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Everything posted by Spartwo

  1. Remove them from the cfgs in the part folder. I much prefer the ven batteries. Annoying that the mk2 docking port isn't in line though.
  2. The jazz may not be as dead as you think;)
  3. I did? Well at least I won't embarrass myself once these go out. Can I use your side of the footage for a project I'm working on?
  4. The don't look good and they probably don't work well either. Mostly because they were all built in under an hour each. I scattered them. Unfair to have 1700 in one place. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ba7sjpc1xxck4pv/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  5. Gladly, the 4 and 400 can still fit the example fleet I'm bringing. Even if 3 are the biggest class.
  6. Having trouble fitting, what about 4 and 400? Actually, maybe ill use a different fleet.
  7. True, ven's docking bumpers aren't part of the stock game but with the exception of that not much changes. At least with the slight stripped edition I'm using. Yay for sandstorms though!
  8. Ooh, auroras without needing to have a green Laythe. Duna sandstorms too? I'd add Planetshine to that list. And if you're delving beyond environments; Destruction Effects, ven's revamp, and the re-entry improved mod that adds unused stock assets.
  9. Try boarding if you want but anything fair is a bit more complex than instant win, you've got comparative crew count and familiarity with the environment to account for.
  10. Of course I have to continue to stress you can have an unfair match where everyone just lobs interplanetary missiles at each other if you want. Guidelines, not rules.
  11. No thread either, it's a no go on the entire forum.
  12. That's Roleplay and we've been warned to not do that again.
  13. Very much so, I can't play the game without it anymore and the parts fit seamlessly with the porkjet parts which the modmaker even leaves untouched. ...With the exception of the docking ports, you'd have to make the extendable ports into the ven version.
  14. I did that for a couple weeks. -Void -Abyss -Black -Empty expanse -Eating Lunch but forgot a drink -Void -Abyss -Etc
  15. I once dreamt a normal day and kept getting confused about what day it was for the rest of the week. Usually dream nothing, Couple times a year and that's the height of excitement.
  16. F12 and feel free to share progress and screenshots here.
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