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Everything posted by Warsoul

  1. You simply Downscale the 43K Cloudmap to 16k x 16k or you split your 43K into 4 x 16k x 16k, then you layer them into 4 sphere with different size then you animate the Scale and Rotation to give them life. Animating the emissive, color and opacity can add an nice fake volumetric effect. You can Downscale quality by Layer too : 1- Top Layer : 16k x 16k cloudmap / Rotate : 0.01/0.02/0.12 Scaling : Curve Opacity : Curve , etc 2- Detail Layer : 8k x 8k cloudmap 3- Noise Layer : 4k x 4k cloudmap 4- Faded Layer : 2k x 2k cloudmap
  2. Oh ! Okay ! Mine, is mine I will use Array mesh when i got my Gtx 1180. Too much stress for my old video card. Did we can downscale the 43K cloudmap for the sake of performance ? I think 3 or 4 layer with the same 16k map can give pretty much the same result at lowest cost + Parralax effects x3
  3. Wow great ones, Rendered in ..... ? Love your engines FX, what did you use ?
  4. Damn ! I can render 32k heightmaps with WorldMachine but 43k ! It's Huge ! Gtx 1080ti ? Got a threadripper 1950x + 64gb ddr4 3200mhz but i still stuck with my EVGA gtx 660sc 2gb ! These Gtx 1180 won't get out dammit ! And the price for a Gtx 1080ti is ridiculous. I prefer to wait until the GPU market crash to get a Gtx 1180 for cheap or a SLI of Gtx 1080ti. Just finished this tonight. Importing into KsP later
  5. Thank you ShadowMage, Manwith Noname helped me alot yesterday to get my mod PBR ready, it work now ! Thank you ! Look like we can't refresh the gamedata with the PBR.cfg, the metallic value update each time but the smoothness won't update until i restart KSP completly. Can we fix this or ksp can't recompile shaders in runtime ?
  6. Pre-requiste for PBR : Textures Unlimited Normal Textures With and Without Textures Unlimited License: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/krash-inc-megapack/license
  7. I want to use my PBR Texture Set from substances Painter 2 into KSP to look like this : https://sketchfab.com/models/89ff537215474f588c3ffa317e92ff93 If i understand well; 1- Export Unity 5 Metal PBR maps from SP2018 2- Import Unity 5 Metal PBR maps into Unity 2017.4 3- Input Maps into Ksp\Emissive\Bumped+Specular 4- Add Textures Unlimited shaders to \gamedata 5- Add Metalic .cfg 6- Add Roughness .cfg That's it ?
  8. The Fake PBR look great, i'm using Substances Painter and Designer and i need help to mod KSP in PBR like you, if you can made a video tutorial that will be really nice. I'm more visual than digging into codes and github. I tried to bake my Metal and AO into my Albedoe to mimick a PBR shader, there is 3 methods i used to bake the metal roughness into normal ksp shaders. They have the same metal PBR material but i baked them with different value to get differents results.
  9. Okay, look like they are flat color based value ? We can't input our PBR maps from Substances Painter yet ? Can we use multiple material per part or it's all flat grey metal Material for the entire mesh ?
  10. Pre-requiste for PBR : Textures Unlimited Normal Textures With and Without Textures Unlimited X4-250-A + 8 variants Avaible with basics.cfg to be balanced by the fans! Post me your best balanced .cfg files here ! That way i can focus on modeling new parts and keep a well balanced mod to fit your needs. Thank you for your support ! Really appreciated ! Beta Tester Download License: https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/krash-inc-megapack/license
  11. Seems to not working for me, i unziped the folder into the gamedata\ folder but my standar unity shader doesn't work. Any Tuto ? I have ModuleManager.3.0.6.dll and 000_TexturesUnlimited\ in my gamedata\ folder https://sketchfab.com/models/89ff537215474f588c3ffa317e92ff93
  12. Can't find the Official Squad Colors Palette anywhere. Use Color Picker to get the codes, if you get the patience to do it; send me the listing results for each slots : A1,A2,B1,B2,etc. I will include them into the main post.
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