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Everything posted by Tex_NL

  1. You can loose the circular intakes. The add no significant difference in intake air since they function very poor at high altitude. One thing the do pretty nicely at altitude is add drag. Also you could drop 2 or possibly 4 turbojets. If it can take off with just one or two it can fly with just one or two. Odd number of jets often work best as long as you add the center engine after the left and right. Last added engine(s) flame out first, flaming out on your center engine doesn't hurt. Flaming out left or right is often fatal. You're right about carrying a lot of excess jet fuel. Fuel you don't burn is dead weight slowing you down. And last but not least personally I'd move the CoL and CoM closer together. Burning jet fuel will lighten your tail, moving the CoM forward making your plane very nose heavy.
  2. Has been suggested several times. It's on the "Already Suggested list"
  3. First of all; to build a proper plane do it in the SPH, NOT in the VAB. Building planes in the SPH is a lot easier among others thanks to mirror symmetry. Infiniglide is not 'build-in' nor is it a hack. It is a bug. KSP control surfaces don't function on the basis of aerodynamics as they do in real life. To steer they create an invisible thrust vector similarly to RCS. Adding an excessive number of control surfaces results in enough thrust to push your plane forward and even take off. To my knowledge FAR does not change the way control surfaces function.
  4. To make my post a bit clearer, I too see no real benefit in a build-in video capture. The feature I'd like to see is as several others have mentioned a physics capture tool allowing the user to replay a part of or possible the entire mission. The 'older' users probably remember the good old classic '95 space shooter TieFighter. That game too had a mission replay feature that allowed you to rotate and zoom at will. 20 year old PC's ago are no match for modern machines. If a game was able to do this in the mid 90's with no ill effect I am darn sure a modern game can do this too. The length of the recording could possibly be controlled be a slider. If a user thinks it strains his/her system too much they should be able to turn it down (or off). Those with a stronger PC could turn it up to several minutes or even longer.
  5. Agreed Kinda sounds like the "Instant Replay" suggestion, kinda. I would definitely NOT want this added. I port my HDMI to another PC to do all my recording. This way, the only thing running on the gaming machine is the game. Disagreed A feature like this would be incredibly useful. Not only just for reviewing your flight searching for what went wrong and why your rocket collapsed but also for recording video's. You could fly your mission from an easier viewpoint and record the video for a more cinematic angle later. I would definitely DO want this added!
  6. To my knowledge the reason why planets aren't tilted is quite simple: Unity does not support tilted planets.
  7. I went all the way north in 0.19. Took me a total of 12 hours and 44 minutes in multiple stages.
  8. It's been suggested only a few dozen times yet. I am surprised that someone who's been around for a year did not know that. Still, it would make things more interesting and realistic.
  9. After 9 hours my craft has splashed down. I have no idea how long it has been in the water exactly as I was asleep when it happened. Since I was only going at 3.3m/s nothing was destroyed when it hit the water. There is nothing in the flight log. For a similar reason I can't say how far it exactly glided. After slash-down it retained some velocity and is continuing on it's course at a leisurely 0.2m/s. It traveled a total distance of 94km.
  10. Switch to chase mode. (Use [V] to cycle through all available viewing modes.) Once in chase mode up will always stay up and down will stay down no matter how you turn or roll.
  11. 2 hours: Covered just over 23 km at a steady 3.3m/s and are still 118m above the water. Projected gliding time has dropped a bit to about 9 hour 40 minutes. Shall I let it run overnight while I get some ZZZ's or are there STILL people out there that believe in the validity of glider challenges?
  12. MechJeb auto-dock has been flawed from day one. It CAN dock but it's incredibly inefficient, it wastes RCS by the bucket load. If you want an autodocker I've read good reviews on ORDA.
  13. Next to reaching a stable orbit rendezvous and docking is one of the major milestones one can reach in the entire game. Either you get it or you don't. Until the pieces fall into place it all seems like some weird kind of magic, after that it's child-play. The only advice I can give you is practice practice practice. No matter what others might say it is not a shame to use mods to make your life a bit easier. That nasty wobble you encounter when docking (for me it's often oscillating left and right roll) is probably RCS related. The thrust is too high to counter the roll resulting in an opposite roll. Best rendezvous is on the day side of a planet/moon. Docking is much easier when you can actually see what you're doing.
  14. There is a small trick that might solve your problem until a feature like this is implemented (if it ever will be): Instead of adding a strut from your station part to your booster add the strut from the booster to the core. After ejecting the booster a strut part will remain but after you return from the space center it is gone. To a certain degree the same is true for radial decouplers.
  15. That's what I thought. I have a new contraption 'flying'. I dropped 3 meters in just under 13 minutes and still have 145 meters to drop. This would theoretically give me a total 'hang-time' of over 10,5 hours as I am heading towards the ocean. No mountains to crash into Edit: 1 hour into the glide and I dropped from 148 to 133 meters. Right on scedule for an epic 10,5 hour glide.
  16. Gonna be pretty difficult to touch down without any form of control. Those could possibly rule out my contraption. Don't know it will reach 20km yet but it will definitely not come down. With physics warp active at x4 it's over 7 km high in just over 3 hours and has covered over 85km ground distance. (Too bad decouplers won't work without power. If they did I could design an infiglider that could shed a few surfaces to come down and crash.) P.S. Now that I think of it, my 0.20 Ghost of Tony infiniglider came down very slowly but was kept alive by a single RTG. My current infiniglider is of similar design but has double the wings and no RTG. With some tweaking I could build something in between that drops only a few meters per hour and still follow all the rules.
  17. If you only look at velocity, mass and Kerbals it isn't a glider challenge any more, now is it?
  18. @hawkwing The reason glider challenges are shot down with infiniglide is because it's because in 9 out of 10 times it's a new user who thinks he's just invented the wheel. @SpaceK531 Though I applaud your attempt to exclude infinigliders it doesn't. I currently have a 100% stock craft hovering over KSC. Unmanned and totally unpowered. No batteries, no solar panels, just infiniglide. And it is actually gaining altitude. 30 minutes in I am already over 2km. I stand by my point all glider challenges are flawed by default.
  19. The only thing that OP video proofs is perpetual stupidity. "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein
  20. I stand corrected. You are absolutely right. Apparently I didn't bother to look any deeper inside the .zip The way HeadHunter explains it is the correct way. Apologies if I made things less clear.
  21. The latest version of Crewmanifest v0.5.5.0 doesn't come with a Gamedata folder. The only folder you'll get inside the .zip is 'CrewManifest_v0_5_5_0'. Drop that folder inside your KSP Gamedata folder and you should be golden.
  22. Not the most efficient or fastest method but by far the easiest: First of all you want to leave Kerbin's SoI and get into a Kerbol orbit. Once in orbit around Kerbol select your target destination and if necessary adjust your inclination. Create a maneuver node and raise AP/ lower PE so it matches with your target orbit. Move the maneuver node around your orbital path until you get an encounter, time warp if you need to. Execute your maneuver node and enjoy the ride. As I said; this is NOT the most efficient method (you won't get any benefits from the Oberth effect) and it usually takes some time warping. But it IS easier and you won't risk missing your launch window.
  23. I haven't read every word posted here but I totally agree something needs to be done about the constantly repeating suggestions. One solution I personally suggested a few months ago should be relatively easy to implement: Don't sit back and rely on new people to search the forum to check if their idea is as new as they think. (Personally I didn't even know there was such a thing as the "What not to suggest" until at least a month after registering.) FORCE people to read the "What not to suggest" and "Known bugs" It just requires a custom plugin for the forum. A vBulletin forum is capable of so much more than is currently used.
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