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Everything posted by Akalaël

  1. Of course you can ! Actually, it is on Minmus, but this kind of ships lands on the Mün for sure ! Begin your break burn early, the thrust is poor in fact !
  2. I just did like you say : I donwloaded the KAS mod and redisigned my rovers. The huge thing is made to refiuel a kind of monster of my colonisation ship, on is way to jool : The ironic of the situation is that the deposit of Kethane that I was minig did not contain enought to fill entirely the refiueling ship. Unbalanced, I crashed several times before I can get this monster in Mün's Orbit
  3. When I discovered that I could change the .cfg files, one of my first action was to create some tanks empty... So I could launch that thing in one piece (still weigh 86 tons) in a 500km orbit. The solar panels are the stock one, resized. At full load it weigh near 400 tons. It is named "The Flea".
  4. Last week, I spent about 24 hours to desing, buid, launch and play a kind of huge Kethane mining complex... I was so proud of myself that I posted pics in the "Post your rover MEGATREAD" http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24599-Post-your-Rover-MEGATHREAD/page10 And there goes the problems : when I tried to refiuel the giant ship I made for the oportunity : EPIC FAIL !!!
  5. So I do : I can't have one mission like this without quicksaving. Sometimes the save is not use, but, well, most of the times, it is usefull !
  6. WTH of an airplane ! When I think I NEVER achieved a 100 meter-long fly, this SSTO makes me nervous. Congrats'
  7. I had an other look at your vid. I think part of the problem comes from the Structure you put on the radius orange tanks. The linkage here is maybe weak. I just tried this : 500 m/s at 10km, more than 10g near 20km... nothing moved
  8. Strange indeed... What does say the report mission ? It seems you have a structural failure , but with all the connecting structure you added I don't understand. I use this Template for my launchers, and it is enought to prevent this kind of problems :
  9. Antenna's cosmetic operation : They are just stock parts resized. Cute is'nt it ?
  10. A good desing rocket for lifting any playload with the more efficiency involves a desing that is named Asparagus. In sutch a desing, your rocket is surrounded by multiple tanks+engines, and, as the rockets takes altitude, it separates of those. Basicaly you have to put fiuel lines from the tanks that will drop off first to the ones that will stay. Here's my heavy lifter : the center rocket heigh 155 tons : See those tankers at the radius ? They provides fiuel for all the rocket. When I jettison those, the rest of my tanks are FULL. And in case of : http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stock-enormus-refiuling-and-deep-space-ship/
  11. Scott's Mün base : And I agree with lateral docking : it's a headache ! EPIC FAIL:
  12. You're right and I use it exactly this way : to launch this rocket for the 100th time, to land in my Mün base (how many diastrous landing at first times, but how many sucesfull after ?) This is a tool, why not use it ? But keep in mind, when you see it's -almost- perfect trajectories, that you can do the same (human... humf, kerbal errors in bonus stage) A word again : I think I'm really more efficient at docking in the final stage, I use less monopropellant !
  13. You're definitively not bad. Docking is perhaps the more difficult part to do in this game. For myself, I discovered MechJeb on the last, I learned to pilot and to dock by myself (serious willing of murder in certain cases untill I get the tricks). Do not trust MechJeb is better than you, this maybe true in certain cases, but you can -at least- be as effective as this... computer ! And do not play all the time with it, it withdraws a lot of the fun !
  14. I hope this answer your question ! And I hope the Great Scott will allow the link !
  15. I did not knew that. I'm gona try to see that !
  16. Introducing my MMRC (Mobile Mining and Refueling Complex). Basically it's made of 3 modules built on the same plan. 107 tons once assembled. The Tank (launched empty) with Jerfel on controls, just after landing, the skycrane is still attached. The Mining Truck, piloted by Dilsey, with 12 drills, a small tank of Kethane and the heavy converter. The Generator, Mungan in the command pod, with 16 nuclear generators (actually, they are just stock part resized by me, weigh 8 times (0.64 tons) than the stock one, but are 8 times more efficient (6 units of electricity per second)). The minig staff, obviously happy to be here in one piece Thanks for all the Kerbals that have died for such an experience (mainly during the skycranes's tests on Kerbal, this was horrible), your disappearance will not be forget, and, thanks to you, a huge step have been made in the colonisation of the Mün !
  17. I made this ship last night, never gone anywhere with it yet http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/deep-space-ship/ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tnaker-for-deep-space-ship/ The first link leads to the Core of the space ship, very hard to put into orbit, the second link leeds to the tankers of the space ship. Once assembled in orbit, I got a 250 tons vessel... I'm not pretty sure of the delta-V I can get from it, MechJeb is confiused by the docking ports.
  18. And there we go : 155 tons in orbit, pretty unstable some times at launch http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stock-enormus-refiuling-and-deep-space-ship/
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