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Everything posted by Warsoul

  1. That because i have this installed ? ModuleManager.TechTree Okay ! Look like my starting node won't appear idk why ! The two first nodes seem bugged idk why. All others are okay. Look like i can't go left on the start node.
  2. With or without it doesn't work. I had to input my .cfg in GameData\ ? Or it can be anywhere in GameData\ ? I just recieve my new 3tb harddrive but it'a an laptop factor ! Doh ! I'm bad !
  3. @Streetwind : Not Working, what i does wrong ?
  4. There is a way to ban some ressources on Kerbin ? Like Warnitium or Slaves or Clones ?
  5. @TechTree:FOR[MaErDa] { RDNode { id = MaErDaT0 title = MaErda R&D Partnership description = While researching alone is never a good idea; MaErDa Corp give you the opportunity to access to their new prototypes in exchange of some of your exploration's research and your money of course ! cost = 50 hideEmpty = False nodeName = node1_maerdat0 anyToUnlock = False icon = MaErDa/CFG/maerdat0 pos = -2625,1199,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = start lineFrom = LEFT lineTo = RIGHT } } }
  6. Thats okay ! But where i find theses lists of Top nodes and slaves nodes ? In short; all my Top node are okay exept my technodes who need to be implanted in a runtime file via MM. Each slaves nodes have to be inserted in a Part { } But what i need; it's the syntax on how to add technode with MM.
  7. I copied on this : https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CommunityTechTree/blob/master/GameData/CommunityTechTree/Tree/CommunityTechTree.cfg This isn't correct ?
  8. @horace : But you can made good screenshot at 4k @Streetwind : I edited my techtree; can you check if ive done it correctly ?
  9. I edit my techtree; can you check if ive done it correctly ?
  10. MaErDa Beta Tester Pack V0.95 I edited the tech tree, i need a checkup if ive done it correctly please :
  11. I misscliked on Ckan in SpaceDock and now my mode is locked on Ckan Enabled. How i can fox that ? I don't know if work at all with CKAN because i didn't setup any .cfg for CKAN. How i can get out until i learn how to do it ?
  12. Okay, thank you ! Do i have conflicts with others mods ? I simply copy my node in a MaErDaTech.cfg in GameData/MaErDa folder ? Can you give me an exemple of a game module patch for each node type please ? Tech Nodes Ores defs Ressources defs Sciences defs Agencies etc
  13. ThZ Liquid Experiment 250 almost ready to go ! Sonic Instrument Experiment 125 Prototype
  14. Sonic Instrument Experiment 125 Prototype
  15. ThZ Liquid Experiment 250 almost ready to go !
  16. Question 5 : How i can export my techtree, ressources, agencies, ores, scienceDefs without overwriting over Squad files ?
  17. You can't call an ModuleColorChanger with an EventName = ? Or something like this ? You can animate but you can't animate _emissiceColor ?
  18. How to add an ModuleColorChanger who change emissive to a science experiment ? I tried to insert them into the ModuleScienceExperiment but seems not working that way.
  19. We must add theses clarification on officials documentations
  20. Question 1 : Where i find documentation on this : biomeMask = 3 ? Answer : It uses the same bit mask pattern as SituationMask but determines where the result will vary by biome as well as situation. SrfLanded = 1 SrfSplashed = 2, FlyingLow = 4, FlyingHigh = 8, InSpaceLow = 16, InSpaceHigh = 32 In the example given situationMask = 63 says the experiment will work everywhere (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63) but biomeMask = 3 restricts biome specific results to just 1 (SrfLanded) + 2 (SrfSplashed) Question 2 : How to add an ModuleColorChanger who change _EmissiveColor after a science experiment ? Question 3 : How to add a second ModuleColorChange on the same part to change _Color ? Question 4 : How we refresh scienceDefs.cfg ingame ? Question 5 : How i can export my techtree, ressources, agencies, ores, scienceDefs without overwriting over Squad files ?
  21. You are right ! But this isn't water. For now we can reach 8,600 km/h ( 2389 m/s) with a 3.2 kg projectile. Enough to send an I-phone in sub-orbit trajectory to being catch by an orbital thug. Simply with a small Railgun like this. Imagine that railgun scaled by 10. The US military Rail Gun program is expected to start sea trials in 2016 the worst nightmare of the Russian military may be deployed in the near future. A railgun is an electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launcher based on similar principles to the homopolar motor. A railgun comprises a pair of parallel conducting rails, along which a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail.[2]Railguns are being researched as a weapon with a projectile that would use neither explosives nor propellant, but rather rely on electromagnetic forces to achieve a very high kinetic energy. While current kinetic energy penetrators such as an armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot can achieve a muzzle velocity on the order of Mach 5, railguns can potentially exceed Mach 10, and thus far exceed conventionally delivered munitions in range and destructive force, with the absence of explosives to store and handle as an additional advantage. Railguns have long existed as experimental technology but the mass, size and cost of the required power supplies have prevented railguns from becoming practical military weapons. However, in recent years, significant efforts have been made towards their development as feasible military technology. For example, in the late 2000s, the U.S. Navy tested a railgun that accelerates a 3.2 kg (7 pound) projectile to hypersonic velocities of approximately 2.4 kilometres per second (8,600 km/h), about Mach 7.[3] They gave the project the Latin motto "Velocitas Eradico", Latin for "I, [who am] speed, eradicate" (in the vernacular usage, "Speed Kills".)
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