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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. Am I understanding correctly that you're basically on collision course with the planet? You need a very flat angle with DRE, depending on your speed. Afaik you will (almost?) always want a periapsis quite a bit above ground. DRE just starts killing stuff as soon as it sees something it doesn't like.
  2. I made the same mistake as jandcando, it never occured to me to use the upper node+extra height instead of the lower connector. Well, that will change how i build these rockets. Thx, i'll try these packs! Actually wanted a soviet pack, but really wasn't sure what to go for.
  3. Works perfectly for multiple engines since fairings can just connect the upper node to the tank, but I've always got some fairing overlap on single engines, since you can't make them sit perfectly. It's a 'kind of ocd thing'.
  4. Wot, i've actually never noticed how many engines can't throttle. I guess a manual way to do it is using an engine cluster and e.g. putting half the rockets on a toggle engine hot key, otherwise you could switch them only on for a short time (e.g. by switching the acceleration between 0 and 5%). Worked well for my last mun landing with a single stage lander, even though the engine was kind of overpowered.
  5. I think most engines can fully throttle? If you want something for a Mars Lander or so, then i'd recommend the Aestus II. Or really for almost anything orbit related, that thing brings 55kn at 340 ISP, which is quite the thing for a non-cryogenic rocket. Not to mention you can use it's fuel at the same time for high efficiency RCS thrusters. The Superdraco, in comparision, brings 77kn at 235 ISP. In that case you'd be better of with the space shuttle styled stock radial engines, although they're quite heavy. Btw: Can someone recommend me a good addon pack for engines? The KWR support is good, but i still feel like there are some holes to fill, e.g around the 300kn to 1.2k cryo and generally from 1.5k to 7k. Also, what is the best way to deal with engine farings? Especially using a small engine below a larger tank is a bit of an issue, even with proc farings.
  6. Did it take 3 hours in real time? In that case you could make a lot more money by just making missions, even with ultra easy 'test stuff on kerbin' contracts. You're correct, there is definitly room for exploitation, but I don't think it's a huge issue. Can't imagine how you'd avoid this without unnecessary arbitrary rules (or just set ressource on launch pad to 0?).
  7. I checked ships with Double/Tricouplers which were prime for overheating, but couldn't manage to kill them.
  8. I think it's discuntinued atm? Definitly not in normal RO.
  9. What kind of craft does even need radiators at this point? Heat is next to completely forgettable atm.
  10. Yeah, that actually seems to work. Couldn't spot issues on the first try, and it was around a third less ram usage. Thx, seems great after 900 mb making the game next to unplayable.
  11. Thanks, I'll try that! I know about Alex Moon's thing, but it apparently is from an old version using placeholders?
  12. Sorry, I was just really annoyed at that point after the work of trying x64 and then everything still failing because of pointless issues. It's not fair from me to say that stuff. I'm appreciating the fantastic work you're doing with all those mods. According to some reports unity 64 is working solid for a bunch of people tho, especially since ram crash are more regular. But i don't think there is much point in discussing much here, that was already to much from my side. @ANWRocketMan: Thanks, i'll try OpenGL then. Can you please remove the changed part of the quote? Was just stuff from the heat of the moment, no point in leaving the incendiary parts here.
  13. Awesome, thanks! I forgot one thing, is there something to show the launch windows for real solar system?
  14. Is there a delta-V map for Real Solar System (using FAR/RO)? I just found out my two stage moon lander is slightly oversized with 6k Delta-V. Or at least some aproximation what kind of D-V requirements are needed for those systems? I'd really apreciate some help, I'm totally at a loss about how much D-V i need in RSS, I know real rockets need just below 10k D/V to low orbit and that's about it.
  15. Wait, you're telling me my RSS two stage 6k D/V moon lander is too big? I mean, the apollo moon landing maneuver wasn't even very efficient.^^' I went for real apollo engines and just checked for a fitting thrust/weight ratio, so I guess moon lander engines and saturn 5 are just ridiculously overpowered for what they're supposed to do?
  16. Curse words will exist for the sole reason when you want to curse something/someone. Issues with curse words are also more of a american thing, in europe they aren't much of a deal, and therefor rarely used for being 'bad'. Funny sideeffects is that, while european forums aren't necessary more civil, they use a lot less cursewords. Generally more of a matter of context here (e.g. in insults, etc).
  17. Thx, but doesn't work for some mods like realchutes. edit: *cleaned up, pointless unnecessary stuff*
  18. But I can say .... (edit: crap?) on the forum, can I? edit: Oh come on american style forum software.
  19. It's not even the children getting offended.^^' Again, I think the whole post ist just a thing about the silly american bad word/offense thing.
  20. Usually the part above the crash is interesting, because it tells you what it did last. Had quite a few out of memory-crashes. Sadly can't test the 64bit variant (some people report it works better than ever before) because a bunch mods are blocking 64.
  21. I've got the unfounded suspicion OP might not be entirely serious about the whole thing. Well played PJ, well played.
  22. True, and i'm not planning to repeat them either.^^ I'd just prefer to reach the state where we can stop throwing around insults.
  23. The problem of FAR is les about the learning curve, at least the old one was very straightforward (didn't check nufar's planes yet), it's how it restricts construction, how aerodynamic damage works, how plane control takes constant attention (which is not to be confused with difficulty). Not sure how much you tried 1.0.3, but it can be even more punishing for rockets than FAR. E.g. the latter gives you a lot more freedom of control during the low mach stages of ascent. Btw, i'm sure it would be appreciated if you stop infantilizing people just because they're not enjoying the game the way you do. That's just unnecessary.
  24. Then i guess the redshirts gotta be redshirts. :<
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