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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Mhm, how do you think i can improve that design? I wish to make a spaceship similar to the Nautilus-X with about 15k of dV..
  2. If he like to make a "tribute" i think it would be everything except being offensive...
  3. I have to quote... Nice replica anyway
  4. Reinstalled, sane problem.. - - - Updated - - - Reinstalled, same problem...
  5. I can't understand all the concern about the new SAS. From what Squad said ALL the probe and ALL the pilot will have the basic ability of SAS (stay on a point) that we use today, the difference is that when you use an higher tier probe or more skilled pilot you will have also other ability like point manuever node, prograde, normal, etc.
  6. How to solve?? scansat + texture replace + eve Also when i load a random vessel this happen....:
  7. It's about 3 years that i'm in this community (aprile massacre i'm watching you) and i NEVER seen a sort of flame, incredibible forum
  8. I've created a drop jet to use with Mk3 cargo bay of 0.90/0.91 whatever
  9. I think that Squad should add more engines for 2.5-3.75 + 3.75 space stations parts. After that it would be nice to have 5 meters part
  10. I think that the Mk2 inline will be re-done like the mk-1
  11. AMAZING parts, maybe some of the best in the stock game, one little disappoinment is the Mk-2/Mk-3 Adaptor which seems to has an "hump"....
  12. Benvenuto! -Da un italiano (Welcome! From an italian"
  13. AMAZING mod, but one question, why my 2.5 fusion generator give only 1.3 GW of energy and not the 2.5 GW in the description (playing sandbox)
  14. It stop loading here even with stock textures... http://i.imgur.com/wiEfc1g.png
  15. I'm the only one that fail every time to install it... I need bundler!
  16. If you wait till 0.90 you will have a sort of Spaceplane Plus for Mk3 stock!
  17. 2000 in two years i think..
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