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Everything posted by dr_jt

  1. I don't agree with that. Those type of sensors should be able to continuously be used. Maybe a better approach is to not limit them buy make the return science value very small. I agree that substance based experiments should be one shot or at least have to be reset, (i.e. cleaned), before use again. Depending on the experiment you should not be limited to a reduced transmit value. Much data is electronic anyway. If it is a sample I agree with a reduced transmit level and an full one if returned to Kerbin. I work in a lab so maybe I'm biased but few of our experiments require the physical samples to ever be used again but all return basically electronic data which we send around the would without any data loss.
  2. There is a Spy Camera in Spaceport that gives you science. I was playing around with it last night but I'm not sure if it is working correctly with the update. You are supposed to be able to take ten rolls of film but it seems to stop at the first one. It doesn't show you any pictures and works much like the other experiments. I plan to play around with it again tonight. I would like camera that can save pictures and can be mounted on a rover, probe or tripod. I guess we kind of have it already by just taking screen shots so maybe it's a dumb idea.
  3. Great idea! I post this so that I can be part of this historic forum meltdown. Wait, I may have already posted near the beginning. Maybe not so I'll post this just to make sure.
  4. Could be. I'm refreshing every 3.4287 minutes but there may be someone out there refreshing every 3 minutes. Nan, I lied. I'm only checking for release every couple of hours. I can't play it at work so it doesn't matter if I get it anytime soon anyway. If I have to wait until tomorrow then so be it.
  5. Recovery for use again could be a pretty complex thing to include. Do you do it to the point that the player has to go and recover the part? Do you do it so that a part can be damaged but still usable? How would you handle pricing the part? Does a recovered part cost more, less or the same? The first thought is less but should recovery and refurbishing costs be included in the cost? Does the reusable part get added to the part editor? An entry for each part because they may all be priced differently. Do we want the part editor to have page after page of the same SRB because it was recoverable? How do you cost sub-assemblies? By the parts or by the whole assembly? Do you include labor costs? Do you tag all parts as reusable or only certain ones? Do you allow recovering junk left in orbit or on other bodies? If so do you include the cost of the mission as part of the recovery cost? Would it be worth spending 20 million to recover 20 thousand worth of parts? These are just a few of the things I can think of as I write this and I think it only scratches the surface of doing a complete re-usability interface. It could also be handled very simply by just tagging some parts, say SRBs, as reusable and if they crash to Kerbin you get a certain amount of credits added to your account. Done that way it doesn't involve many code changes to the current debris deletion code. Maybe a display similar to the science gained for a mission could be used to tell which parts got recovered and how much they were worth. Have some randomness with parts not being recovered and gaining less credits for badly damaged parts needing a lot of repair. Maybe even a cost based on difficulty in recovery. An SRB a few kilometers from KSC would be a lot cheaper to recover than one in the ocean or on another part of Kerbin. Recovery and re-usability is very much like resources gathering and thinking about it I can see the difficulty and effort that would be required for resource gathering or re-usability. It just might be to big and complex of a thing to be worth including. Both would be nice but both may have a low return on investment for the the dev team.
  6. Maybe it's a easier dev task and will be a bone to throw to the "You don't listen to us" crowd. Beside it is mostly done with KMP so Squad only has to buy it off of the developer or hire them as a contract position for that one task. I really can see no use for multiplayer because of the type of game KSP is. I'm not even sure how it would work with launches. Would everyone be using the same launch pad? Would you have to wait in line to launch? I guess you could play build a station together or build a base but is that really that much fun to do? For most of the flight it would be like playing as single player until you meet up. I'm unclear on using warp. A warp at the wrong time could make someone miss a course correction or some other action required for a good flight. Personally I could care less about either of these options and I'm sure there are many with the same opinion. I guess if Squad really wanted to have poll results they should do the poll themselves as it is more likely that people will answer an official Squad poll rather than a fan poll. If them do run a poll it should have at least one other option which is "don't care about either". I don't care what the explanations are for this poll being valid. I have worked on polls and surveys at a professional level and an either or poll is not valid. Even a "I'd rather not say" would be valid or in the unlikely case where you do have a poll with only two options the person taking the poll would be recording the number of people the declined to take the poll. I'd like to see science be a part of the sandbox mode which would at least give an addition goal of collecting points with stations, bases and rovers. It would really have no meaning but would at least provide a goal. Maybe even being able to take EVA or rover pictures would be a decent goal. That would allow cameras on booms etc. These types of options would give us a more Earth space exploration feel to the game.
  7. Correcting someone's racism. I like that. May I use it? I'm not making fun or anything because I know what you mean but, I just like the way you said it. It made me smile and I have just the person at work I can use it on.
  8. How so? There are almost 6000 active members. Only about 250 bothered to answer the poll which is a tiny minority of the whole. Of those 250 the majority want resources. I stand by my statement. Besides the poll is invalid with only two questions.
  9. Not in this case. It's like asking the question: "When you die do you what it to be by: A. Gun shot in the face? B. Dogs eating you to death?" The only conclusions you gain from that are that the majority of people answering want to die in one of those ways. It in no way reflects how the larger population of people want to die. This poll is the same type of poll.
  10. I think there are a lot more younglings here than you may realize. Just look at the some of the Kerbalcon threads and you see lots of people talking about school and exams. Look at the put a face thread and it's mostly kids. At 58 years of age I think I'm in the minority here with a lot being young enough to be my grand kids.
  11. No it does not. There are 98,154 members and 5,825 active members on the forum but only 250 or so votes on this poll. There are only two options and for all you know a majority of people didn't vote because there wasn't an option for them. Resources are wanted by a tiny minority of people that bothered to answer the poll.
  12. I've played computer games since before many of you were born. I have never seen a development group pay as much attention to its user base as Squad does with KSP. I've beta tested for major game companies and had less interaction with them than I get with KSP developers. Heck, we got Kerbalcon and I don't ever recall seeing something similar with any other game company. I have another paid space game called Artemis Bridge Simulator which is in constant development like KSP. Check out their community. It pretty much nothing with very little involvement by the development team. Heck they came other with a new version that broke the ability to use an iPad and are still working on it months later. People, like me can no longer use iPads for stations which pretty much limits me to the older version with far less features. I also had to by the game again because of the version change from 1 to 2 so I'm out 40 bucks because I can't play the new game. You folks are whining about resources and multi-player but can at least play the newest versions. I paid 23 bucks for KSP and it was well worth it. I've gotten far more entertainment for the money than pretty much any other money spent on entertainment. Take a look at Orbiter simulator which has been around a lot longer than KSP. It doesn't have nearly the capabilities nor the number of mod developers. The community isn't nearly as active and the developers limit their access to that community which isn't even run by the developers. I use to play a lot of Orbiter and created quite a few mods for it but it wasn't nearly as fun as KSP. There are things I don't like in KSP and things I think are a waste of the developer's time doing but all in all KSP is a really fun game for the money. Besides, my life does not revolve around a game and if Squad shut its doors today I could care less. I have far more important things to worry about in life and games and game features don't even make the list. Just think of it this way. Squad could have been like 99.9% of all the other game companies out there and not given early access to the game. They could have just done their job and released it with the features they wanted and you would never had the opportunity to whine about your pet feature not being there or the developers not paying personal attention to you.
  13. I married a model. Oh, you mean in KSP. Well the first time I tried a transfer to Duna I missed and shot off into space and ended up being captured by Jool. I managed a nice orbit but I wasn't able to get back to Kerbin because I didn't know how at the time. The poor Kerbal thought he was going to Duna and ended up orbiting Jool for the rest of his life. When he knew he was lost and would die he decided to EVA so that he could die looking at the vastness of space.
  14. Yeah there seems to be something off with Duna landings and changing the inclination. Every time I tried to change inclination or MJ tried during a landing it would crash the ship. Just trying to land it, twice it flipped on its side or pointed towards the ground. Simply put I could not use MJ to land on Duna or to change inclination. The transfer to Duna from Kerbin also seemed a bit off with the intercept being very high and in front of Duna forcing me to abandon the attempt quite a few times. In the past I've used MJ to go to Duna and didn't have any issues but it took me a dozen times yesterday. After manually landing I tried the accent autopilot and it went up about 15k pointed to the surface and crashed into it at high speed. The other issue with the landing auto pilot is that it would plot the landing and then reduce orbit to the point that it would crash the ship well before it got to the landing target. I'm not talking missing by a few k of distance. I'm talking other side of the planet surface intercepts. I'm using dev Build #128 (Dec 12, 2013 5:31:21 PM) Right now I'm going to test a landing on the Mun and Minmus. If I have problems I'll post otherwise I will not. Update It may be me but I think there is something off with the inclination change auto pilot. Every time I try it it drives the Pe into the ground. I was trying to do an inclination change while in Kerbin orbit and 4 out of four attempts would have ended in de-orbiting the ship. One other thing. With a long ship and a low TWR I was not able to get into orbit using MJ. It would get to about 17km and then flatten out for a bit before heading for the ground. I could orbit the ship manually so I know it's not a ship problem. I have no trouble with ships that have a high TWR.
  15. The others were not written by Clark and I didn't like them. Well to be honest I only read the second one and gave up on the third not liking where the story was going.
  16. What really bugs me about that one is when the ship tilts everyone slides around. My son claims that I looking at it wrong and that the ships were not in orbit but much lower where the planet's gravity was being used. I don't buy it. The other one was the landing of half a ship. Really silly.
  17. I didn't know that. Well it looks like I have another reason to put on my, "Why I don't like Steam" list.
  18. Did you check the communication parts? The configs for those have some values near the bottom that set transmit values.
  19. I'm seeing some of the same issues with the server or the KSP plug-in. The windows key no longer works and the ESC key is also hit or miss. In windows if you expand the panel to find the port number there is no way to close out the notification box and it seems to not allow the closing of any other panels that are popped up. From the iPad app I have found the following: 1. I can't get the joysticks for the pitch, yaw, roll or translation working. The JS for the camera works fine. 2. The displayed date value don't always work. 3. Some of the buttons are intermittent. The ship cycle works only some times. One function I find really irritating is the finger swipe to bring up the "Games" selection panel. Any swipe across the screen for a joystick or the Roll function will bring up the "Games" panel which ends up covering most of the display. It caused me to miss a couple of critically timed actions like killing thrust and changing the time warp. All in all it is a decent start but needs work. The spelling should also be checked throughout the app. I also wasn't able to get it out of the panel edit mode.
  20. Is there a place to report findings/problems other than here? There are a few things I'd like to convey about the app.
  21. I'm a developer by profession and I've been told one of my 2013 goals is to document all my programs and code. What a horror to have to backward engineer my stuff so that I can document it. The other problem is trying not to rewrite code when I see something and think, "what the hell was I thinking when I wrote that?" A couple of weeks ago I came across a section of code that did nothing. It was a complex routine to calculate a value. Right after I did all the calculation I went and grabbed a value from a database table and overwrote the value I just calculated. Why did I write all the code just to over write the value? I'll never know because like you say.
  22. Because when they do pilot them manually they crash. See MIR supply ship accident. As a former pilot I see nothing wrong with autopilots. Besides I like realistic and nobody ever flies rockets or spaceships manually. When I first learned the game I did everything manually. When I started to build stations and bases the boring repetition started to get to me so I loaded up Mechjeb and never regretted it. I don't use it for everything and I still on occasion do it manually but I do like MJ for lots of stuff. I just got to the point in the tech tree where MJ shows up and I'm glad because doing everything manually was getting tedious. Not to mention not having info I had gotten use to having. I haven't docked in a while but I would recommend only using MJ for rough alignment and doing the final docking approach manually. Navyfish has a great docking instrument which helps out a lot or you can just use the navball.
  23. The cats sleep om my wife's laptop. She hates it because they have messed up some of her client files and one time it shutdown from over heating. Way back in the old days of vacuum tube TVs many a TV was ruined because of cats sleeping on cooling vents and making the TV overheat. I started out as a TV repairman, yes I'm that old, and I use to have to tell people to keep the cats off of the top vents of the TVs because it was bad for the TV tubes.
  24. Maybe it was that. I was getting some random crashes that I traced to the cardboard and duct tape mod. I didn't have any of those parts in my career save but I did in one of my sandbox saves. On restart not only was my career save gone but also the sandbox saves. I've since removed that mod but only time will tell if it was truly causing the crashes. I still think it was the cat standing on the keyboard.
  25. He may have been standing on it. He has done it before. Sometimes I think he likes to make it beep.
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