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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. I'd say leave it to mods. KSP is very modable anyway, so leave the side-projects be side-projects. Means we got a problem if Baha ever leaves tho.^^' That's not to say it can't be interesting, the idea of tackling the complexity of real space warfare in the cleverly simplified world of KSP is intriguing, and even simple aerial/ground combat with KSPs vehicle building/physics is already pretty fun against BD's AI. I mean, imagine taking Bahas work into Multiplayer and it'll be a lot of fun. BDArmory actually has an autopilot module and warhead for self-made míssiles.
  2. KSP has very high engine weights, tho, so the difference makes up a higher fraction. Afaik the Soyuz rocket had something like a conventional 1kn engine weighting a single ton, the Space shuttle had ~2.2kn with 3.4 ton with a cryo. That's e.g. why the saturns huge 2nd Stage could be cryogenic. If you try to achieve the same t/w ratio between stock and cryo, then it's often very hard to get a D/V advantage, while costs tend to be somewhat higher nontheless.
  3. I'd say so too (my mod folder is already huge^^'). Otherwise you can just manually remove the parts (cfgs), which I assume you did already with the stock fairings if they bother you.
  4. I absolutely love how volatile TRJs are. To bad they probably get nerfed...
  5. That doesn't mean a hour on kerbin has more happening than an hour on earth, tho.
  6. I wonder. Wouldn't that make single core rockets a lot harder to create? I honestly don't think stock is very well balanced in this regard. Even now stock favors using a bunch of 2.5m rockets to using a single 3.75m rocket, design/efficiency wise, and even more so ecnomically (aerodynamics hardly make a difference). KW Rocketry follows the stock formula, and their 5m engines perform even worse, being less costefficient in 90% of all cases. I did not test the behemoth engines for economics (lol), but i assume the will continue the trend of large rockets being worse and worse if they're balanced to stock. Mind this is not just economically, but also design-wise: Large engines need to have huge thrust margins to be effective. Even heavy single core KWR rockets are often hard to create because of lacking thrust, and that's despite their largest engine creating 11kn of thrust. Beside being a lot more expensive, it's often just not enough thrust without a bunch of boosters, especially with the new ISP calculation. Again, that's ofc a stock thing too. Imo KSP just isn't very well balanced in regards to super-heavy rockets. The 3.75m rockets do not feel to me like a continual, well scaled development, but rather a late-game tech with additional difficulty. Especially with the one being a pure high atmo/space-engine, and the other not supporting staging. Well, I think it might be best to wait for 1.0.3. There was some more engine-rebalancing announced. Btw, on a more general note: Some of the engine costs seem to be borked. I could see why the efficient Ajax costs a bit more than the boss, but it's rather weird how the double Ajax is the cheapest engine of the pack.
  7. Apparently lots of people are buying the game, so the price isn't too expensive. That's really all that is to a games price stability.
  8. Earlier checking the depencies would be the first thing to do, now i've got more knowledge and rather waste almost two hours playing around with files and taking up your time. Yeah, I just better not think about this too hard, thanks again. xD
  9. Alright, i'll ask in the interstellar thread. Again thanks for the help and this fantastic mod! - - - Updated - - - Oooooooh, problem solved itself. I missed the new interstellar version just 2 days ago (relied on the very recent cryoengine-version because of the needed config), and it fixed exactly the issue we're talking about: It doesn't touch the solidfuel, even though it allows to switch around fuel.
  10. I didn't need to copy the firespitter folder, already had the mod installed (still did it to make sure, no changes). Removing the folder doesn't help, penguins still only contain LFO. Another issue with the Interstellar Fuel Switch is that some mods require it, e.g. the cryo engine mod. Till now it's using sepratrons or modifying the decouplerforce. edit: Doubling decouplerforce also doesn't work reliable. Guess even empty tanks need a heavy kick.
  11. Thanks for looking, but i've got the real issue: Interstellar fuel switch. The mod was applied to the penguins and removed the solid fuel. I'm not sure why the decoupling sometimes worked better or worse (i assume it was minimal clipping during seperation), but all these issues are nullified by working sepratrons. They work indeed perfectly. So should I just stop using the fuel switch or is there a way to make an excemption?
  12. Edit: Looks like it's a bit more complicated. Just took them into my vanilla save to see if it works there. Sorry for the wrong alert, seems like i've got a mod conflict.
  13. Just checked the penguins in all of their configurations. Seems like the real issue isn't really tilting, but the yellow tanks not having any decoupling force. The bigger green and blue ones always moved outside, but the yellow ones always just slide down the rocket.
  14. Does someone else have an issue with decoupled tanks? The 3.75 drop tanks tend to tilt inside during decoupling, possibly destroying the inside tank/engine. Basically similar to the old decoupler bug of KSP.
  15. Thanks, this looks very usefull! Simple, but very clean artstyle, usefull parts, generally a very nice addition. Definitly gonna take it into a real solar system game! A small suggestion, if you plant to expand the mod, is there a possibility for you to make stock style fairings for the launchers? I'd imagine they look would fantastic with your style.
  16. Hm, I just tried the basic version and the game seems to be more stable. Didn't compare exact ram numbers tho. Maybe it's only formating the non-DXT textures of mods?
  17. Works! The updated fighter AI is scary, tho. Better take lots of turrets.^^' Btw, you could also go for a supersonic bomber without turrets, but high T/W. Manually avoiding rockets while trying not to rip your plane apart at Mach speed is pretty fun!
  18. Works, guard mode auto switches between anti-missile and anti-craft. Already made some MK3 plane with a bunch of millenium turrets. Totally OP!
  19. Realism isn't the issure here, but the way craft are put together in KSP. Your version would be even less realistic since they would completely ignore how planes are designed (e.g. not as long tubes consisting of single purpose parts). The current way, as well as the engines weight offset, is pretty much an approximation how weight would be distributed in reality.
  20. Yep. The heating system is extremly tame, you need to do something very, very wrong to kill the engines.
  21. Of course, I was asking logically. Grabbers don't support OCD, tho.
  22. How would you connect modules without docking ports?
  23. Doesn't mean moon rovers can't share principles with sport cars. Latter are high performance vehicles, and similarly space equipment tends to be extremly specialized and optimized. E.g. a sports cars center of mass is usualy very low to give them a lot more stability when cornering. Same rule applies for rovers trying to avoid tumbling, especially at low gravity. Construction and stability means a lot when your vehicle is supposed to move at 22m/s at 4xtimewarp.
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