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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. He isn't wrong, the Twin Boar engine is pretty much a cheaper mainsaill with less efficiency and the same weight.
  2. Nice design, built like a true sports car. My last moon rover i used for a 80km voyage consisted of a 2.5m truck with very low wheels, that thing was more surfing than driving.^^'
  3. That would be a 260km orbit, not sure how you'd expect to touch the atmosphere from up there.
  4. Cursed? No. Sometimes the game fails to understand the subtle brillance of my creations, though.
  5. Or to undercompensate on slightly imbalanced ships. Current SAS-system always had a bunch of issues and isn't too reliable.
  6. Honestly, SSTO rockets were always superior, especially when it came to FAR or new stock. It's not hard to achieve 3.5k dv and bringt it down with some chutes.
  7. Brakes work well for me (better than pre1.0), as long as I increase the break torque. Otherwise they are far to weak.
  8. The reason ladders always blow first is their low thermal mass, which causes them to heat up faster. Might also be accelerated since they are external, drag inducing parts. The heat emission - our beloved radiator-capability - of solar panels and wings is because of their large surface area, so i'd go, as others said, rather for thermalMassModifier or a higher max temp as to not touch the heat game mechanics.
  9. Hey, i'm just joking. From what i've heard KSPs sales figures are extremly good. And that was before the 1.0 release and being ridiculously well received by critics.
  10. And here I expected them to abandon KSP and concentrate on mobile games.
  11. The solution is easy: We just put arms on our satellites!
  12. Nice findings! I also found that struts aren't that insignificant in terms weight anymore. Didn't knoiw their weight stays after cutting them, though. Might be interesting to look if they are still adding weight after reloading (which causes stuff like decoupler hinges to disappear). Btw, maybe the initial slowness of the non-strutted rockets is caused by some velocity-change when the strut is cut during liftoff?
  13. Maneuver nodes are a gift of god. Can't even believe I managed an moho-mission without knowing about transfer windows or nodes.
  14. Thanks for the update! Was a chore to build optimised craft without this mod.^^
  15. Right, forgot how the nav comp bugged out. It still was at least an eyeballed, even site. Lets be real, noone in their right mind would land at the places we do in KSP.
  16. They use less fuel than an RCS thruster of the same size would use monoprop. And otherwise you'd just carry unused monoprop around, so it's by design more efficient than RCS. As for four ways, you need 10 (or 12) vernours to get full control. E.g. one (or two) forward/backwards, and each 4 radials high and low on the rocket.
  17. Nah, 3 wheels are different. A car moves forward, not downward. Landing gear limits horizontal movement, that's the whole point of triangle thing.
  18. Which are better served with vernours: Less parts, more fuel efficient than RCS.
  19. Use Vernours when you're going for size 3. More part and fuel efficient than RCS. Not sure what you'd ever do with 3.75m RCS tanks.
  20. I found the big, radially attached wheels of KW Rocketry to be insanely usefull. Can only recommend them if you ever need strong wheels.
  21. Orbiting the moon is certainly a bit more intimidating than it used to be.
  22. Yep, I assume the missing exhaust effects are a bug of the game not recognizing the minimum throttle and treating the SRB as deactivated.
  23. There is of course more to stable legs. OPs solution was good for a lander which is inherently instable, namely a tower with high CoM and closely packed landing gear. Your lander on the other hand has a CoM that's practically on the same level as the landing gear and is very wide. In that case 3 legs might indeed become more of a hindrance. Compared, the real lunar lander did land on a pre-determined, optimal landing site, not the accidental side of a hill like you'd do in KPS, so the counter-wobble of 3 legs wasn't needed and they went for the advantages of having 4 legs.
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