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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. i landed at the given coordinates and i see no light during daytime or nighttime, therefore i must say its a rendering glitch on the OPs end.
  2. if you had read the post, you would know that this isnt intended to be a bug report or anything, just showing something weird that happened.
  3. i managed to lose my universe more then danny2462, atleast he still has stars. this is what the log shows: this isnt ment to be a bug report as this is a modded install, i just wanted to show this because i thought it was interesting how my universe vanished
  4. oh dear...maybe you can ask the principle or someone if you can share a locker with someone else?
  5. first the world learns aliens exist, the next day the world erupts into chaos and everyone kills each other.
  6. ... *facedesk* this is why i always lose faith in humanity, people like that, always being selfish and acting like their superior to everyone else, if we ever make it to the colonizing other planets and spreading across the galaxy phase in our civilization without anilihlating ourselves beforehand i will be surprised, until we can get people to be fair and respect everyone we wont get far. he is one of those people, the best you can do is dont talk to him and act like hes not even there or even exists.
  7. build a ship covered in radial decouplers and/or make the ship completely disasemble itself via decouplers in orbit, after a few launches youll have plenty of debris.
  8. that would require your target to have a magnetic field, which usually only planets have, since it is generated by a mantle and a solid core, which asteroids and comets dont have, and you wouldnt need a magnet on a planet since you have gravity.
  9. judging by the resource panel, id guess some sort of engine from the interstellar mod on topic: when you tap the throttle and go from the muns surface to a 500 km apoapsis.
  10. someone would figure out a way... someone... someone would probably use a kraken drive and/or spend half their life shipping fuel to said planet to deorbit it, because boredom
  11. i had this happen to kerbin on my old computer when ksp was aproaching a crash or low on ram, the sun was shinning through kerbin and the light was off slightly, i will probably land at the coords given at minmus and see if i see it on my new computer, once i get a remotetech network to reach there...
  12. in ksp physics: t=0 rotation set to lightspeed three things can happen here, the first: your ship, landed at kerbin, is now moving at lightspeed with the rotation which launches it out of the solar system, byebye! the second: your ship, landed at kerbin, isnt effect by the rotation change and gets whacked by a mountain or hill travelling at lightspeed. the third: KSP: Nope. *cue game crash* planets ripping apart isnt coded in ksp, simulating an entire planet being ripped apart would probably murder a supercomputer, so all it does other then the above is make it rotate a bajillion times a nanosecond.
  13. okay, my civics teacher was just talking about it now so i was wondering if we'd recieved any pictures of it yet so i could show it to the class, but alas, maybe friday.
  14. so its barely attached and we're hoping it stays there. do we have any pictures yet?
  15. ...your Karbonite rocket has enough fuel to reach the mun, land, and return in one stage.
  16. is there a mod that adds stuff like more solar panels, station parts, and probe parts? i have an OKS station but i think itd look better with larger and different looking solar panels. i want to launch probes that look like they were designed by NASA. and lastly, i want to land a lander that looks like an apollo lander of sorts. do any mods add all of this? thanks ahead.
  17. you land the docking stage back on kerbin with only the engine and RCS (provided i used the atmosphere to slow me down then suicide burned the rest of the way) even after staging an entire stage full of fuel. list your overbuilt rockets here!
  18. youd have to contact SQUAD about that and even then idk.
  19. the devs cant do anything about it, its just a matter of the limits of computers, a hundred years from now a computer might run KSP like notepad, youll just have to deal with it. :/
  20. yknow what, physics is hard to simulate, and some stuff takes supercomputers to simulate, and your complaining that you cant play a game with near real life physics for more then ten minutes ON A LAPTOP!? uninstall some mods, or get a better computer. or just stop complaining.
  21. you could come in retro to laythe going east to laythe and orbit through some SERIOUS aerobraking, then youd be orbiting the right way on laythe, unless you have DR installed...
  22. the game will not be complete until it is beautiful as universally possible, i mean, to the point where if you look up the word "beautiful" in the dictionary, there is a picture of KSP sitting there, then, the game may be complete.
  23. stopwatch? hmmm... nerves? signals sent to the brain? the brain?
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