the 64bit workaround. Yet some of you bluntly state, "you will never receive any help or benefit from us again". "How dare you post this, cant you see we didn't want the hassle and now you have lit the path to complaining again". No real quotes as its pointless. Come on guys, do you really think the tools are what is causing the problem, or the people that use the tools? Bad Pun, but those people are the fricken tools... Mod creators should remove the blocks, restate the obvious, then go about blocking and ignoring. I have been playing KSP since .14 or so, maybe earlier I cant remember. As the game progressed, the available space for Mods became smaller and smaller. The buggy 64 bit version, finally released all that great ram space. Then they shut it back down. I have spent most of my time squeezing and cutting every bit of space I could get, only to have my game screwed up so badly it was crashing and failing more than my play time. Then another patch or update and I would have to start all over again. Since finding this AWESOME THREAD, I am finally enjoying KSP the way I like to play. Most of the people that have found this Thread, don't complain, or bug report at all, so thrashing the guy that helped a lot of people get back into enjoying KSP again, doesn't seem like a very fair response, all in all considered. Sorry about the long post, I just wanted to back this guy up and give huge thanks, because I had no idea how to do what he did. Maybe in the middle I could offer a bit of a user friendly perspective to all you great Mod Creators. Thanks for all your hard work, as I have said many times, its thanks to you guys I keep playing. BTW: 5.1gig and not one crash for the last 20 hours of play time. Dren
  3. Was wondering if we had a mode that allows the player to operate multiple ships at once. I have seen a few vids that I am sure the creator is somehow operating and maintaining more than once "active" ship at a time. Sorry if this has been discussed a bunch, the search option turns up either 500 pages of useless info, or none at all. For instance, how are you suppose to use a mod like Laz's SpaceX, with returning main stages that require active operating as well as maintain the Main ships accent? Thx to you if you answer my question Dren
  4. I know you get told thx for all your hard work, but after reading the above post i could feel your frustration. Sorry bud, most of us would be glad to help you if we knew how to program, but I'm gonna say thx even though it doesn't help much Thanks for all your hard work, with out it, some of us wouldn't even be playing.
  5. Just curious, why have you guys not converted your files to .dds? I'm no longer using atm due to this. Correct me if im wrong, but all of the mods I have that are in .dds format atm does not build a folder for. So I am assuming if a mod is in .dds atm wont benefit changing them, or this is how atm works. Don't have a clue though.
  6. Up to $40 bucks for donations... I know this is a bit silly but it would be worth it to a few of us for the cam. If your super busy or just taking a break Rom, just let us savages in here know, then I can stop with the donations deal. I mean I have no problem donating anyway, but I didn't know people would get that serious about it. Thx for all your hard work, at KSP and your modding additions Rom. Dren
  7. So were up to a $30 donation to get the docking cam back up to date and released for current build. $30 donation.
  8. Request: Would like to see a Nutrient converter, or something of that nature. You have all the bases covered for life support "complete", except for a food making/creation unit and since we have a couple choices for greenhouses, maybe just a way to convert some of the Waist exc into Nutrients would be great. I love the system and models so much, it really is the only mod pack I use for my life support needs with TAC.
  9. Lots of bugs still present Cripp. Next time your on throw in a fresh install with only horizon and its components and check a look. Sure will be epic when it gets finished it it does. Dren
  10. Hey thx Cripp, as always, your out their helping us under-educated peoples enjoy our KSP that much more. Thx for all the hard work Cripp Dren edit: Are you guys kidding me. If Cripp gets this launcher working correctly and they some how manage to get the fairings to function as well, any one that has been around here since .18 will tell you, this is one of the top 5 launchers in GAME. DL this (bugs included) and try not to agree, this is one epic launcher.
  11. Has anyone changed the DEMV series to .DDS format yet? Or for that matter, all of the Bobcatind past packs to .DDS yet? Just asking, not pushing. If you all remember, Bobcats answer to releasing packs was always, "Soon" which meant no less than a month and up to 3-6 months. Some say he coined the term "real soon" and changed its definition to be completely random.
  12. Docking cam, would be willing to throw in a $5 donation with another 4-6 people and that would make a quick $25-$30 pay day to take an hour or two to get us our loved docking cam. This is not illegal, nor would we be expecting anything for our mutual donation. It would purely be coincidental that the cam got updated soon after the donations. I remember starting a decent sized thread about donations and within 2-3 months, a bunch of guys had paypal donation tabs up. I feel good about that. Message me if anyone wants to throw the donations out. Win or loose at this point the man deserves a high quality 12 pack. Dren
  13. I have been trying to get MSI into my current build and have tried every fix known or posted. Even when I delete the part database or use a fresh install, ATM writes a texture file on MSI even with: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = MagicSmokeIndustries enabled = false } It still builds a texture folder. Can someone tell me what I am missing? This is how you get ATM to ignore a specific folder, and to my knowledge MSI only uses the one MagicSmokeIndustries folder. So with a fresh install, and only using ATM and MSI, why is ATM still building a texture folder? Thx guys, I know this should be a no brainer and I have tried all of the recommended fixes.
  14. Can I just make it clear to you guys, the team here making this all work, I sincerely hope I don't come off sounding entitled or pretentious. All of you creators do so purely by the sweat and blood. I'm sorry if I come off sounding un-supportive to any of you, its NOT my intention at all. edit: As for the dual boot option, I have considered this. Not to complain, or sympathy troll but in the last few years .... in the brain pan has died off rather to quickly. I would love to run Linux but I promise at this point I would completely screw it up. But with all the great options and the eventuality of ksp going 64 bit after Unity cleans up the act, these problems will be a thing of the past.
  15. For the Tug and the chubby shuttle pack it comes to 409mb's. As much as I appreciate someone telling me to run ATM, I have been playing since .13 and loving every minute of it, until it became a game of musical chairs just to get the mods I NEED, not want but need. 409mb for the two packs is appalling. I sound like I'm being a bit of a jerk, not the way I want people to think of me. Helldiver should know by now, how much I love the great job and his personnel skills. But its time to trim this baby down so everyone can put it back in the "Mandatory" list of mods. If this was cut down by 2/3rds I wouldn't play KSP without it ever again. Pack #2 = 194mb Pack #3 = 214mb Just for a Shuttle and Tug packs = 408mb Kosmos = 294mb KW = 233mb Nova = 172mb FASA = 223mb
  16. Unfortunately for a good lot of us, the ram costs for this great shuttle Mod is to high. Would like to see the DL numbers rise, but that's going to take a switch to .DDS format. I remember when Helldiver started working on the first shuttle Model, he was so concerned about everyone liking them . They were the best "kerbol" visions for a shuttle then, and still are.... very Kerbol Esque. Then you add the tug system.... slam you got a great team. To bad the Ram cost between the two packages totals more than 1/2 of my Mod allowance
  17. Yeah, my vote goes for Docking Cam. Realism ftw with the black and white. Feels very ISS like, or any sci fi movie from the 80's forward.
  18. Only one reason, that most of my friends that play KSP do not use Kosmos anymore... high ram costs. But I still use it, even though it eats into my already exhausted limits. I think you would find those numbers increase significantly with a reduction in cost. Its in the top 1-2 station Mods of all time, and those of us that have used it since the beginning, have been slowly loosing our favorite station Mod. CB, if you and the team don't have the time anymore, then find the right people to continue this Mod. You don't have to give it up! I'm sure we have people that would be more than willing to continue, just because its been so great, for so long. edit: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you guys out MOARdv and NoMrBond, no disrespect meant at all.
  19. Just wanted to bring this back out of the land of the dead, to see if someone was still in contact with Stubbles. This was a beautiful launcher that became a serious loss. I cant be the only one that loved this piece of work.
  20. Fresh install, ATM and Only MSI the damn file keeps getting built. I have tried to get ATM to ignore the MSI files but some how it keeps building the folder. I have no clue but maybe its a version I am using hell I don't know. Thx for all the help, but I don't understand why MSI is the only Mod I am having trouble with in regards to texture issues. Safe flying all Dren
  21. I have tried to to get ATM to just bypass or ignore the MSI mod but can not seem to get it figured out. What is the proper cfg language to have ATM completely ignore a specific mod? Please and thanks, I have tried to fix the black out texture issue with several recommended cfg changes and for some reason I can not get my parts to show up correctly. ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = MagicSmokeIndustries enabled = true OVERRIDES { MagicSmokeIndustries/Textures/icon_button { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 } MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } This is among the many different ways I have tried writing the cfg's, as well as multiple installs, with multiple install order changes. Thx again guys, with out your mods ksp would just not be the same.
  22. I have been working on this for 2 days. I read the posts regarding the ATM settings, as well as starting fresh installs along with adding the MSI components in a multitude of ways. ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = MagicSmokeIndustries enabled = true OVERRIDES { MagicSmokeIndustries/Textures/icon_button { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 } MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } } I started a fresh install, then installed ATM with several edits to the ATM/ATM configs/MSI cfg file and I still get the texture issues with all of the parts within the Robotics tab. All of the other MSI parts are fine, its just the ones that are in the separate Robotics tab, that are displaying the texture black out. Sorry, I really have been trying to solve this on my own.
  23. All I can offer is feedback and help with testing, file checking. I am clueless to any type of Modeling or plugin work. As far as that goes, I'm completely useless with Mod creation. This concept needs a couple people that know what they are doing, to pick this up and get it going. Sure would add an aspect to the game we don't currently have yet. Far as I know, it has not been discussed or worked on since Interstellar was in active development. But I don't think it ever came to fruition, due to the scale of ideas and complexity of the project. It could start out relatively small, with a few tanks, engines and reactors using current resources. Coolant systems would require a certain amount of pressure to maintain circulation. So the system would require fuel powered compressor's(not electric), that used resources to maintain that pressure. If the compressor ran out of fuel, it would stop circulating coolant, then the temps would go critical loosing the entire containment tank, maybe taking the attached part with it. We could have a class of reactor that could not be maintained with heat ex-changer type radiators, but would require the same compressor part/module with the same results as the containment tanks, resulting in reactor meltdown. Same concept with a propulsion, requiring specialized cooling systems. The gas used to maintain the temps could have a shelf life. This would require maintenance even if you kept a watchful eye on compressor fuel levels. Maybe include a lubricant, manufactured by one of the refinery's/fabrication modules from MKS/OKS, that would be consumed over time. Shelf life is a bad term for this, but you get the point. Lots of good ideas that could add some more complexity to the game. I wish I had the skills to develop this idea, but I don't. But you guys do.... sorry if this reads badly, I'm tired and hitting the sack.
  24. Even though this is the way the engines in RL help maintain temps, its still not physics relevant to the way the game maintains cooling. I don't understand why this idea doesn't get a better response from the community as its a great way to add a bit more functionality to our game. Creating tanks that would require Ammonia or Nitrogen to maintain temps, would be another good way to make base maintenance a must. if you had storage tanks that required a compressed coolant, then as soon as they ran out, temps would rise and eventually destroy the tanks. It would also add some complexity to specialized engines or generators. Like the current system with some Nuclear power plants, as soon as they reach meltdown temps, due to inadequate cooling, they shut down. Would be much much better if they exploded. Take it or leave it, its a mandatory issue for the more "sim" side of KSP.
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