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Everything posted by Daze

  1. Peace http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20894-KSP-in-full-screen-windowed-mode!-quick-n-simple-(windows-only)
  2. Simply create a link to your .exe then open property and in location add " -popupwindow" in the and
  3. Better aerodynamics and a sorta of procedural fairings
  4. Finalmente la sezione in italiano! Ciao, sono Davide, ho 18 anni e vengo dall'Abruzzo, frequento il liceo scientifico e in futuro ho intenzione di studiare ingegneria aeronautica; gioco a KSP da ormai 1 anno e mezzo
  5. Everything. For example now i'm listening to:
  6. Like the title said, when i load a subassemblies it wont show the strut connected, it's normal? Any fix?
  7. I really hope to see a re-do of ALL spaceplane parts inspired by NASA + new parts like cargo bay
  8. The new SLS Parts is amazing, with less than 40 parts you can put 100 ton in orbit with only center stack + 3.75 mt boosters. So happy for my new family of rocket!
  9. OMG, i refreshed the page after about half an hour and BAAM, here's ARM Patch. I truly love you SQUAD, best devs ever EDIT: Also i've noticed that the store page now is a lot more faster. New server?
  10. Finally i can make interplanetary stage without LV-N which seems similar to Constellation program..
  11. Yes that one but i can't remeber the exact moment
  12. Yes i know, but the Harv interview was filmed after the overview of HOC, so it should be just an error of description
  13. Felipe confirmerd exactly the reverse, so maybe is a .cfg compilation fail
  14. 2 scenario: 1) It will disappera 2) It will be more powerful
  15. The only ironic part of his post is the ending ";)", so i was asking, just a question, nothing else... The only one who want to start a fight seems to be you...
  16. Do you believe in moon hoax?
  17. I think that he used the 0.23 version with new parts put in Squad folder under Gamedata
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