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    Everlasting know-it-all

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  1. not very everlasting now HUH?

  2. You only have 4GB. WITH mods you run out of memory. WITHOUT mods you do not. Install more RAM or loose mods. No, it doesn't really help you that you're useing the 64 bit version. You can not use RAM that isn't there.
  3. What's wrong with a simple forum search before a suggestion?
  4. The game should generate default versions of settings.cfg and physics.cfg when they're not present. Make a back-up of both and delete them. If the game generates default files you're golden. If not restore the back-up and all you've lost is a bit of time. The game is pretty fool proof and very forgiving when it comes to those things. Just think before you act and make back-ups. Experimenting (and learning in the process) is really not that hard. All you need to do is actually to DO it.
  5. Here's a nice one. Nonintrusive, non-offensive and a classic that EVERY sci-fi fan will instantly recognize. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JpIjv6XSLM (various download formats are in the description.)
  6. Apart from the physical limitations of your hard-drive there is absolutely nothing preventing you from making a second, third, fourth, or even a hundredth and fourth install! Just make a second, clean install next to your current game and see what happens.
  7. Yes. But no! This will work in solar orbit. But not when you want to target the sun while orbiting any other body.
  8. Nothing will happen! First of all Kerbals and photosynthesis is NOT canon. And secondly; even if it was, sunscreen blocks UV light. UV is NOT involved in photosynthesis.
  9. Well. No offence intended but to be honest it is most definitely a piloting problem since going to Mun and Minmus is extremely easy. Once you know how of course. I could go into all the details but since others have already done that on both YouTube and the forum hundreds of time I won't bother. Best advice is to search for and read/watch those tutorials. Scott Manleys YouTube tutorials are one of the better ones out there. They might be slightly outdated but the theory behind them hasn't changed. You might want to start there. (In part 12-13 he goes to Mun. In part 14-15 Minmus.)
  10. @ARS Pretty much summed it up. Adding is usually safe. Removing can cause issues. Apart from that there is a simple 'protocol' when adding mods: Make back-up. Install mod. Test. A. If nothing breaks it obviously works. B. Is something does break remove mod and restore back-up Enjoy.
  11. For the last few versions QA has been a laugh. Every one of the last few updates had several 'in your face' bugs that even a twelve year old with half a brain would have seen. If they actually did some basic game play that is of course.
  12. 1 and 3 were already present in 1.4.2. Sad to see them unresolved.
  13. There are shuttles. And then there are shuttles. The 'classic' STS style shuttle is notoriously difficult as others have correctly mentioned. Asymmetric weight, thrust lift and drag. Asymmetrically shifting weight and thrust. The list of issues is pretty long. But that doesn't mean you can't make it easier (and more interesting) by thinking outside the box. There are at least six different shuttle styles I can think off at this moment: The 'Classic' STS. Difficult but reliable. A Buran style STS would be easier as it also has engines under the external tank. The 'Sandwich'. Basically the classis STS but with two external tanks. One dorsal and one ventral, sandwiching the shuttle. The 'Reverse Sandwich'. Two shuttles on opposite sides of a shared fuel tank. 'Dynasoar/Hermes/Klipper/Dreamchaser'. A small shuttle mounted on top of a regular rocket. However too much wing/drag near the top can and probably will cause problems. And now for my two personal favourites: The 'SSLS: Stable Shuttle Launch System'. Instead of mounting the external tank on the shuttles ventral side it is mounted on the nose. CoM and CoT stay inline with each other. Heavy parts at the top, draggy parts near the bottom. This link will explain exactly how it all works. The 'Hollow Rocket'. The carrier rocket is recessed to accommodate the shuttle bringing the CoM closer in line with the CoT. Think out side the box. Break conventions. Experiment. And do NOT be afraid to fail because I guarantee you, sooner or later you will!
  14. Yes I am sure. How you might ask, simple. I DO have EVE installed and DO NOT have scatterer. Still I have eclipse shadows. You do the maths.
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